It's really possible humans will just eliminate each other out of this universe, so a mysterious op technology seems like a great option to pick. Other than that, humans are one of the most resistant species on earth, so I bet that they will figure something out facing climate changes, pollution and all.
Meteorite option is the most unlike one, as the poll rn says, or maybe we just underappreciate big, high speed rocks lmao.
Evolution is like... an option I wouldnt bet on either, altho seems curious enough to think about, if the mechanism that theorethically improves survival for many animals, makes them adapt could make us go extinct, just as we can adapt to a lack of resources to consume
AI optioon is quite trendy nowadays, and there's no doubt, if machines were to go guerilla it would ttake us by surprise and ruin many lifes in the society, the more we rely on that the more it would hurt, especially when we think aboutt like giving it intelligence/learning mechanisms. Luckily machines aren't like from the movies yet, so we are fine! and if they were.. maybe bettter to get an anti-robot gun sooner than later lmao!
and the Other option.. yes.. the Alien Invasion, or a Religion being right and the Doom days really happening, that would be something!