
Jun 11, 2020
How does one prepare themselvs mentally to CTB?

How do you make sure you will not regret it at the last minute and call emergency services on yourself? How do you know that you will be mentally strong enough to carry out the act?

If you feel on the average day that this really *is* what you want, how can you be sure that on a non-average day, the day you catch the bus, you will want to go through with it?
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Jun 3, 2020
personally for me, if i end up taking SN i wouldnt be able to call anyone for help, i have severe anxiety and fear of calling, id rather die than have to call 999

but i suppose if on the day you were going to do it you feel like you dont want to anymore, wait another day

or maybe youd feel like u regret it, but for me if i regret it id just start thinking its ok my pain will be over soon and remember why i wanted to do it in the first place

i dont think theres really any way you can prepare except naturally getting to the point that it's definitely your only option and what you really want
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Jun 11, 2020
I guess it's tricky, surviving is one of those primal instincts. Personally I plan taking a suicide pill which I'll pretend is a sleeping pill at night.
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Pastel demon
Dec 8, 2018
In my case, I took four up of five steps that I consider essentialy to Catch the bus:
  1. Accept death as a natural process. Yes, we educated to appreciate life, achieve goals, pursuit a family, but whatever, we are not obligated to preserve something that doesn't bring to us happiness. Whatever the reason that motivate to leave, it's valid and we must care about that.
  2. Don't overthink about the consequences after CTB. Yes, it would be hard for family and friends your death, specially if you catch the bus because in some grade all of them will have some guilt about "How could be done to help him/her", and you ashame about that and regret your decision, but in some cases life becomes unbearable and the feelings of others it could be at last place on the list of priorities.
  3. Don't fear the afterlife. The christian civilization teached a lot the idea of hell, but, even if it's real, will it be worse than our current lives? Whatever the afterlife is, from a permanent blackout to instantly reincarnation, will never know.
  4. Discard all moralities about suicide. Yes, CTB could shock and traumatize a lot of people, but, look, exist and we must accept it as a part of our reality and not as a sin. And the solution isn't always the euthanasia, because the bureaucratic process can stress a lot and worsened the mental state of the person who decided to end his/her life. Sure, perhaps the society will never accept that, but I imagine some protocols about suicide to recover the body after some hours, not put at death certificate "Suicide", and so on. Catch the bus isn't an offense to anyone, not to society, not to God/goddess, not to our families, period.
The last step that I consider to prepare mentally to CTB, that I don't take yet (Because my death isn't my priority today) is:

  1. Defy the survival instinct. Yes, is the hardest part into CTB, and how to overcome changes regarding the person and choosen method. The mentality to overcome that I think starts to catch the bus as relief and not as an infamous consequence our pain.
It's a complicated thing, but this forum exists to discuss openly this topic without the moralisms.
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Nov 7, 2019
I've been mentally dead for years. My body is still living. I'm prepared to be dead everyday.
How does one prepare themselvs mentally to CTB?

How do you make sure you will not regret it at the last minute and call emergency services on yourself? How do you know that you will be mentally strong enough to carry out the act?

If you feel on the average day that this really *is* what you want, how can you be sure that on a non-average day, the day you catch the bus, you will want to go through with it?
We are the ones who realize that there is no point in life. All is meaningless and we don't matter. I don't why I'm still around. Could be because I love the feel of being suicidal. The idea just put a smile on my face.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
How does one prepare themselvs mentally to CTB?

I've been doing it for months. Everything I've done to prepare has brought up issues I needed to deal with, and has helped me to determine if ctb is indeed the right choice for me or not. Things that helped me were researching and planning methods, writing goodbye notes and then realizing it was for the best in my situation to not do so, and reading Stoic philosophy about the rational reasons to suicide. If you use the site search with the term "Stoic" or "Seneca," you'll come up with a lot of stuff. If you put in my username with the search, you'll see my threads and comments in particular, especially the Stoics' five rational reasons for withdrawing from the party of life.

How do you make sure you will not regret it at the last minute and call emergency services on yourself? How do you know that you will be mentally strong enough to carry out the act?

In the past, I did call emergency services, because I wasn't really ready and I thought they could help me. Now, after all of my preparation, I am mentally strong enough. My only concern is the suffering of one method that I am certain will work but have fears of one symptom, so I am working on ways to mitigate or eliminate that symptom. If I cannot find a way to do so, then I'll do a lot of meditating, such as visualizing and pretending I am experiencing the symptom, reminding myself that it will pass, and that within a set amount of time I will lose consciousness. In all other regards, I am calm and grounded, so I will now work to bring that to this symptom, but it's tough. I don't want to be rescued, I don't want all the shit that will come along with it, so I won't attempt that method until I'm certain I can make it all the way through.

If you feel on the average day that this really *is* what you want, how can you be sure that on a non-average day, the day you catch the bus, you will want to go through with it?

To me personally, there is a difference between what I want vs. what I know is the best choice for me. Ctb is the best and most rational choice for me. I've accepted it. I'm no longer worked up or upset about it, and that's because of months of processing, much of it here on the forum. I'm not running toward ctb, but want to do it when the time and conditions are right. I've already attempted twice in my current state of calm acceptance and feeling prepared, with methods that failed, but it was nothing traumatic or dramatic, and there was nothing to recover from. I am already certain, but if the method, timing, and conditions are not right, then for now, I have the tools to manage daily life as it is until conditions get worse, so I don't feel pushed to act before I am ready. But all of this is just me, my situation is not like everyone else's, so I'd say to take from this what serves you, and don't worry about what doesn't. You are unique as well, and you'll figure your own stuff out. Keep asking questions.

Also, in my time on the forum, I've experienced and observed that facing the possibility of suicide and grappling with it -- researching methods, working out logistics, writing letters, etc. -- makes suicide smaller and allows things to emerge that it might have been blocking when it was bigger. Doing all this takes away much of its power. Suicide is a tool, a means, not an entity. Some folks do all this work and the things that arise help them discover ctb is indeed the right choice, while others discover something they really needed to work on or would rather pursue than ending their lives.
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Jun 10, 2020
I don't really need to prepare mentally because whenever I get really depressed I start dissociating and it feels like my mind goes blank
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Mar 10, 2020
I don't know if you can ever really prepare for that moment before the act. It's about completely shutting down your entire existence forever and never coming back, and it might really hurt a lot depending on the method. Who knows what the act of actual death really feels like, what does it feel like when your brain and heart completely shut off, that is a very scary moment and honestly, those who have succeeded are the bravest people in the world imo. No one ever thinks about all that when they talk about it... you'll know when you carry out a real attempt, and if you fail the attempt you'll live to talk about it. Like me and many members here. All I can say it's terrifying, no matter how fucked up my existence is how painful, no matter how much I hate myself, it is such a scary eery new unknowable feeling, and nothing in life prepares you, it's no wonder most people are scared of death, because it's fucking scary.

Many of us really don't want to exist and be here, but we're also terrified of dying, and can't just jump off a bridge so easily. For me though, now that I've experienced that scary feeling several times, I'm ready anytime... I won't be as scared as the other times, I've had practice lol! I know it really needs to happen, it's a long time coming and I never should have been born in the first place, I knew this fact since my first memories.
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Jun 11, 2020
I've been doing it for months. Everything I've done to prepare has brought up issues I needed to deal with, and has helped me to determine if ctb is indeed the right choice for me or not. Things that helped me were researching and planning methods, writing goodbye notes and then realizing it was for the best in my situation to not do so, and reading Stoic philosophy about the rational reasons to suicide. If you use the site search with the term "Stoic" or "Seneca," you'll come up with a lot of stuff. If you put in my username with the search, you'll see my threads and comments in particular, especially the Stoics' five rational reasons for withdrawing from the party of life.

In the past, I did call emergency services, because I wasn't really ready and I thought they could help me. Now, after all of my preparation, I am mentally strong enough. My only concern is the suffering of one method that I am certain will work but have fears of one symptom, so I am working on ways to mitigate or eliminate that symptom. If I cannot find a way to do so, then I'll do a lot of meditating, such as visualizing and pretending I am experiencing the symptom, reminding myself that it will pass, and that within a set amount of time I will lose consciousness. In all other regards, I am calm and grounded, so I will now work to bring that to this symptom, but it's tough. I don't want to be rescued, I don't want all the shit that will come along with it, so I won't attempt that method until I'm certain I can make it all the way through.

To me personally, there is a difference between what I want vs. what I know is the best choice for me. Ctb is the best and most rational choice for me. I've accepted it. I'm no longer worked up or upset about it, and that's because of months of processing, much of it here on the forum. I'm not running toward ctb, but want to do it when the time and conditions are right. I've already attempted twice in my current state of calm acceptance and feeling prepared, with methods that failed, but it was nothing traumatic or dramatic, and there was nothing to recover from. I am already certain, but if the method, timing, and conditions are not right, then for now, I have the tools to manage daily life as it is until conditions get worse, so I don't feel pushed to act before I am ready. But all of this is just me, my situation is not like everyone else's, so I'd say to take from this what serves you, and don't worry about what doesn't. You are unique as well, and you'll figure your own stuff out. Keep asking questions.

Also, in my time on the forum, I've experienced and observed that facing the possibility of suicide and grappling with it -- researching methods, working out logistics, writing letters, etc. -- makes suicide smaller and allows things to emerge that it might have been blocking when it was bigger. Doing all this takes away much of its power. Suicide is a tool, a means, not an entity. Some folks do all this work and the things that arise help them discover ctb is indeed the right choice, while others discover something they really needed to work on or would rather pursue than ending their lives.

Thank you very much for your thoughts
I don't know if you can ever really prepare for that moment before the act. It's about completely shutting down your entire existence forever and never coming back, and it might really hurt a lot depending on the method. Who knows what the act of actual death really feels like, what does it feel like when your brain and heart completely shut off, that is a very scary moment and honestly, those who have succeeded are the bravest people in the world imo. No one ever thinks about all that when they talk about it... you'll know when you carry out a real attempt, and if you fail the attempt you'll live to talk about it. Like me and many members here. All I can say it's terrifying, no matter how fucked up my existence is how painful, no matter how much I hate myself, it is such a scary eery new unknowable feeling, and nothing in life prepares you, it's no wonder most people are scared of death, because it's fucking scary.

Many of us really don't want to exist and be here, but we're also terrified of dying, and can't just jump off a bridge so easily. For me though, now that I've experienced that scary feeling several times, I'm ready anytime... I won't be as scared as the other times, I've had practice lol! I know it really needs to happen, it's a long time coming and I never should have been born in the first place, I knew this fact since my first memories.

Thank you for sharing
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Apr 3, 2020
Personally i keep repeating the scenario in my head over and over, its been almost a week and i'm feeling ready. I also constantly trigger myself which is making it easier to push through
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I screwed up

Waiting for the damn bus
Sep 11, 2019
Gathering the courage and will power to take the final step is the toughest part. Well that's what is keeping me here . as I have said in my earlier posts I m absolutely gutless and I hate my fuckin chicken self.


May 30, 2020
Gathering the courage and will power to take the final step is the toughest part. Well that's what is keeping me here . as I have said in my earlier posts I m absolutely gutless and I hate my fuckin chicken self.

Same. My timidness has ruined my life. Ironically, the only way to escape is to get over that once and for all
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May 13, 2020
For me a comforting thought is, that many people have done it before me and that shows me that I can do it too.
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May 6, 2020
I have been psychologically preparing for my actual ctb date once covid lifts.
  1. Assembled all the needed supplies (SN, Tegamet, measuring spoons, etc.)
  2. Reading the Stan guide many times, research, etc.
  3. Practicing measuring out & stirring using regular table salt & water & holding it as if drinking it
  4. Reading threads of members here who have successfully ctb'ed (many have done it before & gives me confidence that I can do it too)
  5. Writing on posts like this here to self affirm that I too can ctb with success
  6. Visualize & imagine myself ctb'ing - praying to God to let me ctb - tell myself that I will be lying on beach in Hawai'i & sleeping
  7. Watched YouTube videos showing people ctb'ing - it is just like going to sleep
  8. Wrote my obituary
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