I think for all of us, it's a case of: What is it about my life that's so bad that it makes me want to end it? Can I change it? If I can't entirely succeed, can I put up with a compromise?
Obviously- emotion comes into that. If we're crying every day or having a panic attack or feeling intensely miserable or apathetic even- it's the same questions I think... What can I do to change this? How successful am I likely to be? Am I willing to put up with partial success?
As to how to change it- could be anything. Trying different activities, examining our lifestyles and seeing what's unhealthy and reducing those things, being more social, joining clubs, taking up a hobby, studying something, travelling, therapy, meds, exercise, finding a new job. Whatever really. Changes in our lives are bound to affect our moods.
But then of course, I think it's also fair to say- I tried that and it didn't work for me. I don't want to try that or- I can't. Personally, I don't even have a problem with saying 'I won't try that.' It's us that has to put ourselves through it at the end of the day.
I suppose ultimately though, I see it as a fight. A struggle to overcome. Either you're willing to put in the effort to do that- to whatever degree or, you're not. Even with emotions. If you think your emotions are sending you false signals and forcing you into a biased decision- you can try things to manage those emotions- exercise, a good diet, even medication.