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"When I go out, I hope I go just as beutifully"
Mar 11, 2023
I poured it all out onto my bed to give an example of how much Advil i have. It was half empty once I got to it so idk if taking all this would be the right amount to OD on. If it's not enough advil I have some benadryl in my cabinet I could take with it.
I am planning on consuming all that's left in the bottle to highten the chances of death.
I sort of have a plan in mind for when and where, I just rlly need to know if this is enough.

I was going to choose hanging but if this is an option I'll most likely take it. I'm still unsure rn because I would prefer to get my hands on SN but thats not an option atm.

My plan for OD: id like to consume it during school so I wouldn't have to die alone but then I'd be more likely to be "helped" so ill probably take it when i get home from school or in the middle of the night, since no one will find me for hours. I'm going to be chasing it down with alcohol, or just plain water. (Alcohol to dull the side effects, if possible.) and once (if) I get drunk I'll simply go to sleep.
If I vomit then I'll be fucked bc I don't have a backup plan, nor do i have any meds to avoid vomiting.
I want to avoid as much pain and discomfort as possible, but if i can't avoid it then I'll just deal with it until I (hopefully) die.

If anyone has any advice / info please let me know.


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I draw with silver, and it turns red.
May 3, 2023
I think this isn't a unreliable source. when looking it up it seems people who've taken entire bottles just are in massive pain & could suffer from kidney failure at its worst.
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May 29, 2023
You should not overdose on that, your body will fight you at every turn and corner and you'll just suffer, most likely survive and get permanent damage from it.
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May 6, 2023
I poured it all out onto my bed to give an example of how much Advil i have. It was half empty once I got to it so idk if taking all this would be the right amount to OD on. If it's not enough advil I have some benadryl in my cabinet I could take with it.
I am planning on consuming all that's left in the bottle to highten the chances of death.
I sort of have a plan in mind for when and where, I just rlly need to know if this is enough.

I was going to choose hanging but if this is an option I'll most likely take it. I'm still unsure rn because I would prefer to get my hands on SN but thats not an option atm.

My plan for OD: id like to consume it during school so I wouldn't have to die alone but then I'd be more likely to be "helped" so ill probably take it when i get home from school or in the middle of the night, since no one will find me for hours. I'm going to be chasing it down with alcohol, or just plain water. (Alcohol to dull the side effects, if possible.) and once (if) I get drunk I'll simply go to sleep.
If I vomit then I'll be fucked bc I don't have a backup plan, nor do i have any meds to avoid vomiting.
I want to avoid as much pain and discomfort as possible, but if i can't avoid it then I'll just deal with it until I (hopefully) die.

If anyone has any advice / info please let me know.
It is a painful way to die and a slow process, we are looking at minimum 1 week for you to die if you don't call er in the middle because of pain

ALCOHOL can make the process fast but still we looking at minimum 3-4 days, one of the worst way to ctb
You should not overdose on that, your body will fight you at every turn and corner and you'll just suffer, most likely survive and get permanent damage from it.
How often you see suicide cases in your mortuary, which method they use mostly?
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i can't drown my demons they know how to swim
Apr 9, 2023
I think this isn't a unreliable source. when looking it up it seems people who've taken entire bottles just are in massive pain & could suffer from kidney failure at its worst.
yeah i'm pretty sure it's like tylenol, the worst thing that can happen is kidney failure and it'd be extremely painful especially if you survive. (which is very likely since it doesn't haven't a high death rate at all)
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: )
May 6, 2023
I poured it all out onto my bed to give an example of how much Advil i have. It was half empty once I got to it so idk if taking all this would be the right amount to OD on.
No. You'll puke. And/Or just feel extremely shitty. You'd have to take a ton. And even then. Your body will fight it.
If it's not enough advil I have some benadryl in my cabinet I could take with it.
Still won't ctb.
OTC meds are not a valid method as they stand alone. There are many threads that can explain this in detail.
I am planning on consuming all that's left in the bottle to highten the chances of death.
I sort of have a plan in mind for when and where, I just rlly need to know if this is enough.
What is the exact mg.
Count the pills figure it out.
Then look it up.
You can see about ibuprofen toxicity. It sucks.
Not to mention the coating on the pill is time release so this might take a full 24hrs of feeling shitty.
My plan for OD: id like to consume it during school so I wouldn't have to die alone but then I'd be more likely to be "helped" so ill probably take it when i get home from school or in the middle of the night, since no one will find me for hours. I'm going to be chasing it down with alcohol, or just plain water. (Alcohol to dull the side effects, if possible.) and once (if) I get drunk I'll simply go to sleep.
You'll sleep and wake up feeling like shit. And puke on your bed.
If I vomit then I'll be fucked bc I don't have a backup plan, nor do i have any meds to avoid vomiting.
maybe not the best idea.
I want to avoid as much pain and discomfort as possible, but if i can't avoid it then I'll just deal with it until I (hopefully) die.

If anyone has any advice / info please let me know.
I'm not exactly sure on your situation. And whatever has brought you here. I'm sure it's not great and I'm sorry.
I would say take your time and read some more threads about experiences and methods.
Just to educate your self a little more on ctb. Only reason I say this is from personal experience of making a fast and in the moment choice to take a shit load of meds that are a lot stronger than advil and crush a 26 of vodka. And I was fucked.
Pounding head. Stomach pains. Dry heaving.
Hearing sounds/voices
I didn't eat and also took anti puke.
And was in a world of. That wasn't smart was it. for a day and a bit. And then got.pissed at my self for failing.
whatever you choose good luck that's just my experience.
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May 29, 2023
It is a painful way to die and a slow process, we are looking at minimum 1 week for you to die if you don't call er in the middle because of pain

ALCOHOL can make the process fast but still we looking at minimum 3-4 days, one of the worst way to ctb

How often you see suicide cases in your mortuary, which method they use mostly?
Rarely pills as those people just end up in the hospital with liver or kidney damage.

I don't get many suicide cases, I live in a fairly small place with only like 27k people. But the most i've seen have been from hanging, but only 2 times had I determined the cause of death to be proper hanging. Hanging is not ment to suffocate/choke you, it's ment to sever your spine with a drop. But yeah, asphyxiation due to hanging is most common. There are some car crashes where suicide was ruled but you can't be fully sure on those as it might just have been an accident. Drowning is decently common here well as my city is literally an old star fort build on water. But that is usually brought on by drinking a lot before hand and copious amounts of drugs.
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May 6, 2023
Rarely pills as those people just end up in the hospital with liver or kidney damage.

I don't get many suicide cases, I live in a fairly small place with only like 27k people. But the most i've seen have been from hanging, but only 2 times had I determined the cause of death to be proper hanging. Hanging is not ment to suffocate/choke you, it's ment to sever your spine with a drop. But yeah, asphyxiation due to hanging is most common. There are some car crashes where suicide was ruled but you can't be fully sure on those as it might just have been an accident. Drowning is decently common here well as my city is literally an old star fort build on water. But that is usually brought on by drinking a lot before hand and copious amounts of drugs.
Good to know, have you saw any inert nitrogen gas cases and sn cases?
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May 27, 2023
I saw someone that completed ctb with Advil but I don't know how many they took … tbh I don't think that will be enough to complete ctb as I think you need more than that for it to be lethal .. I did OD with a cocktail of pills that was way more than what you have and I did drink that with Rekordelig and I was in a lot of pain ( but I didn't puke or throw up) i ended up in the hospital… I was advised not to try that again since that will end up damaging my liver but anyway as for me I'm willing to do anything to complete my ctb successfully. I wish you all the best on your journey to eternal peace.
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May 29, 2023
Good to know, have you saw any inert nitrogen gas cases and sn cases?
None, I have seen a bunch of uhh CO cases, but that was in a garage, hose in the cabin and engine on sort of deal. Never any like bag over the head with a tank, but I am fairly certain my colleague has, I could ask him. I only work night shifts so I don't get many suicide victims as those are usually found during the day.
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May 6, 2023
None, I have seen a bunch of uhh CO cases, but that was in a garage, hose in the cabin and engine on sort of deal. Never any like bag over the head with a tank, but I am fairly certain my colleague has, I could ask him. I only work night shifts so I don't get many suicide victims as those are usually found during the day.
Please ask your colleagues and let me know, thank you

In co cases, do you think they feel any kind of pain or anything like that ?
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May 29, 2023
Please ask your colleagues and let me know, thank you

In co cases, do you think they feel any kind of pain or anything like that ?
No, I don't think you will, if you close your garage or make sure no real fresh air comes in and have a hose in your cabin, you will cough, you feel light-headed, dizzy and then sort of.. how do I say.. drunkish? And then just pass out. It's a good way to go. It leads to hypoxia fairly quickly. It will be slightly irriating due to the exhaust gasses which contains other stuff too, but nothing like you would consider to be painful, just.. annoying a bit but that will pass fast.
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"When I go out, I hope I go just as beutifully"
Mar 11, 2023
You'll sleep and wake up feeling like shit. And puke on your bed.
I've seen a lot of people saying I'll just puke it up & feel like shit. So this probably won't be an option for me anymore.
I'm not exactly sure on your situation. And whatever has brought you here. I'm sure it's not great and I'm sorry.
I would say take your time and read some more threads about experiences and methods.
Just to educate your self a little more on ctb.
I've been reading about different methods and SN and hanging are my tops two picks, I just wanted to know if Advil would be an option but from most of the replies it seems very unreliable and painful.
Only reason I say this is from personal experience of making a fast and in the moment choice to take a shit load of meds that are a lot stronger than advil and crush a 26 of vodka. And I was fucked.
Pounding head. Stomach pains. Dry heaving.
Hearing sounds/voices
I didn't eat and also took anti puke.
And was in a world of. That wasn't smart was it. for a day and a bit. And then got.pissed at my self for failing.
whatever you choose good luck that's just my experience.
That sounds awful, I'm so sorry- thank you for giving me an understanding of what it's like though
It is a painful way to die and a slow process, we are looking at minimum 1 week for you to die if you don't call er in the middle because of pain

ALCOHOL can make the process fast but still we looking at minimum 3-4 days, one of the worst way to ctb
Damn a whole week????? That would be so awful-
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Jan 4, 2023
Don't do this, OTC drug OD is not a good method, it might work but only after days of agony like with paracetamol OD. If you want to OD properly get strong opioids/opiates or barbiturates with benzos & alcohol. Or just use SN.

CO method should be painless, people have died in their sleep without noticing a thing but you can't use modern cars as they're fitted with catalytic convertors to reduce the amount of CO emitted.
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