

Metal Fan- Wants to hang Under The Oak
May 8, 2023
This is something that I've been thinking about for a while. Suicide has always been an interesting topic throughout time, especially with how different cultures viewed it. The way western society in particular treats suicide has certainly changed a lot over time. With new evolving views about suicide and the rise of assisted suicide in many developed nations, do you believe that we'll eventually reach a point where suicide is socially acceptable?


May 23, 2023
I think there will at least be a lot of pressure on assisted suicide becoming more available if it doesnt become more available. I don't think it will be a positive thing at all. I think it will simply get so bad, and so many people will get worse and worse, and more and more people will, that they have no choice but to talk about it within the next 10 years
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
That's a really interesting question. I think it will become universally acceptable for the terminally/ chronically ill one day- likely one day soon I imagine. Maybe even the severely mentally ill- so long as it is diagnosed. I doubt modern medicine will be able to keep us alive forever- not with a reasonable standard of living anyhow. I think it's already so backward that the majority of the world doesn't allow this.

As for the freedom for anyone and everyone to choose to go when they like. I don't know- seems kind of unlikely to me. It makes economic sense for governments to get rid of people that take more money than they give- the elderly, the sick, even the homeless. It's possible that the general public will support this to some extent too because I suppose we presume that the sick at least are miserable and want to die anyway.

When it comes to potential revenue for our governments- I doubt they'll want their tax payers and consumers killing themselves in droves. While we are probably becoming more secular- religion still does have some hold in places. Plus- for now and likely in future- the majority of this world is pro-life. I can't see parents willingly and cheerfully letting their children top themselves. I think most people will still see it as an absolute last resort.

Still- that's picturing the world similar to how it is today. If we're getting regular extreme weather and 'natural' disasters due to global warming- perhaps the penny will drop that there REALLY needs to be fewer of us on this earth. Maybe they will allow for voluntary assisted suicide then. Maybe they'll even limit people to how many children they can have. It's hard to know what the world will be like in the future but if more of it is underwater- or, constantly flooding, or on fire, or prone to earthquakes- everyone's attitudes could be very different.

That or- if AI start to take over- who knows? There likely will be less jobs available I imagine. No jobs- no taxes being paid. Again- I bet governments would prefer to have a 'voluntary' culling.

One thing I feel sure about is that in my lifetime- they won't give me assisted suicide in my current condition- of being more or less healthy. I'm pretty sure I'm stuck with a DIY job.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
No, at least not where I live. The UK is so incredibly anti-suicide and the problem is that the society needs slaves which is why people are brainwashed into believing that wanting suicide is "irrational" when it really isn't.

But I bet that even if suicide was finally accepted as the logical option that it truly is and there was a guaranteed, peaceful method option avaliable then selfish family members would go on about how allowing this is "killing" people and they would campaign to get the method option restricted as they want to make people prisoners to this existence until they die anyway. I hate how this society is so anti-suicide and I doubt that it would ever change, it disgusts me how suicide isn't seen as a valid option as some people would rather avoid all future suffering in a world where there's unlimited potential for torture.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I believe that, over the years, as the resources allocated to the improvement of mental circuits increase, to the research of drugs for mental disorders that are effective for everyone, new treatments to cure cancer, as well as for neurodegenerative diseases, paralysis, etc... it seems clear to me that assisted suicide will be relegated to simply terminal illnesses.


Crec que, amb el pas dels anys, segons vagin augmentant els recursos destinats a la millora dels circuïts mentals, a la investigació de fàrmacs per trastorns mentals eficaços per a tothom, nous tractaments per guarir el càncer, així com per les malalties neurodegeneratives, les paràlisis, etc... em sembla evident que el suicidi quedarà relegat a simplement les malalties terminals.
Homo erectus

Homo erectus

Mar 7, 2023
In advanced societies, people tend to have fewer children and invest more on each. Quality over quantity. Each life, and death, becomes more expensive. People will be more pro-life in general.
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Jul 9, 2024
I think it will stay the same or more pro-life. Even assisted keeps getting pushed more into the illegal zone. Shame.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I believe that it would stay the same. People are against suicide for a variety of reasons which I don't think would change over the following years. These reasons being:

1. Suicide being an economical loss to the elites
2. Religion
3. People's fear of death overriding any and all logic

These 3 reasons would probably stay the same for a very, very long time
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Socrates Respecter

Apr 23, 2023
I think it will stay the same or more pro-life. Even assisted keeps getting pushed more into the illegal zone. Shame.
humanity should be ashamed of themselves!!!
I believe that it would stay the same. People are against suicide for a variety of reasons which I don't think would change over the following years. These reasons being:

1. Suicide being an economical loss to the elites
2. Religion
3. People's fear of death overriding any and all logic

These 3 reasons would probably stay the same for a very, very long time
Our only hope are Western Democracies. Sadly only Switzerland seems to be truly concerned about people's right to die


Mar 11, 2019
Well as I'm hoping science and medicine will advance and help people with suffering. But at this point on this planet who fkin knows


May 20, 2024
I think that the world will slowly converge towards the assisted suicide or euthanasia of the type which already exists in a few countries. It is just that different countries and different regions of the world will get to that point in different times of the future, similarly how different countries solve other social issues right now.

And I also believe assisted suicide or euthanasia will be available to both a group of people who are terminally ill and a group of people who have a complicated and treatment resistant medical problem, pain, or unbearable suffering which is impossible to be resolved in any way at that specific point in time. There may even be a list of issues (regularly updated by the goverment) containing specific problems for which euthanasia may and may not be granted.

I simply see accepting of euthanasia (for valid reasons) as something an advanced society takes for granted.


Jul 14, 2024
I hope it becomes more acceptable in the future, but suicide will probably remain a taboo because of the moralists.

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