I can neither live nor die. My life is most meaningless suffering. Life becomes too long for many of us due to the high average life expectancy. There is denial of death in the country I live in. It is taboo to talk about suicide and death. People are expected to live, not die, no matter how life turns out for us. But why force people to suffer and die from old age when we are all going to die anyway? All people should have the right to euthanasia and that will probably be possible in the future. There would be no meaningless suffering if we all could decide the time of our own death. If I oould die with the help of a doctor, I would do it instantly. It is hard to die alone without deadly medicine. The survival instinct forces me to live. The societies we live in are the wrong way to live. Climate change, pollution and overpopulation will destroy civilization. Humans are only domesticated animals who have lost contact with nature and other species.