Lost in a Dream
He/him - Metal head
- Feb 22, 2020
- 1,780
God is not a dictator but there are rules he must abide by and I think we will have a deeper understanding of all this in the afterlife. I'm greatful God created us and maybe it isn't perfect but it is a miracle that we are here.
He has rules that he has to follow? What rules? Who made them? Is there a higher power than him that tells him what to do or does he just arbitrarily make the rules? Is there a checks and balances system I don't know about that limits what he can and can't do? I don't recall seeing anything like that in the Bible...
If the Bible is accurate, then your god most certainly is a dictator. He allegedly creates everyone that exists without giving them the choice to exist or not, then demands that they love and obey him, while threatening to send them to an eternal torture chamber that makes the Nazi death camps look like amusement parks by comparison for not doing so. The Hell doctrine is the most psychologically damaging belief to have ever been brainwashed into the minds of people and there is nothing just or righteous about such an idea. It's sadistic and cruel.
God would prefer that we don't murder but because of man's loss of the God spirit, man became cruel, heartless, selfish, covetous, etc. Through spiritual enlightenment a person who is a murderer can be redeemed and forgiven. In God's eyes all sin is equal, so there is no difference between a child rapist or someone who is cheating on their spouse, stealing from people, etc.
And Yahweh isn't cruel, selfish, or covetous? You might want to go back to the Old Testament and read the parts that say he's a jealous god who will punish the descendants of those who hate him 4 generations down the line again. There's nothing spiritually enlightening about Christianity. It's a religion that uses fearmongering and guilt tripping to make people feel guilty for being human and then tries to sell them a cure. The whole thing is a sham.
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