Honestly, as hard as it is, only sticking to cat scratches is probably the 'safest' way to SH. Don't let others have you think it's invalid whatsoever, because that's just not the case. With cat scratches, you do still get scars and bleeding, you still get the soreness and the feeling of digging into your skin. But you don't get the hospitalization, the ugly scarring, the nerve damage, the infection (at least not as severely if you do get unlucky or don't do aftercare), the aftercare is a LOT easier, they heal quicker so you can go back again quicker, and they fade much easier and nicer if you do choose to stop.
I surprisingly don't see SH talked about more on this site, despite it being particularly common amongst people who are severely depressed and often considering suicide.
Not everyone will agree with me giving you reasons at all, and again, it's still better to not SH or get further into it while you can- but I know that if the curiosity has set in, there's not much point in me trying to stop you. If there's a will, there's a way.
If you are going to give into further urges, please look into proper aftercare and get yourself the materials needed for it. Proper bandages/gauze, alcohol swabs, etc. are SO important. Don't listen to people trying to sound edgy all like "ohh I don't do aftercare lolll" they are asking for a NASTY infection one day.
Also sepsis is no joke. Don't risk it, ever.
All SH is valid, it is still SH. Burns, cuts, and even just hitting yourself is SH. Please please don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Also if you have a general lack of appetite, that is probably also related to your depression. I have the same thing going on right now. I do have an ED separately, but its been made a whole lot easier to cut back on calories when I literally have no appetite in the first place, lmao.
Wishing you the best, and please take care of yourself! I know it can be hard.