

Mar 14, 2023
I am still pretty new here and was surprised at how many women are here. From watching Tantacrul's hitpiece on this site, I remember him saying: "SaSu is the only site within the family of forums where the owners allow women, maybe that should make you think *wink nudge* bla bla". And there does seem to be more women here. I was surprised probably because men kill themselves more according to statistics -- however, women attempt mores so maybe it makes more sense in that way. Maybe I had some sexist idea that women would reach out more to friends whereas cuz men are lonelier and more isolated (call it machismo, call it patriarchy, call it what you wish), men would be the ones reaching out in forums more.

But then I read a thread this week about the amount of transgenders here. You see, I was thinking within the sex-binary (bimodal if we want to split hairs) and completely forgot about genders. Are there more trans-women here than trans-men? Or is it be equal in that respect? I would assume that more TW would be here because testosterone and puberty makes it harder to pass as biologically female cuz it grows bones, deepens the voice, etc, whereas a TM's puberty hasn't grown those bones - you know what I mean? MTFs have to try to reverse and undo growth whereas FTMs inspire growth. If that makes sense. So I would assume trans-men would be fewer here.

That's just a hunch.

Anyway, are there that many trans here (MTFs and FTMs)? Given the high suicide-rates in the Trans community, I would suspect that many here are.

Hopefully I haven't said anything that offends anyone here. You need to tread carefully when talking about this kind of thing so if I did offend, let me know which part!
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Mar 14, 2023
im a trans woman. honestly, i wouldnt really say trans women have it worse than trans men. we both have our struggles. it really sucks lol
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Mar 12, 2023
Interresting stuff. The stats show males succeeding three times as much as females. Women, strangers, can say shit to each other that would have a grown man blushing and looking for the exit. I was talking to an Indian about all the suicides in India, and he said the young men who go that way are ticking time bombs, unable to show a crack or talk about shit, until they just snap. I'd say that's pretty much the case all over, when it comes to young men.
Going by just comments here, I've seen more trans women than trans men, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Lotta lurkers here, and understandably so. And the ability to 'pass' isn't the clincher for wanting to not exist when it comes to gender dysphoria. It's an acid in the brain that lurks, ebbs and flows, and some days it is unbearable, even in the most beautiful mtf, or burly ftm. It's a life long thing.
I think the disparity in sexes dimishes when we're talking about older people, though. I'd love to see stats in that area.
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Nov 5, 2022
I'm trans. Wish horribly that I was already dead
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Anxiety Controls All
Apr 4, 2023
I'm a trans woman but that is not a reason i wanna ctb. It plays a small role in it but even then its mostly environmental reasons related to me being trans not because of personal/internal reasons. Also i think trans men can have it just as bad as trans women and i think, correct me if I'm wrong, but statistically there are more trans women then trans men so that could be why you see less trans men then trans women.
side note i hate the label as trans i wish i could just say im a woman and thats it but nooooo society says i need that label for health care, realationship clairity, and many more ways i can get discriminated against and give others a change to say im less of a woman than them (referring to turfs mostly). Like i just wana be seen as a woman and more so seen as who i am and not my labels.
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Constantly Sleepy Catgirl
Dec 28, 2022
IIRC RainAndSadness said something along the lines of 10% of people on SaSu being trans in 2020. There'd have to be another poll to find out how many of us are here now, considering how many users have probably caught the bus in the past 3 years.

Trans people are overrepresented here because it just really inherently sucks to be trans. My dysphoria is a big motivating factor for why I want to die, especially since there are 19 years I'll never get back that I spent living as a male.
  • Aww..
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Mar 25, 2023
IIRC RainAndSadness said something along the lines of 10% of people on SaSu being trans in 2020. There'd have to be another poll to find out how many of us are here now, considering how many users have probably caught the bus in the past 3 years.

Trans people are overrepresented here because it just really inherently sucks to be trans. My dysphoria is a big motivating factor for why I want to die, especially since there are 19 years I'll never get back that I spent living as a male.
You do recall correctly.

I can make another poll if anyone would like.

With a quick google search as well ~40-50% of trans people have attempted suicide (feel free to correct me since I can very well be wrong on that).
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I found my light again. Namu Amida Butsu
Sep 26, 2021
I'm a trans woman and I do notice there's a lot of us around. I think being trans has impacted my suicidal thoughts by contributing to how alienated I feel from the average human being. My transition has helped with the feelings of dysphoria but the scars of growing up trans in a not-so-great environment sticks with me. It's a smallish part of my desire to CTB but it's still another reason I want to die.
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professional fool
Apr 5, 2023
I am a trans-male - I have really bad body dysmorphia (always had) but I'm very secure in my gender, and not having bottom surgery doesn't grief me too much. I had top surgery ~3 years ago now, best decision I've ever had to make. Made me want to ctb less since I didn't have to deal with the main thing that made me (gender) dysphoric.

It is sad, but comforting to see so many trans-siblings here. May we all find comfort in each other in our unique suffering - cheers :heart:
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Yuki K

Yuki K

Mar 9, 2023
Trans-male here, haven't gone through any surgeries yet but I can still pass as male and i'm stealth irl
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Apr 19, 2022
Gender dysphoric AMAB here. I hate being born male and hate the male body. It is a big reason why i plan to CTB.
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Feb 18, 2023
amab here but as my transition was 40 years ago and it was a mostly successful one I think of myself as any other woman. I pass completely and am still working for a large company where no one has any clue about my past. And yet I'm on sasu. Was this over some transgender issue, like lack of or delay in getting treatment, family issues, non acceptance etc, etc. For me no, none of those things. I've looked at studies of transgender people and suicides and the only one item from the list I could say might slightly apply to me was family rejection. Not my parents or my younger brother, but another brother and a sister who were unspeakably cruel to me. But that was a long time ago. I hate them for that still and always will.
Im here because of the loss of my partner, I'm introverted and I'm lonely. These three things have brought me to sasu. My partner is irreplaceable and I won't even think of finding someone else because it is impossible. As is living alone and isolated. I'm now talking to my self outside as well as inside. Arguing with myself and answering as though it was my partner answering me back. This is what happens to an introverted lonely person who has been doing this for almost 5 years. I magine the same thing might happen to a prisoner in solitary confinement.
So although I'm a transgender woman, I think my issues relate to non gender specific reasons.
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Lost in a delusion
Sep 5, 2022
I'm ftm! I hate my body and it's around 20-25% of why I want to die, I don't believe I can quite achieve what I intend by transitioning. So it's part of the reason why I'm here. I think I do see more mtf members here than ftm for whatever reason. I wouldn't know why though.
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May 14, 2023
Male/transsex man. Only reason I plan to CTB.
Seered Doom

Seered Doom

A nihilist going through an unrelinquished Hell
Sep 9, 2023
Trans guy here (FtM), wish my body can just morph into what it wants to be instead of being stuck as it is, but I guess I can't get everything I want in life. Literally with how things are run now, I'll never be able to medically transition due to mental illness and neurodivergence.


Sep 12, 2023
I'm trans ftm and I know a lot of other trans people who are suicidal so I 101% believe the statistics