I'm not sure "anecdotes" is quite the right word when we're talking about the end of a human life.
The one that has stuck with me, other than users who I recognise, was a guy who was deeply Christian (specifically Roman Catholic) and lived in up-state New York. He had two teenager daughters. Announced he was going to kill himself by jumping from a certain bridge over the Hudson that he knew someone had already killed themselves at. He "knew" that suicide was a sin and thought he would go to purgatory or possibly hell due to it, but couldn't live with the symptoms of his mental illness, which went beyond simple depression or anxiety. He was also struggling a lot with the guilt of leaving his kids behind.
The reaction was basically the strongest I have ever seen on here, people saying "I hear what you're saying, it sounds really bad, but while you have a right to kill yourself, please don't do it". I tried to work out which bridge he might be talking about, but couldn't. His plan was to catch a taxi to the bridge after mass one Sunday. I think his last update was "just got out of the taxi at the bridge".
The other one that sticks with me for the opposite reason is someone who seemed to fake their suicide from SN poisoning. They made a goodbye thread that was pretty standard, then their last post (about twenty minutes after they claimed to have taken SN) was something like "everytthting hruts feel slike im burnigg all ovr", complete with typos. The mods locked the thread and said they had reason to believe it was a stunt.