
Jun 5, 2020
I hate the major i chose, i got half way through it and now i fell stuck I can't finish it but I can't go back.
how many people have similar issue
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cogito, ergo sum
Jan 8, 2021
That's me. I'm not even halfway through lol.
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Mar 22, 2020
A while ago, I posted a reply on a thread explaining that having to work used to make me suicidal but now that I remember, I also wanted to ctb because of university.

Everybody used to put pressure on me saying that I should have a degree. Otherwise, I would be a loser and work at McDonalds for some years and then be homess lol.

I told everybody to f*ck themselves, wasted some years and then decided I wanted to study again.
Thus, I got my degree but... it's just a paper.

I mean, I work as a private teacher and if I happen to work for a private institution, it's usually because someone recommended me so, I've never needed to show my goddamn degree lol.

You should only go and finish university only if you want to do it.

I have a friend who hasn't even finished high school and now he earns more money than me! What did he do? Simple, he just started watching programming videos on YouTube (JAVA) and is now working as a freelancer and has plenty of job.

The system wants us to panick and think there are not many options for us, but THERE ARE!!!!!!

So, if I ctb, it won't be because of studying or working.

Hope you can get over this somehow.


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We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
I do like my subject I'm studying (Biology), but university definetely has worsened my depression a lot. I can't exactly pinpoint the cause, I think it's because my marks are just average and so I am reminded of how much of a failure I am every day. University puts you under so much stress. But no matter how hard you work, if you don't have the IQ you are just going to fail or be bad.

Even though I should be proud of myself that I came so far to study at university I still feel utterly retarded and useless, even more so than when I was still at school.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
Yes. I hate having debt. It's a scam.

I'm now transferring a second time due to my school being shitty.

I'm halfway through with barely any will to go on. I've got no skills so I'd be even worse off without a degree.
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Jun 26, 2020
HI! I really do not need to answer this as @WornOutLife , Matt has done a 100% superb job of explaining one of life's issues, college, no college. I too, did not go to college till I was 24 and spent 4 years getting a degree but as far as a lot of money because of a degree, NO. Like Matt mentioned, I have known people how have become multi-millionaires. Sending you lots of hugs, love and SUPPORT!!!! Walter
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May 17, 2021
I feel you. My whole self worth has somehow become ties with how well (or not) I do at university.
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Jun 5, 2020
Yes. I hate having debt. It's a scam.

I'm now transferring a second time due to my school being shitty.

I'm halfway through with barely any will to go on. I've got no skills so I'd be even worse off without a degree.
I actually have the opposite problem my dad pays for it and i will tell u it is one of the worst guilts i have wasting his money on me just to fail over and over. I wish if there was an option for me to go on debt and change my major without making it harder on my family. To bad my country is shit
I feel you. My whole self worth has somehow become ties with how well (or not) I do at university.
Same i have very low self esteem and confidence
A while ago, I posted a reply on a thread explaining that having to work used to make me suicidal but now that I remember, I also wanted to ctb because of university.

Everybody used to put pressure on me saying that I should have a degree. Otherwise, I would be a loser and work at McDonalds for some years and then be homess lol.

I told everybody to f*ck themselves, wasted some years and then decided I wanted to study again.
Thus, I got my degree but... it's just a paper.

I mean, I work as a private teacher and if I happen to work for a private institution, it's usually because someone recommended me so, I've never needed to show my goddamn degree lol.

You should only go and finish university only if you want to do it.

I have a friend who hasn't even finished high school and now he earns more money than me! What did he do? Simple, he just started watching programming videos on YouTube (JAVA) and is now working as a freelancer and has plenty of job.

The system wants us to panick and think there are not many options for us, but THERE ARE!!!!!!

So, if I ctb, it won't be because of studying or working.

Hope you can get over this somehow.


I don't think there is really that many options for me to be fair. if you are in first world country you have alot more options than third world ones
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Sep 10, 2018
Sometimes I dream of some jobs, but then I realize that I'd need to go to university to get some ink on paper that magically makes others to think I'm good at something, and I hate social places. It's wrong to force others to socialize. Universities also make you stupid, because instead of telling you to grow your own brain, they tell you to copy paste other people's minds into your head. It's like playing a song. How well do you repeat sound waves you've heard from someone. University courses test your ability to mimic others, not your intelligence.

Any intelligent human can self-teach themselves. Look at coders. The most intelligent of all, and they used to be self-taught, teaching themselves how to mod, code, hack, how to make video games, etc. The same thing with art. Every so often I watch a free 30 minute art tutorial video, and the comments are full of "I went to art school for 5 years, and this short video taught me more than the school ever did." In art community many professional and famous people are anti-college, telling you it's just a waste of money and anyone with a brain can learn art on the Internet.

I think college could be good for some things. Like a college where they teach you to build and repair your own house or a car and not give any money to banks and companies. ...Shit. If they had a college like that, I'd go instantly. The college would last two years, in the first year you would build your own house, the second year you would build your own car. Who would pay for that? Who cares. If people can have death penalties for homosexuals, they can have have "Give us all your money" penalties for rich people. If homosexuals don't deserve lives, rich people don't deserve money.

Also. If they ever made a college that teaches intelligence and uniqueness, there I could go.

I sound very anti-college. I think that a college that ignites you is a good thing. But most colleges aren't like that. I remember when my biology teacher said "Who is better and more advanced: dog or worm?". Of course they answered the dog. But the teacher continued "A dog can't burrow in the ground. A worm might be a bad dog, but a dog would be a bad worm." If all colleges taught such mind-opening stuff like that, I'd hate colleges much less.

PS: Animals don't go to college and I identify as an animal.

PPS: As I've said twice now on this forum, the happiest and most stress-free humans live in jungles and can't probably even read. So long as a Londoner has 20 times more stress than a jungle dweller, jungle it is.


Jun 26, 2020
My old job was minimum wage, with only basic qualifications required. I loved it and felt really fulfilled doing it, and went several years with much improved mental health. Even if/when I graduate, I'm not after a high pressure, well paying job. I just want to find something that makes me happy. Unfortunately, I worked really hard to get into a top uni, and the pressure to do well and compete with my classmates is killing me. Strangely though I don't regret it, it's definitely broadened my mind and made me more thoughtful and inquisitive albeit messed up my mental health.

Btw, have you ever considered Open Uni? Really bolstered my confidence when I was at some of my lowest times. No qualifications needed for entry, can do it flexibly, get treated like an individual etc
HI! WELCOME to Sanctioned Suicide!!! AS you may have found/experienced by now, the global family here is just such a fine group of folks! The global family loves, and cares for each other with so much kindness, understanding, empathy and support that it truly makes everyone here just the best folks on Earth period! Again, WELCOME!!! Walter ( yep real first name, 65 years young , gray hair and never phony) :heart::hug::happy:


Wanderer of worlds
Jan 28, 2021
Lol uni dropout here, I rather ctb first than letting uni destroy my body and mind for a degree
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Mar 3, 2021
Yes. Uni is a scam. I wish I'd dropped out and gone to a different uni or done an apprenticeship.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Yes, my university is extremely competitive, the staff in my program consistently tell people that their best efforts are not enough and you must be truly exceptional to get a good mark.

The pressure makes me want to explode. The grading is so inconsistent and all it takes is one lecturer having a bad day for your marks to be ruined.

Edit, forgot to say this earlier: In my degree program, for one of our modules we had a scientific discussion group where we would talk through different concepts each week. One of my friends was in a group where literally everyone was given the same grade for participation, a B, because the lecturer said that they were all too hard working and no one stood out among the pack. They all went above and beyond, but weren't distinct enough to deserve an A/firsts.
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May 17, 2020
I empathize. I'm supposed to be going into my last year but I absolutely hate my area of study and academia in general.

Formal educational institutions kind of ruined learning for me. I love learning. For example, I love playing video games and fine tuning my skills and learning more about the characters and trying different strategies/skills out. I guess I like to learn by doing.

But forcing me to attend 1-2 hour lectures about the history of video games I don't play and forcing me to study useless facts about games I don't care about/dislike for hours just to ace an exam… well that's a great way to ruin the fun of learning!
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₊✩‧₊ ˃ᴗ˂
May 16, 2021
the entire education system is made in a way that neuroatypical and neurodivergent people are at an extreme disadvantage. from the competitive nature of grades and the general pressure to do well in fear of ruining your chances at a good life, to impossible student debt and poor diet from having no money, plus all the fun social bullshit honestly makes school life unbearable.
from a personal perspective, my major depression destroyed my motivation for schooling, then my social anxiety made it almost impossible for me to even attend class normally. and THEN when i actually got past those two issues ADHD beat the ever living shit out of me, so school has always been difficult for me. but instead of helping me in a way that actually helps, school just piles more work onto me and now theres a sinking feeling of despair that i'm going to fail and my life is going to be garbage because i can't do any of the work because of my mental impairments. that despair is just another reason why i want to ctb.
(i've also noticed that my attempts always seem to happen during the end of semesters/exam season. i wonder why :thinking:)
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Jun 25, 2020
Its one of the reason why I want to die. I tried it 5 times but quit in all because of social anxiety and feeling worthless. I'm not meant for this world.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I tried an online university thing last year but I decided to put off continuing the course for now. It wasn't really a reason to ctb but it kind of added to my negative thoughts and reminded me I do not want a future in this world, and I can't see myself having one. I just saw it as pointless really. I just lacked the motivation needed for it, and health issues got in the way.
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Mar 24, 2021
I hate the major i chose, i got half way through it and now i fell stuck I can't finish it but I can't go back.
how many people have similar issue
Not all people can pass a university degree and not everyone enters the ecucation. Humans are not created to sit and read 8 -12 hours every day - our bodies are created to move. Sitting and reading is the wrong way to live.
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Aug 23, 2020
The thought of having to go back once covid regulations ease up is stressing me out. I think my social anxiety has gotten worse and I don't know if I'm still able to handle "normal" university. It's the third time I'm enrolled, don't know why I keep trying. I almost feel like I have to get a degree. My parents were adamant about me getting a good education when I was a kid because they never did. I think that has a lot to do with it.
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cogito, ergo sum
Jan 8, 2021
Not all people can pass a university degree and not everyone enters the ecucation. Humans are not created to sit and read 8 -12 hours every day - our bodies are created to move. Sitting and reading is the wrong way to live.
This. And that's why online teaching exacerbated the already shitty conditions of education and learning in general.
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Tired of being lonely
Sep 3, 2020
I'm in the exact situation, I chose an extremely hard yet useless degree and now I can't go back
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Jun 5, 2020
Not all people can pass a university degree and not everyone enters the ecucation. Humans are not created to sit and read 8 -12 hours every day - our bodies are created to move. Sitting and reading is the wrong way to live.
I am pretty sure I could finish most other majors i just had to be an idiot and choose architecture one of the hardest major


Jun 5, 2020
I hate how little schools and universities do to protect their students i got sexually abused in middle school but I didn't tell anyone at first because it didn't understand what was happening but then i was just scared the worst part the school actually knew that was happening after few years when i tried hard to forget about what happened and move on i got a call from someone who works with government and asked me about what happened and if i am willing to talk to them about i just said no it was to little to late
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Jun 6, 2020
Hey there.

I studied uni for 1 and half year and I must say — it was a good experience. It has some pluses but mostly it was just unbearable pressure. I learned how to keep going and behave in situations like that but with time anxiety, which disappeared few years before the uni, came back and I knew I have to do something, or my condition get worse. So I quit.

I have only universal (idk better word) high school, no specialization so I knew that my working choices will be really small but I was kinda excited about making the step to unknown, to freeing myself.

First I worked in car factory, for a month or so. It was really repetitive work, I hated it there. So I quit again. Few side jobs and in ten days Ill start working in fishing shop (even though I do not know nothing about fishing.

I DO NOT REGRET quiting uni. It taught me to truly control my life (I wasnt so scared about quiting the first jobeven though i had no money). Now I am free and it is better than every dream job. I will work wherever i can (if it will be bearable) and the free time Ill spend doing things that makes sense to me and that makes me happy sometimes.


good luck


May 5, 2021
I hate the major i chose, i got half way through it and now i fell stuck I can't finish it but I can't go back.
how many people have similar issue
I'm the exact opposite I'm only looking to ctb after I graduate if my health issues don't get worse. It's less work than a real job in my major and having so many students compared to high school means there are way more clubs and it's easier to find your niche. I still don't like what I'm doing in my major but I never expected I would.


Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
University makes me suicidal, partially. I'm doing nursing. We have an overwhelming amount of homework or assignments, and those are useless once you're in the job. Nursing is great, but the process is horrible. If I had known what I'm signing up for, I'd avoid nursing school. It's expensive AF and nerve-wrecking. One mistake can kill a person. I always say that the regulatory body of nursing school are bunch of psychopaths who don't care about its students. We don't get to choose which class to pick and when. We have a class everyday and 5 classes per semester. Kill me now. :aw:

Ironically, the regulatory body mentioned that mental health is important, but they turn a blind eye when people develop anxiety and/or depression because of their curriculum. They don't empathize with us. The best they could do is to refer us to a therapist out of pocket (but my college's therapist are free), but therapy isn't even that effective.

I don't want to live in this life anymore. I never chose to be born. Life is simply bunch of work, and you're discarded once you hit retirement. I just want to die right now.

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