They were supportive at first, though I rejected my mother's support as she was a huge reason for my life's suffering. I was put in a hospital, and my parents expected that it would be the solution. When I wasn't immediately better after getting out they were angry with me and said that I didn't try hard enough and blah blah blah it was all my fault. Then I got hit with the bill which they didn't want to help pay for, and I got to kiss my dreams of going to a good university goodbye as it drained all of my savings at that point, so I had to go to a worse school instead. To this day they still say that it's my fault that I "don't try hard enough" in therapy and need medications. I took medications for 5 years that didn't help and spent years in therapy as well.
Ultimately, it just made me into an even bigger black sheep. I became their failed son with mental problems while my sisters were successful and are married and I'm the one who's a fuckup. I tried telling them for so long about my problems but they never listened. Figures that an attempt wouldn't make things different.