What is your employment/education status ?

  • NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training)

  • Full time job

  • Part-time job and nothing else

  • Studying and nothing else

  • Studying + Part time job

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Aug 9, 2019
If you are NEET what change would be required for you to get a regular job .
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Jan 24, 2023
I'm a NEET! Got my bachelor's degree last year with honors, and had multiple internships after that. Those companies were just laying off full-time employees and giving their responsibilities onto interns (while compensating us with just the measly internship allowance of course lol) so I left. I've been applying to full-time jobs since December but still no luck.
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aka Orr
Jan 23, 2023
I have a full-time job. I have been taking community college courses out of general interest (not in pursuit of a degree since I already have multiple, up to and including a Master's degree) but it's just one or two at a time and hasn't occupied much of my time, so I don't really count it. I have vague plans of purusuing a PhD at some point, if I decide to live. The possibility still seems far away though.
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Aug 9, 2019
I'm a NEET! Got my bachelor's degree last year with honors, and had multiple internships after that. Those companies were just laying off full-time employees and giving their responsibilities onto interns (while compensating us with just the measly internship allowance of course lol) so I left. I've been applying to full-time jobs since December but still no luck.
Congratulations on passing with honors . Good luck on your job hunt.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
I'm not employed but I am studying how to end my life.

I'll let everyone know right before I graduate.
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nah nvm
Feb 7, 2023
I have a part time job and studying on my own. I hate my job cause it involves interacting with others, I'll quit as soon as i get a chance and find some online job
If you are NEET what change would be required for you to get a regular job .
definitely social skills. lol
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Feb 2, 2023
I have a full time job, I've thought about going for a master's degree but it's pretty unlikely that my manager would be on board with that. Lots of layoffs happening in our sector but I'm hoping I can keep my job, because I get away with a lot of sick days and can work from home.
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
Full time job. I have always worked. I like to take care of myself and be able to afford my little luxuries. This particular job, used to be my passion. But the merciless bullying from management destroyed that. I now function like a robot programmed to do its tasks, devoid of any zeal. I push myself to go every day, because as short as I live, I will never let myself starve, be homeless, dirty, or just deprived of the small things that give me a little comfort.
I have a full time job, I've thought about going for a master's degree but it's pretty unlikely that my manager would be on board with that. Lots of layoffs happening in our sector but I'm hoping I can keep my job, because I get away with a lot of sick days and can work from home.
why do you need your manager's permission to complete your studies? eff that. He/she doesn't own you, don't allow them to keep you down. As long as you do your job, they have no say in what you do in your time off. Go for it ! one can always improve oneself
I'm not employed but I am studying how to end my life.

I'll let everyone know right before I graduate.
I think I am on your class. I study this particular subject too, but with not much progress yet.
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Nov 20, 2022
I have a part time job as network administrator. Full time, actually. But unfortunately I can not work full time due to my condition.
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Feb 27, 2021
I do retail and try to work 40 hr a week at least. No idea what I wanna do next but don't plan to stay in retail forever. 50% of the ppl I work with are awful and 75% of the customers I come in contact with are awful. I want a job that pays more with minimal contact with other ppl.
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Feb 21, 2023
NEET but hoping to go to college this fall to major in Spanish.
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Feb 22, 2023
NEET but hoping to go to college this fall to major in Spanish.
Sounds cool, but the idea of majoring in a language is a bit odd to me because I think I'd be thinking about how many people know that language for free or how many children would be better than me after I graduated XD. Are you going to study in a Spanish-speaking country?
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Feb 21, 2023
Sounds cool, but the idea of majoring in a language is a bit odd to me because I think I'd be thinking about how many people know that language for free or how many children would be better than me after I graduated XD. Are you going to study in a Spanish-speaking country?
Haha that is true. Though I had the chance to speak with some Spanish-speaking children accompanied with my dog, who were watching her "eat the water". They still have lots to learn too.
And ideally, yes, I would love that. I was presented the opportunity to visit one but I just didn't have the finances at the time.


Begrudgingly Everlasting
Mar 2, 2023
Technically I'm Studying, but I'm currently taking a couple semesters off to earn money to pay for my studies... which isn't working out because my job did a massive lay-off in November and I've been struggling to find anything else since so... yeah, I'm a NEET now. I basically have to choose between rent and going back to studies.


Dec 1, 2022
I work part-time managing invoices for my dad's business as well as studying. I have an associates and am currently applying for colleges, though unsure if I'll end up going or not.
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