- Aug 18, 2020
- 5,636
I thought this might could be a funny thread. I did some research and some people in this forum have made painful experiences with ghosting. I was not that well prepared for that. Always when people ghosted me I did not give a fuck. I could not name anyone who meant a lot to me. Usually I am on the other side anyway. I ghosted so many people in my life. When I leanrned there is a term for my behavior it sort of surprised me.
I am pretty good at ghosting. Stopping attachment to a different person. I don't know why. I have been through insane pain in my life and maybe you get used to it. There was this extremely attractive woman in college. I became slightly paranoid because I thought she might like me. Turned sort of paranoid. Then helped her a lot without getting anything back. I helped her with so much college summaries. I noticed the contact was not good for my mental help and I always had the hope in mind she might could be interested in me, Which is probably a complete delusion. So I began to consider to ghost her. I did some preparation for that. Then for the first time after I helped her like with 30 summaries I asked her for one little thing she could do for me. The favor was not that pleasant. I asked her whether she could ask a certain lecturer a question for me because I was not present. I did not really expect she would do it. But she did the following. She send me nothing back. She ignored my message as if there was nothing. I felt pretty exploited. I always felt stupid for treating her that good. I asked me whether this is the halo effect and I just give her that treatment because she looks that good. At the same it was meant as an apology for interpreting certain signs of her in the wrong way and I wanted to prove her that I am a good guy.
But my determination to ghost her growed by a thousand when she ignore the sole favor I ever asked her for. One thing would have been if she told me I don't feel comfortable doing it. But simply ignoring my message...I perceived that as disrespectful and unthankful.
First I stopped messaging her then I also dodged her in real life. I thought she was perfectly fine with that. Before I ghosted her I sent her all the summaries I still had. I thought well she has what she wanted and felt exploited and told myself it is time to move on. The support was not mutual at all.
I did not message her for like one month and also no messages for the holidays. Our messages were completely college related no private stuff anyway. When I was paranoid I acted like she had a crush on me. And when I met her in December she acted like she tries as good as she can not to make me think she liked me I died when I noticed her behavior. It was extremely uncomfortable for me. I also noticed she was not comfortable and I died because I made a girl which was raped feeling uncomfortable. So all the contributed to my final decision to ghost her. I am person that struggles with social interaction especially with women. For me ghosting is a common strategy to avoid uncomfortable interactions.
After the holidays and some weeks dodging her I met her at college. And she sort of tried to interact with me. I was rather distant and she seemed to be (genuinely) sad that I ghosted her. I cannot really judge her character to be honest. But when i ghosted her I felt exploited and thought bad about her. I got a guilty conscience because she looked sad. Actually here comes the paranoia I don't know the extent of that sadness.
So today I stopped ghosting her also in real life. It was nothing big we just exchanged some college related stuff. And as you can see with this thread it is not good for my fucked up mental health. I still have the wish she might like me. I soon have exams and I don't need the love paranoia. However I am pretty sure she is not interested in me. She is super lazy and probably considers me a boring careerist. Moving on would have been easier by ghosting her. I almost forgot her.
So after this very personal off-topic story that does not contribute a lot to ghosting as a phenomenon and its analysis I have wasted a lot of time and resources.
I ghosted so many people I struggle to remember all of them. (instead od analyzing it here are some anecdotes)
One guy from school also was a heavy ghoster. We in our friend group send him funny voice notes as a revenge. Most of them he never listened to. He searched for a new friend group and then he also ghosted them. He also had mental issues it would be interesting to know how mental illness is connected to ghosting. Maybe an idea for a different thread.
I think I am that "good" at ghosting particular for one reason. I have 3 core friend who I fully trust with no exception. Then I have 5 more friends who I am close to but to a lesser extent.
Here a list of people I ghosted and the reasons for it.
Two guys from school. They talked very badly about mental health issues, bragged with money and sex. It was a very easy choice to ghost them. I hate it when people rub me success with women and money into my face. That is a great recipe for getting ghosted by me.
By the way sometimes I also stopped my ghosting after a while. Or I decreased the scope of it so it is not irreversible always.
A guy who radicalized himself politically and supported online hate against trans people. I struggled a lot to ghost him. Because to me personally he was always correct. I still think about him and whether it was the right choice. His actions are unforgiveable though. However he is on unemployment and was my plan B person to teach me how to live in poverty. However I came to the conclusion I will never be able to live in poverty. I rather kill myself. He does not know anything but poverty all his life. And I cannot understand that mindset. So in my choices for friends there are also strategical elements. That in itself could be considered questionable. I would not say I am a saint. I have my faults. I wanted to ghost my best friends prior to my first psychosis because I had the feeling they might stop me from my career. However we were not that close to that time. My illness strengthened our bond a lot. I shared everything with them. My abuse story, that I wanted to ghost them etc. They forgave me my faults and I forgave them theirs. I think on some issues I am a bad person. However I am daily in a lot of pain with barely any relief, I constantly in a crisis mode, I was severely bullied and abused. Other people might would have become way more evil. In general I am a good person. But I have flaws. I am good friend though. I am very loyal if I am convinced of someone and we develop a strong bond. This loyalty was the reason why we became so good friends. (with my core friend group) When we became best friends I was bulled a lot. And my friend(s) defended me. We were outcasts in general. Then the bullying stopped and my best friend was target of mockery. I would have had many opportunites to sell him out for gaining popularity with women for example. I NEVER did that. Others did that who are not part of our friend group anymore. I think loyalty is a core principle for a good friendship. And the guy I ghosted for radicalization I sort of was warned. I told him the things he believes in are inhuman and disgusting. Maybe I should have been more explicit about my reason.s However I think they were obvious.
Twp therapists gave me up. Can this be considered ghosting? If yes then yes this broke my heart severely. Though I think it should not actually count as ghosting. It is something different when a professional does that and we sort of had some conversations afterwards. At least with one of them.
From school I stopped any contact with almost everyone because I feel so ashamed that I have no career. Being ashamed that I am such a wreck without career, no gf., extremely unhappy From the outside noone sees that. I don't want to be reminded of my past. Class reunions I think I would not go there even if they gave me 500 Euros. And I am quite desperate about money. Seeing my bullies with their wifes, children, gf's. Hell no. Just the notion that noone can force me to go there is sort of comforting. I rather skip to the next people. The mental pressure that errupts in this thread might be a little bit concerning. (now re-reading it - it also was slightly cathartic)
Some people ghosted me in college, and I ghosted others. Not a big deal for me.
I almost ghosted my whole family. For a certain time periods I kind of ghosted my dad and my sister. The only person I never ghosted was my mom and my granddad who died a very tragic death. I don't want any contact not close relatives. I don't know these people. I don't want to have any contact. I am not even sure why. They are assholes. I hated them as a kid. I had the feeling they look down at me since my mental breakdowns. My sister once tried to approach them and they treated her like shit. I would have anticipated that a thousand miles away. A relative of mine goes to the same college as me. I never knew that. He asked my mom whether I allow him to greet him at college or if I feel embarrassed about that. LMAO.
This is probably another aspect about ghosting. It is about power. It says I don't give a fuck about you. Why do you give a fuck about me? I don't care bitch. Maybe this is one of those problematic aspects of my character. I sort of feel good when my mom told me that. I dislike my relatives. I don't want to go to further funerals. I usually also dodge important events like marriages. But on a funeral damn I cannot do that...
I ghosted two self-help groups. There was one guy where we talked about becoming friends. We were similar wrecks. But he was so fucking smug about the fact that I never was in relationship. He looked down at me and showed it. Dumbass. I had a guilty conscience before ghosting him. But he told me he also ghosts people all the time. So this was relief. I might return to that self-help group mostly because I hope to meet interesting women. Not for him certainyl.
But my brain which is on fire (proof is this wall of text) ruins it all the time. I have soon exams. I would be in desperate need for a benzo but the withdrawal symptoms were nightmarish. I am pretty desperate. My sleep is still good though.
Fuck I have to re-read all of that at least once to find mistakes. Fuck my life (but in general)
I am pretty good at ghosting. Stopping attachment to a different person. I don't know why. I have been through insane pain in my life and maybe you get used to it. There was this extremely attractive woman in college. I became slightly paranoid because I thought she might like me. Turned sort of paranoid. Then helped her a lot without getting anything back. I helped her with so much college summaries. I noticed the contact was not good for my mental help and I always had the hope in mind she might could be interested in me, Which is probably a complete delusion. So I began to consider to ghost her. I did some preparation for that. Then for the first time after I helped her like with 30 summaries I asked her for one little thing she could do for me. The favor was not that pleasant. I asked her whether she could ask a certain lecturer a question for me because I was not present. I did not really expect she would do it. But she did the following. She send me nothing back. She ignored my message as if there was nothing. I felt pretty exploited. I always felt stupid for treating her that good. I asked me whether this is the halo effect and I just give her that treatment because she looks that good. At the same it was meant as an apology for interpreting certain signs of her in the wrong way and I wanted to prove her that I am a good guy.
But my determination to ghost her growed by a thousand when she ignore the sole favor I ever asked her for. One thing would have been if she told me I don't feel comfortable doing it. But simply ignoring my message...I perceived that as disrespectful and unthankful.
First I stopped messaging her then I also dodged her in real life. I thought she was perfectly fine with that. Before I ghosted her I sent her all the summaries I still had. I thought well she has what she wanted and felt exploited and told myself it is time to move on. The support was not mutual at all.
I did not message her for like one month and also no messages for the holidays. Our messages were completely college related no private stuff anyway. When I was paranoid I acted like she had a crush on me. And when I met her in December she acted like she tries as good as she can not to make me think she liked me I died when I noticed her behavior. It was extremely uncomfortable for me. I also noticed she was not comfortable and I died because I made a girl which was raped feeling uncomfortable. So all the contributed to my final decision to ghost her. I am person that struggles with social interaction especially with women. For me ghosting is a common strategy to avoid uncomfortable interactions.
After the holidays and some weeks dodging her I met her at college. And she sort of tried to interact with me. I was rather distant and she seemed to be (genuinely) sad that I ghosted her. I cannot really judge her character to be honest. But when i ghosted her I felt exploited and thought bad about her. I got a guilty conscience because she looked sad. Actually here comes the paranoia I don't know the extent of that sadness.
So today I stopped ghosting her also in real life. It was nothing big we just exchanged some college related stuff. And as you can see with this thread it is not good for my fucked up mental health. I still have the wish she might like me. I soon have exams and I don't need the love paranoia. However I am pretty sure she is not interested in me. She is super lazy and probably considers me a boring careerist. Moving on would have been easier by ghosting her. I almost forgot her.
So after this very personal off-topic story that does not contribute a lot to ghosting as a phenomenon and its analysis I have wasted a lot of time and resources.
I ghosted so many people I struggle to remember all of them. (instead od analyzing it here are some anecdotes)
One guy from school also was a heavy ghoster. We in our friend group send him funny voice notes as a revenge. Most of them he never listened to. He searched for a new friend group and then he also ghosted them. He also had mental issues it would be interesting to know how mental illness is connected to ghosting. Maybe an idea for a different thread.
I think I am that "good" at ghosting particular for one reason. I have 3 core friend who I fully trust with no exception. Then I have 5 more friends who I am close to but to a lesser extent.
Here a list of people I ghosted and the reasons for it.
Two guys from school. They talked very badly about mental health issues, bragged with money and sex. It was a very easy choice to ghost them. I hate it when people rub me success with women and money into my face. That is a great recipe for getting ghosted by me.
By the way sometimes I also stopped my ghosting after a while. Or I decreased the scope of it so it is not irreversible always.
A guy who radicalized himself politically and supported online hate against trans people. I struggled a lot to ghost him. Because to me personally he was always correct. I still think about him and whether it was the right choice. His actions are unforgiveable though. However he is on unemployment and was my plan B person to teach me how to live in poverty. However I came to the conclusion I will never be able to live in poverty. I rather kill myself. He does not know anything but poverty all his life. And I cannot understand that mindset. So in my choices for friends there are also strategical elements. That in itself could be considered questionable. I would not say I am a saint. I have my faults. I wanted to ghost my best friends prior to my first psychosis because I had the feeling they might stop me from my career. However we were not that close to that time. My illness strengthened our bond a lot. I shared everything with them. My abuse story, that I wanted to ghost them etc. They forgave me my faults and I forgave them theirs. I think on some issues I am a bad person. However I am daily in a lot of pain with barely any relief, I constantly in a crisis mode, I was severely bullied and abused. Other people might would have become way more evil. In general I am a good person. But I have flaws. I am good friend though. I am very loyal if I am convinced of someone and we develop a strong bond. This loyalty was the reason why we became so good friends. (with my core friend group) When we became best friends I was bulled a lot. And my friend(s) defended me. We were outcasts in general. Then the bullying stopped and my best friend was target of mockery. I would have had many opportunites to sell him out for gaining popularity with women for example. I NEVER did that. Others did that who are not part of our friend group anymore. I think loyalty is a core principle for a good friendship. And the guy I ghosted for radicalization I sort of was warned. I told him the things he believes in are inhuman and disgusting. Maybe I should have been more explicit about my reason.s However I think they were obvious.
Twp therapists gave me up. Can this be considered ghosting? If yes then yes this broke my heart severely. Though I think it should not actually count as ghosting. It is something different when a professional does that and we sort of had some conversations afterwards. At least with one of them.
From school I stopped any contact with almost everyone because I feel so ashamed that I have no career. Being ashamed that I am such a wreck without career, no gf., extremely unhappy From the outside noone sees that. I don't want to be reminded of my past. Class reunions I think I would not go there even if they gave me 500 Euros. And I am quite desperate about money. Seeing my bullies with their wifes, children, gf's. Hell no. Just the notion that noone can force me to go there is sort of comforting. I rather skip to the next people. The mental pressure that errupts in this thread might be a little bit concerning. (now re-reading it - it also was slightly cathartic)
Some people ghosted me in college, and I ghosted others. Not a big deal for me.
I almost ghosted my whole family. For a certain time periods I kind of ghosted my dad and my sister. The only person I never ghosted was my mom and my granddad who died a very tragic death. I don't want any contact not close relatives. I don't know these people. I don't want to have any contact. I am not even sure why. They are assholes. I hated them as a kid. I had the feeling they look down at me since my mental breakdowns. My sister once tried to approach them and they treated her like shit. I would have anticipated that a thousand miles away. A relative of mine goes to the same college as me. I never knew that. He asked my mom whether I allow him to greet him at college or if I feel embarrassed about that. LMAO.
This is probably another aspect about ghosting. It is about power. It says I don't give a fuck about you. Why do you give a fuck about me? I don't care bitch. Maybe this is one of those problematic aspects of my character. I sort of feel good when my mom told me that. I dislike my relatives. I don't want to go to further funerals. I usually also dodge important events like marriages. But on a funeral damn I cannot do that...
I ghosted two self-help groups. There was one guy where we talked about becoming friends. We were similar wrecks. But he was so fucking smug about the fact that I never was in relationship. He looked down at me and showed it. Dumbass. I had a guilty conscience before ghosting him. But he told me he also ghosts people all the time. So this was relief. I might return to that self-help group mostly because I hope to meet interesting women. Not for him certainyl.
But my brain which is on fire (proof is this wall of text) ruins it all the time. I have soon exams. I would be in desperate need for a benzo but the withdrawal symptoms were nightmarish. I am pretty desperate. My sleep is still good though.
Fuck I have to re-read all of that at least once to find mistakes. Fuck my life (but in general)
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