

Aug 22, 2022
I have BPD, so I constantly experience intense mood swings – from hypomania, where I feel like I can (and want to do) anything and everything, to absolute and utter depression, where I can't help but plan my end.
The thing is, I don't seem to be able to find any purpose in life that would explain why I should keep pushing through all the pain and obstacles. Even in the hypomanic states, i don't have anything that would make me think: yes, this is why I should/want to stick around.
How do you find reasons to stay alive? Maybe a discussion about this would give me (and others) some ideas.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I guess it's just hope, that makes you think that one day you will be better.... I remember that when I was found with three bloody stomach ulcers, it was only relatively recently that the aggravation caused by 'Helicobacter Pylori' had been discovered as well as the treatment for it.
I know that if I had developed the ulcers a few years earlier they would have had to remove part of my stomach or I would have died, but a simple pill for a couple of weeks solved everything, and that was 24 years ago now (November 1998).

Sometimes I try to find out what drugs or research is being done today to find a definitive remedy for my discomfort... but there is nothing. Although I wish it would happen to me as it did then, that thanks to a pill taken for a week I would be cured for life of a rather serious ailment until then.

It's the only thing that keeps me going, but the truth is that my patience has long since run out and I don't know exactly how I put up with so much.


Suposo que és només l'esperança, que fa que pensis que un día estaràs millor.... m'enrecordo que quan em van trobar tres úlceres d'estòmac sagnants, feia relativament poc temps que s'havía descobert el greuge que causava l'Helicobacter Pylori així com el seu tractament per sol·lucionar-ho.
Se que d'haver desenvolupat les úlceres uns anys abans m'haguessin hagut d'extirpar part de l'estòmac o m'hagués mort, però amb una simple pastilla durant un parell de setmanes es va sol·lucionar tot, i ja fa 24 anys d'això (novembre del 1998).

A vegades miro d'esbrinar quins fàrmacs o investigacions s'estàn duent a terme avuí dia per tal de trobar un remei definitiu al meu malestar.. però no hi ha pas res. Tot i que m'agradaría que em passés com llavors, que gràcies a un pastilla presa durant una setmana em curés de per vida d'un mal força greu fins llavors.

És l'únic que em fa seguir endavant, però la veritat es que ja fa temps que la paciència se m'ha esgotat i no se ben bé com aguanto tant.
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Mar 26, 2020
A person can have various goals in life like to become a millionaire, be a published author, be a sports star, or have your own business. For some the highest goal is to feel better.

Whatever the goal is experimentation is often a key to see how well the objective can be achieved. If achievement is not possible, coming close can be an acceptable alternative.

For the goal of feeling better, one can conduct all sorts of experiments that can range from medication, to diet and exercise. Taking supplements and getting a good sleep schedule can also be grounds for experimentation. Often experimentation can produce some effective results. This often becomes a basis for continuing as hope becomes based on what has already been achieved.
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Jul 15, 2022
you know
some people say that the only purpose is to live life... as a passing journey until our death arrives
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
The only thing keeping me here is the hope that I could get better. Creature comforts get me through the day.
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