- Jun 3, 2021
- 582
I generally have a bad relationship with society. I think it is because I think differently. I went to law school so I have a deeper understanding of certain issues. It seems that everyone else only understands conformity. By that I mean that their only understanding is to distrust that which is different. I am a nonconformist. I am not motivated by the prospect of conforming to be accepted. I had to go out today and I always start out with a lot of energy and well meaning and I have also been trying to be less dogmatic. However, I got incensed when an employee at a grocery store said something to me which i felt was unfair. I then started to remember what my psychiatrist has told me and that is that "feel bad only when you have taken someone's rights away". This is his way of saying that simple nonconformities aren't a wrong. This, while true affects my thinking in a way that it gives me weird thoughts. Then people in the store started saying things to try to bother me while in this nonconformist state of mind. I let this bother me for the rest of the outing. I then feel guilty that I didn't do my best. It seems I am on my own in this battle. I have to try to imitate others because no one will sure as hell try to understand my point of view.