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the one with many regrets
Nov 21, 2021
i'm so unbelievably depressed and stressed right now and absolutely everything is going wrong

i was originally going to go with sn but i don't have the time to wait, and since partial is probably the most accessible to me right now that's probably just what i'm going to go with so i'd be really grateful if someone could answer my question in the title
(by how long i mean how long does it take to go unconscious)


Nov 15, 2021
A lot of people assume you're choking for a minute or two with hanging but it doesn't have to be like that. There's ways to apply pressure to the carotid artery without crushing the windpipe. I last did it in July and was close to going limp after about 30-40 seconds before I backed out. I think the time really depends on the person, their weight, location of artery.. as for pain I didn't feel anything while I was going limp and dizzy, only after I backed out and the blood rushed to my head and preceded to turn into a headache
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the one with many regrets
Nov 21, 2021
A lot of people assume you're choking for a minute or two with hanging but it doesn't have to be like that. There's ways to apply pressure to the carotid artery without crushing the windpipe. I last did it in July and was close to going limp after about 30-40 seconds before I backed out. I think the time really depends on the person, their weight, location of artery.. as for pain I didn't feel anything while I was going limp and dizzy, only after I backed out and the blood rushed to my head and preceded to turn into a headache
thank you for sharing your story, i'm glad to hear this as i'm really bad with physical pain and was worried it would stop me from being able to fully go through with it
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Oct 23, 2021
This method only works, if there is absolutely no SI anymore as this is the case with some prisoners and was the case with wonderful actor Robin W., who was found with a belt tied around his neck, wedged between the closet door and door frame, in a seated position, slightly suspended off the ground, like he was sitting in a chair.
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the one with many regrets
Nov 21, 2021
This method only works, if there is absolutely no SI anymore as this is the case with some prisoners and was the case with wonderful actor Robin W., who was found with a belt tied around his neck, wedged between the closet door and door frame, in a seated position, slightly suspended off the ground, like he was sitting in a chair.
ah yeah i've heard about robin williams' death, very tragic ):. not trying to disrespect the dead of course, but have the full details of his passing been released online? i'd like to be able to learn as much as partial as possible before attempting it myself in case i mess it up
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Oct 23, 2021
I have mentioned the details, which have been published to the public. He suffered not only under Parkinson's disease but also under Lewy-Body dementia, so he was so afraid about the end of the life with this diseases, that there was no SI anymore, nothing, and the only reason, why it worked.

It's almost impossible to succeed.
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the one with many regrets
Nov 21, 2021
I have mentioned the details, which have been published to the public. He suffered not only under Parkinson's disease but also under Lewy-Body dementia, so he was so afraid about the end of the life with this diseases, that there was no SI anymore, nothing, and the only reason, why it worked.

It's almost impossible to succeed.
ah okay thank you! i was just curious if there were any more that you hadn't mentioned.

i am very aware that partial is extremely difficult but sadly it's the only thing currently available to me (live in the uk so no access to gun etc), thank you for your information
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Nov 15, 2021
ah yeah i've heard about robin williams' death, very tragic ):. not trying to disrespect the dead of course, but have the full details of his passing been released online? i'd like to be able to learn as much as partial as possible before attempting it myself in case i mess it up
The police report and coroner report is published online somewhere. I read it a few months ago.. I think you can find it with a google search but there's not much else to note other than what FromGermany has already detailed
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
A lot of people assume you're choking for a minute or two with hanging but it doesn't have to be like that. There's ways to apply pressure to the carotid artery without crushing the windpipe. I last did it in July and was close to going limp after about 30-40 seconds before I backed out. I think the time really depends on the person, their weight, location of artery.. as for pain I didn't feel anything while I was going limp and dizzy, only after I backed out and the blood rushed to my head and preceded to turn into a headache
Was that partial or full suspension?
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Nov 15, 2021
Was that partial or full suspension?
Partial, on my knees, knot at the back, leaning mostly forward and slightly down.. this was the closest I'd got to almost going unconscious without any discomfort, exploding head feelings or choking/coughing. I had done a lot of research into partial beforehand and found leaning forward is much better than trying to hang straight down, but I guess it also depends on the person, their will or desperation and what they can tolerate, too. What's easier for one person can be more mentally, emotionally or physically harder for someone else..
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Oct 19, 2021
i'm so unbelievably depressed and stressed right now and absolutely everything is going wrong

i was originally going to go with sn but i don't have the time to wait, and since partial is probably the most accessible to me right now that's probably just what i'm going to go with so i'd be really grateful if someone could answer my question in the title
(by how long i mean how long does it take to go unconscious)
Partial is difficult to do. There are a lot of recent posts here about people attempting partial and they pass out pretty quickly but then they find themselves standing up later and then their neck hurts too much to try again at this time- in at least one case this left an obvious mark on their neck and they were hospitalized due to this.

One post from a person who was a prison guard for years worried me about this method - he saw a bunch of prisoners after they ctb by partial in prison, and they were all seated and leaning forward with the knot behind their neck, so he saw exactly what worked. This former guard has tried to do this 25 times without being able to get it to work, and it is very frustrating to him.

Kate Spade is another celebrity who did get this to work. So why it works sometimes and not others is not clear. There are pretty many recent posts of people saying they are about to do partial and later they said they passed out but then stood up even after unconscious. So it's tough to get it to work.


Nov 15, 2021
One post from a person who was a prison guard for years worried me about this method - he saw a bunch of prisoners after they ctb by partial in prison, and they were all seated and leaning forward with the knot behind their neck, so he saw exactly what worked. This former guard has tried to do this 25 times without being able to get it to work, and it is very frustrating to him.

Kate Spade is another celebrity who did get this to work. So why it works sometimes and not others is not clear. There are pretty many recent posts of people saying they are about to do partial and later they said they passed out but then stood up even after unconscious. So it's tough to get it to work.
I think elevation is important to get it right with partial. Some people are able to get it right using a door handle or a bed frame, but if you're too low to the ground then there's a chance [how high or low I don't know] the body could reposition itself to where death becomes less of a threat. In my previous attempt which I backed out from at the last minute, my ligature was tied in my closet and I was high enough on my knees that if I was to go unconscious then my body would just drop and hang - my legs would be touching the floor but not in any way that would be able to support me, at least I assume or would hope so as my full torso and butt would be suspended off the ground adding extra weight as opposed to if I was seated.

I'm surprised the guard you mention failed 25 times.. that's quite substantial for one person attempting the same method. It makes me question what their failings were.. positioning of the ligature on their neck, incorrect elevation for their person, being found, backing up.. I can't imagine a body suspended or hanging by their body weight would just wake up after already falling unconscious as their neck and arteries would be compressed considerably after unconsciousness..

I wish there was a few more details regarding Kates suicide. I've seen several published articles that she did partial hanging from a door knob in her home and with a silk scarf, but what's missing for me is whether it was tied to the door knob on the same side she was found (therefore lower elevation) or if it was tied to the door knob on the opposite side and over the top of the door (higher elevation).. the same goes for L'wren Scott who died in a very similar way
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Oct 19, 2021
I'm surprised the guard you mention failed 25 times.. that's quite substantial for one person attempting the same method. It makes me question what their failings were.. positioning of the ligature on their neck, incorrect elevation for their person, being found, backing up.. I can't imagine a body suspended or hanging by their body weight would just wake up after already falling unconscious as their neck and arteries would be compressed considerably after unconsciousness..
As far as the guard failing 25 times, he seemed sincere in his post, but of course we can't know for sure if it was that many times. I do wonder why he wouldn't try full suspension after a while- maybe no good place to do this, or maybe it's just a scarier method. I worry about full suspension because, though it seems to work more often, there are debates about how long a person is conscious or semi-conscious.
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Nov 15, 2021
As far as the guard failing 25 times, he seemed sincere in his post, but of course we can't know for sure if it was that many times. I do wonder why he wouldn't try full suspension after a while- maybe no good place to do this, or maybe it's just a scarier method. I worry about full suspension because, though it seems to work more often, there are debates about how long a person is conscious or semi-conscious.
I could never do full suspension because even though it's more effective and there's less chance of backing out, I just personally wouldn't be able to endure the initial struggle after the drop.. that part frightens me. Partial can still be done while standing though, they don't need to be seated or kneeling. If my closet was higher I think would do partial while standing so succession after unconsciousness is higher


Oct 19, 2021
I could never do full suspension because even though it's more effective and there's less chance of backing out, I just personally wouldn't be able to endure the initial struggle after the drop.. that part frightens me. Partial can still be done while standing though, they don't need to be seated or kneeling. If my closet was higher I think would do partial while standing so succession after unconsciousness is higher
The struggle until you pass out is the scariest part, especially if you are not able to do a drop but instead just "kick the bucket"- it's scary, no doubt. Sn is also scary, and those are the two methods I am currently considering. Of course ,my preferred method is to be struck by lightning.
I could never do full suspension because even though it's more effective and there's less chance of backing out, I just personally wouldn't be able to endure the initial struggle after the drop.. that part frightens me. Partial can still be done while standing though, they don't need to be seated or kneeling. If my closet was higher I think would do partial while standing so succession after unconsciousness is higher
I'm not worried about wanting to back out, but sometimes the body reportedly struggles for a long timne in full suspension- can we still feel pain while we are unconscious? I do wonder about this- maybe we still feel pain on another level- so this could be a pretty long time with pretty bad pain. We feel pain in our dreams sometimes, while unconscious, so this is the scary thing.
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Nov 15, 2021
The struggle until you pass out is the scariest part, especially if you are not able to do a drop but instead just "kick the bucket"- it's scary, no doubt. Sn is also scary, and those are the two methods I am currently considering. Of course ,my preferred method is to be struck by lightning.

I'm not worried about wanting to back out, but sometimes the body reportedly struggles for a long timne in full suspension- can we still feel pain while we are unconscious? I do wonder about this- maybe we still feel pain on another level- so this could be a pretty long time with pretty bad pain. We feel pain in our dreams sometimes, while unconscious, so this is the scary thing.
I'm no expert but I personally don't believe there should be any pain during unconsciousness. I've never felt pain during a dream before but after a quick google search, albeit uncommon, it seems like some people have experienced it before. But I believe there's a big difference between being in a dream state of conscious unconsciousness and being unconscious in the context of suicide by hanging. While we are asleep, our brain and consciousness is still active and creating everything you experience, see, think and feel.. but during unconsciousness due to suicide by hanging and a lack of blood flow to the brain as a result of hypoxia, asphyxiation or cardiac arrest then I don't believe we would be able to process those kinds of thoughts and feelings or have brain function in the same way as when you're sleeping. Have you ever had a surgery and been put to sleep before? I imagine it's probably like that. I had a cosmetic surgery about 3 years ago and had to be put under anaesthesia, so if we were able to feel anything during unconsciousness then I would probably know and feel everything that happened during the procedure but I didn't. The difference with hanging would be with hanging the lack of oxygen and blood to the brain would not only render the person unconscious but over a period of 15 minutes or so would shut down any and all functionality of the brain one by one including our ability to think, dream or experience pain.. again, I'm not an expert in any way, but this is my understanding and belief of what likely happens
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Oct 19, 2021
I'm no expert but I personally don't believe there should be any pain during unconsciousness. I've never felt pain during a dream before but after a quick google search, albeit uncommon, it seems like some people have experienced it before. But I believe there's a big difference between being in a dream state of conscious unconsciousness and being unconscious in the context of suicide by hanging. While we are asleep, our brain and consciousness is still active and creating everything you experience, see, think and feel.. but during unconsciousness due to suicide by hanging and a lack of blood flow to the brain as a result of hypoxia, asphyxiation or cardiac arrest then I don't believe we would be able to process those kinds of thoughts and feelings or have brain function in the same way as when you're sleeping. Have you ever had a surgery and been put to sleep before? I imagine it's probably like that. I had a cosmetic surgery about 3 years ago and had to be put under anaesthesia, so if we were able to feel anything during unconsciousness then I would probably know and feel everything that happened during the procedure but I didn't. The difference with hanging would be with hanging the lack of oxygen and blood to the brain would not only render the person unconscious but over a period of 15 minutes or so would shut down any and all functionality of the brain one by one including our ability to think, dream or experience pain.. again, I'm not an expert in any way, but this is my understanding and belief of what likely happens
Interesting thoughts but I still think it is possible that just because we can't remember feeling pain while unconscious doesn't mean that we didn't feel pain while being unconscious, this part seems uncertain to me.
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