
Aug 4, 2022
I'm not religious but I have had my share of psychedelic experiences (lsd, mushrooms, dmt, ayahuasca) and they reinforced my belief in higher powers and different realms of being. I however cannot contend with the thought of ending my life early. What if there was a purpose to this existence and me ending it and quitting the game abrupts some process that I am completely unaware of. What then? Will I be punished? Sent to hell? Or sent back to try again and learn the lessons I'm supposed to be taught in this existence? I don't know but all of this weighs on my mind like a big rock and I can't take a single break from it. I'm ready to die but what happens afterwards is of a much bigger concern than what is now.
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
If you're scared of dying then it is not your time to CTB. It is not a decision that should be made if you are not ready.
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Jul 23, 2022
The only reason we are here is because our parents fucked. Look at all the fervent anti-natalists here. They are actively abstaining from producing children. They are deciding on the existence of future children just as much as people who end up reproducing.

We belong to a species whose members grew to develop a great deal of attachment to our individual and subjective experience because of our cerebral capabilities in a world that just wasn't the place for that. As is clear from this site and beyond, that conflict has caused a lot of anguish that is difficult to resolve.

But it follows that any justification for your continued existence has to come from within you.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
In my case I very strongly believe death to be nothing more than an dreamless and eternal sleep where all is forgotten about, we simply cease existing and this is all that comforts me. What I fear instead is this hellish and cruel existence where there is no limit as to how much one can suffer, it's a curse to exist as a conscious being and death is freedom from it. I certainly only see eternal nothingness as being desirable.
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Aug 4, 2022
If you're scared of dying then it is not your time to CTB. It is not a decision that should be made if you are not ready.
Well I'm pretty sure even terminally ill patients can be afraid of dying. Fear of death doesn't have to leave you regardless of what stage of readiness you are on.
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#1 sukuna glazer
Sep 23, 2023
I used to be terrified but as the years went by I don't fear it anymore. I started to think of it as instead of eternal punishment in hell, its more like sleeping without waking up and the last things that you will ever experience is the moments leading right up to the point where you lose consciousness, then that's it. As long as i am not miserable while im about to ctb i couldn't care less
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flightless bird

flightless bird

somewhere over the rainbow
Aug 18, 2022
well, to be honest i don't cope with it. it is there and there is nothing i can do about it. all i can do is suffer and if i'm not suffering that means i'm asleep...

What if there was a purpose to this existence and me ending it and quitting the game abrupts some process that I am completely unaware of. What then? Will I be punished? Sent to hell?

i'm fairly certain that there is no purpose to this existence, but that doesn't necessarily mean there are no higher powers or different realms. they might very well exist (given our presence here), unfortunately it resolves nothing for me since they are incapable of easing the pain. i could scream to gods and heavens for hours and i know nothing will take away the pain, nothing will give me what i long for. the system only cares about its own stability, never the individual. my understanding is that if you are not a npc, you are alone within yourself. there is a great price to be paid if you wish to exist as an individual who loves or lives.
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May 26, 2022
We are just energy. Once the material corpse dies , our energy releases goes back to the center (universe). I dont think we would be humanly aware or would return. But we will be fine and okay i am certain of that. No more pain, its all that matters to me.
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Better toxic than dead.
Dec 12, 2023
I've come to the conclusion that CTB is part of my life that my soul has chosen and i be postponing it for far too long
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
In regards to death and what happens next I think the same like @hellispink
We're just energy and especially when our "soul" is also considered to be a kind of energy, this part will leave the body and reunite with the universe and the corpse re-unites with earth.

I'm not religious but I have had my share of psychedelic experiences (lsd, mushrooms, dmt, ayahuasca) and they reinforced my belief in higher powers and different realms of being.
In regards to to psychedelic experiences I agree that it is possible to reach other dimensions, get in contact with higher powers. Perhaps we can really open temporary doors into other worlds. I never had any negative experiences and they were never about me dying / death rather - depending on the amounts of substances I consumed - I reached levels where I dissolved completely and could create my own world / universe sometimes. Sad to leave such great places and loose such abilities again, whether they were real or unreal.
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Yuna is My Waifu

Nov 19, 2023
I used to be religious but not now, if God exists then he is cruel.
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Dec 15, 2023
Of course no one is born to die but things happen, either our fault or not that mean ending the suffering is the only viable option. In my case this is too true unfortunately. I see it as a return to the nothingness we came from and to trade that for the torment I am in now is easy.


so, so tired
Nov 7, 2023
I'm not sure exactly what comes after death but I figure that whatever it is will be different than this, at least. Hopefully whatever it is isn't full of pain and suffering. I was raised catholic so when I was younger I did think that hell existed and was afraid of it but at this point I'm not sure I do. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part but I can't find it in myself to be all that worried that's going to happen.


Nov 29, 2023
I'm still a bit afraid of death. I know that I will die sooner or later, if not from CTB, then from old age. Death is inevitable to every mortal living person in this world and it's the truth, but I still find it a little hard to face. It is not the process of dying that I fear, but the unknown nature of what happens after death. And the only way I'm coping with it right now is by believing in reincarnation or the afterlife, stuff like that.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Not afraid of after Death. It will be like before I was born when I didn't have any problems, wasn't always hungry thirsty, didn't have the ability to suffer unbearable pain etc. the problems began for me when I was born . So I'm supposed to be scared of removing those burdens , threats of extreme pain and suffering, of becoming invulnerable to pain , having no problems , not having to do anything? Not logical. That state is devoutly to be wished for as Shakespeare said in his to be to not to be speech

After death I just won't exist and never exist again. Get me out of this animal body having to feed it , shelter it , carry it around against the laws of gravity and of Entropy, ugh
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Jun 17, 2023
I sometimes struggle with this too (and I'm also a psychedelics user, one of the only things that kind of helps me). Pardon my rambling answer, but I grew up during the Satanic Panic of the '80s, and although we were a non-religious household, the fear of hell seeped in from outside. I was really worried about it for many years, and maybe that never totally went away. But as an adult I started reading up on different religious constructs, and gaining some perspective. In doing so I actually find it MORE difficult to believe that a God (or something) who loves would also punish any of his creatures eternally, let alone one whose only real crime was suffering too much. The fear isn't totally gone, but it seems less and less rational. If I were you I might take some time to read about different spiritual/cultural concepts of death, like maybe check out a translation of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, that sort of thing. It might help you to meditate on the spectrum of death ideas that humanity has come up with over our time on earth...plus the act of study might help take your mind off things a bit. That's how it works for me, anyway.


Sep 20, 2023
I think After death you just sleep, forever.
Tears in Rain

Tears in Rain

Dec 12, 2023
I'm not religious but I have had my share of psychedelic experiences (lsd, mushrooms, dmt, ayahuasca) and they reinforced my belief in higher powers and different realms of being. I however cannot contend with the thought of ending my life early. What if there was a purpose to this existence and me ending it and quitting the game abrupts some process that I am completely unaware of. What then? Will I be punished? Sent to hell? Or sent back to try again and learn the lessons I'm supposed to be taught in this existence? I don't know but all of this weighs on my mind like a big rock and I can't take a single break from it. I'm ready to die but what happens afterwards is of a much bigger concern than what is now.
I don't think you should get hung up on what happens after; just focus on whether your life is worth living, and make your decision based on that. If you're ready to ctb, then you're ready. You won't be punished, there's no hell.

Maybe, like you say, life is just a game to be played, so quitting the game is one option you can take.
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Aug 4, 2022
We are just energy. Once the material corpse dies , our energy releases goes back to the center (universe). I dont think we would be humanly aware or would return. But we will be fine and okay i am certain of that. No more pain, its all that matters to me.
That's what I believe in too. I hope the presence in that energy state is peaceful


Jan 16, 2021
The only reason we are here is because our parents fucked. Look at all the fervent anti-natalists here. They are actively abstaining from producing children. They are deciding on the existence of future children just as much as people who end up reproducing.

We belong to a species whose members grew to develop a great deal of attachment to our individual and subjective experience because of our cerebral capabilities in a world that just wasn't the place for that. As is clear from this site and beyond, that conflict has caused a lot of anguish that is difficult to resolve.

But it follows that any justification for your continued existence has to come from within you.
A good posting. I too am coming to the conclusion that human higher consciousness is a bug, not a feature. Animals don't have the capacity to ponder the existential horrors that we have; they have just enough intelligence to do what they need to do to survive. We, on the other hand, have an over engineered mind that does far, far more than is necessary.

In a way, some of the happiest people one can meet are those whom we often pity. Namely, the mentally ill. There is a young man in the town I live in who clearly is, as we say in Ireland, a bit touched. However, every time that I see him, he's smiling and laughing. Everyone in the town knowns him, and we always greet him to which he replies happily. Really, should we pity people like this?


May 5, 2023
it's really just about acceptance. for me, when I was truly ready to ctb, I had no problems doing it. I just see it as getting the freedom I've been looking for.


Sep 12, 2023
This is one of the hardest things an human can do, but acceptance is a very good way to start. 💗 I also wrote down good VS bad on a paper, to gain more perspektiv. I wish you all the best, no mather what you choose 🌸
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professional procrastinator
Nov 27, 2023
"And I am not frightened of dying
Any time will do, I don't mind.
Why should I be frightened of dying?

There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime."

Always related to this quote, and I always have to think about it when I'm talking about death. I am not scared. I feel like I'm returning somewhere I actually belong, it doesn't matter if I'm going now or in a few years after dying of old age or sickness. Everyone has to go one day, its just natural.
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Aug 4, 2022
"And I am not frightened of dying
Any time will do, I don't mind.
Why should I be frightened of dying?

There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime."

Always related to this quote, and I always have to think about it when I'm talking about death. I am not scared. I feel like I'm returning somewhere I actually belong, it doesn't matter if I'm going now or in a few years after dying of old age or sickness. Everyone has to go one day, its just natural.
Yeah I agree
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Oct 31, 2021
If you're scared of dying then it is not your time to CTB. It is not a decision that should be made if you are not ready.
I have a neurological condition. The later stages
If you're scared of dying then it is not your time to CTB. It is not a decision that should be made if you are not ready.
I have a neurological condition that the end stages are too bad to think about. It is my body that will decide when the time is right

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
It's interesting that you say you're not religious but maybe- that could help you. I imagine without religion- you could have a better go at tackling the issues logically. What could be your purpose? Why would you need to learn a lesson in a mortal world if your true self is spiritual and eternal? What is the end goal to all this? What could it be? Maybe it won't help though- because- it's not like we have answers to all this...

I guess for me- I think any form of judgement/ afterlife/ reincarnation that involves punishment suggests some form of intent. So- some entity with an idea of right and wrong- possibly a God. In which case- yes- it makes sense to be afraid of pissing them off. But- at the same time- just looking at how this world has been designed- they clearly have a very odd moral compass themselves! Personally, I think the chances are- I've already pissed them off! If they know all my thoughts- they already know a big part of me hates them. So- I expect I'm already in trouble if there is a God- whether I kill myself or not.

Maybe it won't serve me well but- given the opportunity- I absolutely would complain to them about how unfair the system is. If reincarnation is real and we're being punished for things from a past life- yet we can't remember that past life and the mistakes we made that time round- that's ridiculous!

If it's an unconscious energy type thing then- I'd say there was less to worry about. Even if you do get recycled- it won't be you anymore. You likely won't remember this life or who you were. Do you remember who you were before birth? Really depends on how much you want to help other people I guess. If you think future beings will have an easier time of it if you don't commit suicide and you want to help them- then I guess you know what you need to do.
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Dec 16, 2023
I think everyone dies at some point. With CTB it's earlier than the natural way. That's why I don't think it's bad. I wouldn't care if I died in an accident today or tomorrow. I'm not more afraid of death. It is something normal and part of life. What I do have problems with - which contradicts my attitude somewhat - is when loved ones die. They are suddenly just disappeared. I think that's bad and unfortunately I've experienced it too often.
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Sep 27, 2023
I have come to peace with the idea of death bc I as well as everyone knows it's a inevitablely. We will all die eventually and we never know how so what better way to die then by ur own choosing and your own choice?
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