Method A:
Step 1 - Crying
Step 2 - Hating myself for crying
Step 3 - Hugging my plush toy from when I was a kid and crying some more
Step 4 - Feeling my throat getting squeezed with emotion and my eyes burning and hating every bit of the pain
Step 5 - Somehow finally getting a release from all that
Method B:
Step 1 - Listening to some music that works for the mood
Step 2 - Crying or being angry and letting it all out to the music
Method C:
Step 1 - Food. Maybe tea, alternatively.
Step 2 - Self-loathing.
Method D:
Step 1 - Try to distract myself with a different line of thinking. Maybe by thinking of a comfort character.
Step 2 - Potentially start putting together a story to keep me distracted until I can temporarily forget my distress. May still involve crying, but for different reasons.
Alternative Step 2 - Fall right back into the distressing thoughts and remain trapped there until my mind has decided it's done tormenting me for the night. May involve more crying.
Step 3 - Fall asleep.
As you can see there is a lot of crying involved in my methods. I am very good at crying. Not much else, though. (:
I use Method D most often. I generally can tear myself from my thoughts for long enough when in that negative state of mind to go through the motions and actually put on some music, eat/drink, and sometimes I can't even quite reach out for the plush.
I hate breathing exercises and meditation -- they just cause me more stress. Trust me, I've tried. It's not for everyone and I just happen to be one of the folks those things alone don't work for. Meditation just doesn't at all, and the breathing stuff, require the other comfort methods for me to actually end up clear-headed enough to do.
And sorry in advance, because I'm aware this isn't really advice ... I mean, these methods don't even get five-star reviews from me. Not even three stars. Well, the plushie, music and the comforting character might. Food... eh. Flip of a coin. Tea's solid, but I wouldn't recommend holding a cup of fresh tea in shaky hands. (Also, may be hard to make depending on your exact state.) Hands and feet have gotten burned by such impulsive acts, even if only mildly. I think it might be the warmth and the comforting smell that help. If you have something you associate with comfort and pleasant things - a smell, a texture, a character, idk - maybe give that a shot.