

Sep 25, 2024
I genuinely wonder how life manages to always get worse, as if it is actively trying to. I always repeat to myself: "Surely this cannot get any worse" and it proceeds to get worse. Is this an actual phenomenon? Or just unfortunate coincidence?
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Jul 29, 2021
Life is so cruel
Bad things happen to good people all the time, for no reason at all. Life's cruelty is indiscriminate.
Life also doesn't care how much you've sacrificed or how hard you've worked. Just because you earned something or deserved it doesn't mean you'll get it.
The universe is cold and uncaring. It operates based on the random collisions of molecules, not a sense of purpose or destiny. There are no guarantees in life, no matter how carefully you plan or how diligently you work. Life's cruelty is arbitrary and meaningless.
Life can be cruel; there's just no getting around it. Bad things happen to good people all the time. You could be the most virtuous, generous soul on the planet and still get dealt a bad hand.
It's not fair, but it's reality. You can work hard your whole life and still end up with nothing to show for it. You might suffer a terrible illness or injury through no fault of your own. Someone you love and trust could betray or abandon you unexpectedly.
The world is indifferent to the suffering of individuals. As much as we like to believe in karma, there is little evidence that the universe bends toward justice or that good deeds are rewarded. While life has moments of beauty, joy, and connection, it also contains immense suffering, and there is no rhyme or reason for who experiences what.
Some people live lives of relative comfort, while others endure immense hardships through no fault of their own. Children get cancer, natural disasters strike, and famine and drought ravage communities. There is no cosmic reason why some suffer more; it is merely the result of a cold, random universe. The truth is that the distribution of suffering is wildly uneven and unjust.
Life can be cruel in ways we don't expect and often can't control. Hard times happen to us all, and while we can take steps to influence our circumstances, we have limited say over many of life's hardships.
You may do everything "right"—work hard, treat others with kindness, make good choices—yet still face difficulties. Loved ones get sick, natural disasters strike, jobs are lost, and relationships end. We can't prevent all of life's troubles, as much as we may try. Some amount of suffering and setback is inevitable for every person.
Cruelty is an unfortunate part of human nature. We all have the capacity for cruelty, which is the willingness to inflict physical or psychological pain on others. Some argue cruelty is a byproduct of things like greed, hatred, or the desire for power over others.
Life can be cruel and unfair. There is no cosmic justice or karma—bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people. It's random and indifferent. The universe doesn't care about fairness or just outcomes.
Don't expect that if you live a virtuous life, good things will come to you—or that if you wrong others, misfortune will befall you. Karma is a comforting idea, but there's no evidence it operates in real life. Chance and randomness govern the world, not some mysterious moral force.
Life can be cruel—there's no way around it. As much as we try to avoid pain and suffering, it's an inescapable part of the human experience.
Heartbreak, grief, stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, failure, rejection, guilt, regret—the list of sources for emotional anguish is endless. Our complex minds and relationships mean we frequently face mental and emotional struggles. The truth is, if you live long enough, you will experience deep emotional pain at some point.
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Jul 31, 2024
Illusions. Shepard tones are demonstrative of this: .

For some configurations of the body life can really feel like it gets worse and worse and worse. For others it probably really does feel like it gets better and better and better. It's an illusion either way.

Some bodies are born deformed: extra limbs, missing limbs, too many limbs, not enough limbs, limbs that don't quite work how they should, limbs that don't work at all, etc. It seems completely rational that the mind can be deformed as any other part of the body can.

I can understand why the 'normal' population get frustrated with 'depressed' people, to the point where they shun them. That's just life.

If you want advice on how to change how you feel I'll say start doing things differently to what you normally do, because clearly it's not working. I've tried my whole life to live a virtuous life. I've only ever wanted to be a "good person". If you find killing animals makes you happy do that. Find something that gives you positive emotions, and do it. If you don't others will, and their actions may cause you to suffer more. That is to say, if you do not kill an animal even though it would bring you pleasure, other people will still kill animals. Denying yourself pleasure only achieves that: denying yourself. Not only have you denied yourself, but you become aware that others don't. I think this creates further emotional turmoil. Try to figure out what works for your body/mind, even if it's considered 'evil'.

What's better: living a miserable life and dying of old age, or living a pleasurable life doing what gives your body orgasmic joy and having your life terminated by another human who perceives your actions as evil?

Don't deny yourself. If society collectively hates your actions they will terminate you. If they don't mind you'll live an infinitely 'happier' life. It's a win win. Maybe depression is denial of the self... in fear of not being accepted publicly...

Meh, just rambling.
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Apr 18, 2023
I genuinely wonder how life manages to always get worse, as if it is actively trying to. I always repeat to myself: "Surely this cannot get any worse" and it proceeds to get worse. Is this an actual phenomenon? Or just unfortunate coincidence?
It has for me. Despite even trying to make it better. Just gets worse all the fucking time. Just misery multiplied by misery.


Jun 2, 2024
I genuinely wonder how life manages to always get worse, as if it is actively trying to. I always repeat to myself: "Surely this cannot get any worse" and it proceeds to get worse. Is this an actual phenomenon? Or just unfortunate coincidence?
Well, first you have to factor in the mental factors such as nostalgia and time dilation, our first experience with anything always stretches on and is usually remembered with fondness as the brain enjoys and thrives on new experiences, each repeated experience (even ones that are 10% different) will mostly just be a re-hash of a prior one, and so on and so forth until such becomes menial.

Eventually you'll experience most of what is feasibly available to you and you'll become more and more bored with life regardless of if you notice such or not.

Then you have to factor in the human condition from a physical standpoint. We are all getting older as each second passes and over time our bodies age and our energy levels are reduced, our joints wear out, and our memory fades, we sometimes develop chronic conditions as well that we learn to live with which reduce our quality of life.

Then there is the manufactured reality we fashioned for ourselves which is rife with multiple varieties of stress which wears you down emotionally and all of us are put through it. We have bills to pay, jobs to work, relationships to manage, general upkeep, etc.

We, as humans have to deal with mental, physical, and emotional stressors on a constant basis.

That is why life trends towards getting worse, sure there are occasional upticks in quality strewn throughout our experiences in this existence but they become fewer and far between as time flows ever onwards and our lives venture towards the biological inevitability that is death.
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May 31, 2024
Yes i have experienced this myself over the last 5 years. Things get bad, but then something new happens and suddenly that bad period looks like a dream that you'd give anything to return to.

Unfortunately, there's nothing in this world stopping bad things happening. Nobody's up there making sure everyone has their fair share of good and bad luck. No matter how bad your life is, it can always get a lot worse.

Just think of a turtle that pops out of the egg on a beach, and within a minutes a crab captures it and starts eating it. Its entire life is just pain.

Of course, unexpected good things can happen too.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Life always manages to get worse because suffering is inevitable and also unpredictable. It's possible for any human on earth to one day randomly go through extreme and excruciating suffering due to life's whims. As long as we are alive, we are subject to the chances of life and can't do anything about that unless we are dead. This is why the concept of a "rock bottom" doesn't exist for human suffering as there's always a way for things to get worse
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I genuinely wonder how life manages to always get worse, as if it is actively trying to. I always repeat to myself: "Surely this cannot get any worse" and it proceeds to get worse. Is this an actual phenomenon? Or just unfortunate coincidence?
Life can always keep getting worse . There is no limit to the extreme suffering life can trap u in.

Imo the people who haven't had something extremely horrible happen to them yet have just been very lucky so far.

look at this site . I've seen hundreds of different horrible things happen to people just in this site from the stories they told what brought them here . And most were young so even in a short time catastrophes can happen .

Every day u live u gamble for no reason
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Aug 25, 2024
Totally relate.

Being told "when you hit rock bottom you the only way is up" but when you hit that bottom, you learn that like onions, rock bottom has layers.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
The way I see it existence really is too cruel, I find it so horrific how there is no limit as to how much one can suffer in this painful, torturous existence, I personally only hope to never exist again where I cannot suffer in any way.

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