

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
This is something I've never been able to understand, I've never understood the supposed appeal of existence and I often read things like "suicidal people want to live really but just not in these circumstances" which is just absurd to me.

Existence is something so terrible, futile and dreadful, it's the source of all suffering after all, I see it as always being preferable to not-exist as one cannot be harmed by not-existing, there's no benefit to existing, it's just senseless cruelty, it's unecessary suffering, existence is a tragedy and I don't get why anyone would wish to exist in this world filled with harm, enslaved in a decaying flesh prison.

Existence is nothing more than slavery, we are slaves to our needs and the suffering we experience, we are trapped with ourselves where there's unlimited potential to be tormented endlessly, existence is just something so terrifying and repulsive to me, it's a horrific mistake and I don't get why anyone would desire this.

It's inhumane how despite the reality of existing only being suffering suicide is still made so unnecessarily difficult by delusional humans who wish to deny people true peace, I've never wished to endure this existence I was cruelly burdened with and only found comfort in death, the only thing that's beautiful to me is being able to sleep forever, free from this disgusting and harmful reality.
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just a girl who's kinda sad
Aug 7, 2023
Because for some people life is genuinely enjoyable. For some people pain is part of life, and for others pain is the entirety of their life. But there are definitely people out there who have it good & enjoy the way their lives are going. Everyone's experience really is different.
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Jul 29, 2021
i enjoy learning things like how computers work and making things like games, i wouldn't of killed my self if i had 100 percent good health
but there's nothing anyone can do to fix me, so i am going to kill my self to get some relief from this constant state of feeling uncomfortable, life can be enjoyable but not for everyone and not all the time life has its ups and its downs, but given the choice to exist on earth again as a human being i would prefear to never exist as any human being, has being human is a terrible condition and too much can go wrong with life. i just wish human were alot smarter than the most intelligent human being ever alive then life could be something truly amazing we'd be 1000 years more advanced now, anyway a new roll of the dice is in order there's no escaping hell maybe its not as futile as you think maybe the universe is infinite and so is life and time
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Jun 22, 2023
If one is attractive, healthy and rich then there is something to live for, if this is not there then life will be a constant suffering.
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John Ryder

John Ryder

"You're a smart'll figure it out."
Jul 7, 2023
Because for some people life is genuinely enjoyable. For some people pain is part of life, and for others pain is the entirety of their life. But there are definitely people out there who have it good & enjoy the way their lives are going. Everyone's experience really is different.
NO!! No one has it good! No one enjoys comfort and happiness from cradle to grave! Anyone who thinks they do is delusional, a useful idiot for a sadistic creator! Do you understand!? If you disagree you are pro lifer-lite! *foams at mouth, flying spittle*
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Suffering will end when the existence does.
Jul 6, 2023
Because for some people life is genuinely enjoyable. For some people pain is part of life, and for others pain is the entirety of their life. But there are definitely people out there who have it good & enjoy the way their lives are going. Everyone's experience really is different.

And it's sad that the ones that are endlessly suffering with their pain where they can't recover, get no choice to leave this world in peace. If one can't be happy, no matter what you do. If the person doesn't want to be here, why keep them trapped here? That's just so torturous.

The pro-lifers took over the power and control over people and made peaceful ending inaccessible to us. They want to keep us locked with their gaslighted "help" services to keep using you for their economic growth. We're slaves and you know why? Because this existence is sadistic, it likes to torture us and because humanity is part of it, we do the same without even realising it.

The majority of our society don't have empathy towards our feelings because they don't care in the first place, they're so useless and drag you even deeper in to suicide.

I support living the life if you enjoy it, I don't say that the whole existence has to stop and we should perish into nothingness because i'm not the one who should speak for everyone, i'm not a god. You want to live? Great. Enjoy everything as that's the only thing that makes sense to be here.

But they keep the opposite people locked, instead of letting them free, instead of allowing them to end their pain.

Who are they to decide whether we have to stay here or not? They literally show that they're just sadistic people contributing to the existence it's sadism.

We didn't choose to be here, we didn't ask for it. We have the absolute right to leave on our own terms in an existence that we were burdened in in the first place.

Some of us were put here to be tortured till death, for what? Where is justice here? Absolutely unnecessary, undeserved, uncalled for. The saddest thing is that relying on other people makes no sense. We're alone here, surrounded by the same people like you. If we really had empathy towards other, if we wanted each other to be happy and free from pain, we would've gotten the right to request euthanasia a long time ago. But we still didn't and never will. As long as we exist, this hell won't end for the unfortunate ones, including most of us here.
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John Ryder

John Ryder

"You're a smart'll figure it out."
Jul 7, 2023
'cha mad about @Darkover? Poe's law or do you find my satire insensitive to OP etc

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I think for the main part, people live in the moment and are consumed with their own life. If they're not in pain and things are going ok for them- they may well value their life. Even if they've had adversities to get over but somehow have gotten through them- or- see some hope for the future- it may be enough for them.

Just as you can't imagine what it's like to be them- they likely can't imagine what it's like to be you. You may argue that awful things are innevitably lying in wait for them as they get older. You may be right. You may be wrong. Some people simply try not to think about it though. They do what they can to enjoy the present because there's not much they can do about the future. Of course- they probably have fewer impediments that prevent them from enjoying things now.

It's going to be hard for you to picture what their lives are like if- like you say- you don't have a single happy memory from your life. I'd say the majority of people have at least one or two moments that were good. It's still shit for them though- because they can't seem to find their way back to that state but- they can probably envisage life being better if they had had more of those good times and knew how to have them now.

Are things terrible at this very moment in time for you- may I ask? Or- is it more the dread of the future? Is it physical pain you have or, emotional/ psychological pain? I guess I'm just curious. I know I couldn't handle physical pain. I suppose a lot of my dread is about the near future. My worries are mainly financial. Still, I can't say I'm looking forward to old age either! I certainly don't find joy in my life but I can understand how other people do in theirs. I don't think it's all necessarily them being delluded- although, I'm sure some of it is.
John Ryder

John Ryder

"You're a smart'll figure it out."
Jul 7, 2023
i don't like what you have to say and sounds like your trolling to me which is forbidden on this forum
Oh ok, very helpful. In *this* thread I'm having fun with the idea that proclaiming to not understand how anyone else's life perspective could differ from one's own seems highly disingenuous. Also, when you say don't like what I have to say, does that include my straightforward innocuous remarks on methods, availability etc, which is probably most of my oeuvre? Very weird.

It's not the glorious highs of your stream of consciousness super computer power rants and profanity laden existential gutter rat slam poetry exercises, but we can't all aspire to that brilliance
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Global Mod
Jun 24, 2023
I truly believe those who wish to exist are delusional. The world is far too cruel to everyone and the suffering has always outweighed the good in life. I don't think there isn't decent moments but there's nothing to make up for the absolute misery outside of that small amount of joy. I can only hope that in time people allow others like us have the legal right to a peaceful and reliable suicide. If they want to stay so be it but this world was never for me.
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🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
There is no escape only the sweet relief of death.
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May 15, 2023
This is something I've never been able to understand, I've never understood the supposed appeal of existence and I often read things like "suicidal people want to live really but just not in these circumstances" which is just absurd to me.

Existence is something so terrible, futile and dreadful, it's the source of all suffering after all, I see it as always being preferable to not-exist as one cannot be harmed by not-existing, there's no benefit to existing, it's just senseless cruelty, it's unecessary suffering, existence is a tragedy and I don't get why anyone would wish to exist in this world filled with harm, enslaved in a decaying flesh prison.

Existence is nothing more than slavery, we are slaves to our needs and the suffering we experience, we are trapped with ourselves where there's unlimited potential to be tormented endlessly, existence is just something so terrifying and repulsive to me, it's a horrific mistake and I don't get why anyone would desire this.

It's inhumane how despite the reality of existing only being suffering suicide is still made so unnecessarily difficult by delusional humans who wish to deny people true peace, I've never wished to endure this existence I was cruelly burdened with and only found comfort in death, the only thing that's beautiful to me is being able to sleep forever, free from this disgusting and harmful reality.
Imagine someone that has a happy partner, a job they like doing that earns them a good amount, no disabilities or anything like that, an optimistic personality and other stuff i cant think of right now that you would consider a positive thing in life. What would be so painful for this person to stop them from living a happy life? Knowing the world and humans are fucked up? Lets also assume this person is selfish enough to ignore/not bothered by that ("Nonexistence > existence" isnt an answer although its true)
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I want to fade away.
Aug 11, 2023
People, generally speaking, strongly value consciousness (of humans, at least) and positive experience. Death, as secularly envisioned, puts an end to both of these things.
John Ryder

John Ryder

"You're a smart'll figure it out."
Jul 7, 2023
Everyone's perspective lies at a crossroads of nature, nurture, circumstance. To dismiss anyone who finds existence worthwhile as "deluded" strikes me as intellectually lazy cop out. There's a prespumptiveness (that they just haven't "thought things through" like you have) and an arrogance to it imo. Obviously this also exists on the other side. Why are the conclusions of the person who is acutely aware of the potential for suffering in life, has experienced it, and still opts to forge on less valid than mine? Apparently they've done that math and decided the potential for enjoyment sufficient to at least balance out the despair, at least for the time being. Likewise to point out that non existence is the only end to suffering like it's the final word willfully ignores that it also ends happiness. None of this is at odds with the idea that everyone should be entitled to total autonomy and choice in the matter without stifling cultural and institutional barriers.
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Bad english, didn't go to school sorry
May 14, 2023
Probably even with the girl i love i would have ctb, because i will be to scared and stressed to lose her, life is so stressful really not worth it
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I get so much entertainment and pleasure out of life sometimes, other times it's devoid of all that so I keep going back and forth endlessly. It sucks.

The bad times seem so bad that it wipes out the good times though when I think about some of the things I've been through. I want to end that part of it. I hope on the other side it's just the good things.
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Jul 28, 2023
This is something I've never been able to understand, I've never understood the supposed appeal of existence and I often read things like "suicidal people want to live really but just not in these circumstances" which is just absurd to me.

Existence is something so terrible, futile and dreadful, it's the source of all suffering after all, I see it as always being preferable to not-exist as one cannot be harmed by not-existing, there's no benefit to existing, it's just senseless cruelty, it's unecessary suffering, existence is a tragedy and I don't get why anyone would wish to exist in this world filled with harm, enslaved in a decaying flesh prison.

Existence is nothing more than slavery, we are slaves to our needs and the suffering we experience, we are trapped with ourselves where there's unlimited potential to be tormented endlessly, existence is just something so terrifying and repulsive to me, it's a horrific mistake and I don't get why anyone would desire this.

It's inhumane how despite the reality of existing only being suffering suicide is still made so unnecessarily difficult by delusional humans who wish to deny people true peace, I've never wished to endure this existence I was cruelly burdened with and only found comfort in death, the only thing that's beautiful to me is being able to sleep forever, free from this disgusting and harmful reality.
Haven't you ever been happy? Loved? Didn't you ever love someone? Or something?

Not judging. Just asking 🤗
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Jan 17, 2023
i enjoy learning things like how computers work and making things like games, i wouldn't of killed my self if i had 100 percent good health
but there's nothing anyone can do to fix me, so i am going to kill my self to get some relief from this constant state of feeling uncomfortable, life can be enjoyable but not for everyone and not all the time life has its ups and its downs, but given the choice to exist on earth again as a human being i would prefear to never exist as any human being, has being human is a terrible condition and too much can go wrong with life. i just wish human were alot smarter than the most intelligent human being ever alive then life could be something truly amazing we'd be 1000 years more advanced now, anyway a new roll of the dice is in order there's no escaping hell maybe its not as futile as you think maybe the universe is infinite and so is life and time
Same here! I'm a programmer and I've always loved technology, pc, video games etc.
If I had good health (both mental and physical), I wouldn't be suicidal at all
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Haven't you ever been happy? Loved? Didn't you ever love someone? Or something?

Not judging. Just asking 🤗
Happiness doesn't exist to me, I don't see how it could ever exist in this world filled with endless suffering. And anyway if someone loves something it just exists to be taken away leading to more torment, existing just leads to suffering which is why I'd always rather not exist at all. I've only ever wished for the true peace of non-existence
Are things terrible at this very moment in time for you- may I ask?
I would say that from what I read many other people are in more torturous situations but overall I just feel tired of existing and wish to sleep. Existing in general will always be something terrible to me and dread for what lies ahead will always make me wish for non-existence.
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Jul 28, 2023
Happiness doesn't exist to me, I don't see how it could ever exist in this world filled with endless suffering. And anyway if someone loves something it just exists to be taken away leading to more torment, existing just leads to suffering which is why I'd always rather not exist at all. I've only ever wished for the true peace of non-existence

I would say that from what I read many other people are in more torturous situations but overall I just feel tired of existing and wish to sleep. Existing in general will always be something terrible to me and dread for what lies ahead will always make me wish for non-existence.
But what's your situation right now?


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
But what's your situation right now?
There's nothing interesting about my existence, I'm just someone who is wishing for the true relief of eternal sleep, I have awareness of the fact that existence could truly never be something desirable, it's tiresome and completely unappealing. The thought of permanent nothingness is the only relief to me.
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Jul 28, 2023
There's nothing interesting about my existence, I'm just someone who is wishing for the true relief of eternal sleep, I have awareness of the fact that existence could truly never be something desirable, it's tiresome and completely unappealing. The thought of permanent nothingness is the only relief to me.
It doesn't have to be🤗
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I've had too many traumatic things. Post traumatic stress.

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