

Jul 30, 2024
I'm thinking to go out by hanging, but incase the attempt fails how bad/painful can it be? And can it lead to becoming a vegetable?


Jul 29, 2021
starving the brain of oxygen Brain cells are very sensitive to a lack of oxygen. Some brain cells start dying less than 5 minutes after their oxygen supply disappears. As a result, brain hypoxia can rapidly cause severe brain damage or death
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I would say in the very worst case you can end up in a coma - anything is possible depending on how much your brain is damaged.

You can reduce the failure risk to almost 0 if you consider full hanging bc once you've kicked the chair there's no way back.
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Jun 12, 2024
If you're going to be rescued partway through it's maybe the worst method - you are basically giving yourself a massive stroke. However it's pretty hard to be rescued partway through if you pick the right spot and time.

There aren't really any consequences for chickening out of partial, which some call a failed attempt.
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Waiting at the bus stop
Jun 22, 2024
Is it possible to get brain damage from full hanging?
Evelyn Lane

Evelyn Lane

Hanging Expert
Aug 2, 2024
I'm thinking to go out by hanging, but incase the attempt fails how bad/painful can it be? And can it lead to becoming a vegetable?
I've heard on the news some time ago of some guy getting rescued 10 minutes after he hung himself and lost the ability to speak, to move independently, etc.

I recommend you do it at night in a secluded place and without giving a warning to anyone that you're gonna hang yourself or that you love them or anything suspicious like that.

Is it possible to get brain damage from full hanging?
Yes, if you get rescued. Note that it's not often that someone get brain damage due to rope snapping or anchor point breaking. It almost always happens because of people. This is because if your setup is shit it will break before you can cause any serious damage to yourself.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
How badly can it be? Very very bad! But the worest case scenario is rare and it's a well known method with high success rate if done properly. Depending on when it failed or depending on how long you've been on the rope, you might walk out fine or with a serious damage. The Jack barnes case and Jai sharkey are ones that stack in my mind but there could be other cases as well.
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Jul 30, 2024
While I do sympathize with the mother I cannot for the life of me understand why she thinks that seeing her son like this is better than letting him rest in peace.

How badly can it be? Very very bad! But the worest case scenario is rare and it's a well known method with high success rate if done properly. Depending on when it failed or depending on how long you've been on the rope, you might walk out fine or with a serious damage. The Jack barnes case and Jai sharkey are ones that stack in my mind but there could be other cases as well.
Yeah, It seems that being found out is one's worst enemy when it comes to this.
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Brain rotted, often missing word
Apr 8, 2024
I remember this story, and as devastating and horrible this story is, the fact that you will have a hard time finding similar stories like this means FOR ME that this absolute worse case scenario happens very rarely, I think there would be more stories like this if this would be something happening regularly, I mean this kind of incident is both a perfect tear-jerker and great at spooking suicidal people, so I'd like to believe there would be more articles about vegetable hanging survivors if this was a common occurrence. I remember reading 50% of all suicides are hangings, so if failing like this was common we would hear more about it, al least this is my guess, I could be wrong.
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Jul 31, 2024
Im going to give you three examples of real life events i know about.

Example 1:
I personally hung myself because of a debilitating back injury.
Even my physiotherapist didn't think it would heal.
and so i hung myself. The error i made is that i had a fixed sized noose.
and so after i blacked out i fell out of the noose.
Incredibly the hanging actually healed my back injury,

Example 2:
I had a friend who hung themselves,
they were rescued by a boyfriend who cut them down.
They were in a coma for a month, had to learn how to walk again
and now when ever you see them, they look like someone who had a stroke.

Example 3:

As others have said, injuries from hanging, is more often caused by someone else rescuing the hanging victim. Also i witnessed the body of someone who successfully partially hung themselves from a low hanging branch of a tree get cut down by the police and taken away in an ambulance on a stretcher. Their knees were folded backwards and were mere inches off the ground. and i think i was the only one who felt compassion and understanding.

I understood that the person was now at peace. When i was younger and learned that my cousin had hung themselves. i told my house mate that i was happy for them as their suffering was now over. my house mate told me to cope on. but the reality is that out of all my family, even with my grief, I was the only one who was able to be happy for my cousin
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Aug 6, 2024
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
I remember this story, and as devastating and horrible this story is, the fact that you will have a hard time finding similar stories like this means FOR ME that this absolute worse case scenario happens very rarely, I think there would be more stories like this if this would be something happening regularly, I mean this kind of incident is both a perfect tear-jerker and great at spooking suicidal people, so I'd like to believe there would be more articles about vegetable hanging survivors if this was a common occurrence. I remember reading 50% of all suicides are hangings, so if failing like this was common we would hear more about it, al least this is my guess, I could be wrong.
I am also against unwarranted fear mongering and trying to deter people from suicide but presenting the facts is not that. That case is not a one and only case, like I mentioned above the case of Jai sharkey is another one and there are others out there...

There is also this guy, who has yet to wake up from his coma with God knows what damage. The method isn't declared but the "after returning home and finding him there it was very much panic" and the "immediately administered CPR" part leads me to believe it was hanging but who knows...

My point is failed hanging damage or any other failed method is a fact and facts should be well researched and avoided not feared and swept under the rug.
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Oct 1, 2018
Serious injury is always a possibility. Attempts should be well thought out to minimise the risk.
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Jul 31, 2024
People rescue people in the moment because they either love them or feel a civil duty. Also i'm sure if someone didn't attempt a rescue, they would feel sever guilt and could possible be prosecuted.

But like the person i knew whoi got rescued by the boyfriend, i mean they later broke up and the poor girl is now terrified to hang herself because of what happened when she was rescued. The time i sloped out of the noose, a doctor told me to remember that next time i'm thinking of hanging myself i could end up a vegetable. Pure scare tactics.

Also, we have data to show what happens with people who are rescued and end up with debilitating life injuries. Now compare the lifetime injurious and the strain that can put on a family with the grief of mourning.

Grief is a process, and people eventually come out of it.
Someone looses a loved one, okay, give it a few years and they will learn to move past it.
now consider the grief of caring for the rescued stroke victim in the wheelchair.
That strain and grief of living with that is going to last a lot longer than a few years.

I mean its comparable to an old couple, with one person getting sick and having to be cared by their spouse. And more often than not when that happens, the functioning spouse being of old age, will become sick from the strain of caring. I saw it with my aunt. She had Alzheimer's for about a decade before she died, and it destroyed her husband. had they just assisted suicide her when she got the Alzheimer's her husband would be in a much better condition than he is now.

When it comes to death, people just don't stop to think.
yet ironically they call us the crazies.

So rescue and be faced with a lifetime of grief.
Don't rescue and the mourning / grief process will be less painful
Philip Nitschke of exit international suggests leaving a note stating that you will sue whoever rescues you, and hold them accountable for the injuries of the rescue.

I mean come on, you want to die. why recuse.
also we put animals out of their misery.
but force those who want to CTB to live on and suffer
in silence.

When i failed my last drowning attempt, the result was heavy anti psychotics.
and years of sever constipation, whilst also being on the road to developing
diabetes. i knew of others whose lives were even even more painful as a result
of those meds.

People who had toes amputated from the diabetes.
and someone else who got creamed by a van and had to be buried in a closed casket,
as they were so doped up, they didn't look before walking across the road.
the same woman, spent years living with medicated related tremors
and the doctors refused to change the meds to which would of put a stop to the tremors.

I mean even my own experience, i was getting muscle spasms in my eyes
where by my eyes would get stuck in the up position, and i would have to
walk around with my head down to my chin, just to see where i was walking.

I knew another guy who used to walk around with his tongue stuck to his nose.
and not because he was schizophrenic, but because of the meds he was on
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Oct 1, 2022
Im going to give you three examples of real life events i know about.

Example 1:
I personally hung myself because of a debilitating back injury.
Even my physiotherapist didn't think it would heal.
and so i hung myself. The error i made is that i had a fixed sized noose.
and so after i blacked out i fell out of the noose.
Incredibly the hanging actually healed my back injury,

How tf hanging healed back injury,sounds like a fantasy story

I am also against unwarranted fear mongering and trying to deter people from suicide but presenting the facts is not that. That case is not a one and only case, like I mentioned above the case of Jai sharkey is another one and there are others out there...

There is also this guy, who has yet to wake up from his coma with God knows what damage. The method isn't declared but the "after returning home and finding him there it was very much panic" and the "immediately administered CPR" part leads me to believe it was hanging but who knows...

https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/n...wo-left-paralysed-brain-9743705.amp [/QUOTE]
There is also this guy, who has yet to wake up from his coma with God knows what damage. The method isn't declared but the "after returning home and finding him there it was very much panic" and the "immediately administered CPR" part leads me to believe it was hanging but who knows...

My point is failed hanging damage or any other failed method is a fact and facts should be well researched and avoided not feared and swept under the rug.
Being left to live as a vegetable is the suicidals nightmare,to live in humiliation 100times worse than yr current situation, how do people think their loved one feels being still alive humiliated like that, people who suicide want to skip the humiliation in their life in the first place,how do these people think that person is feeling laying there alive,do these people lack the empathy to understand that that was the reason he wanted to leave in the first place
earched and avoided not feared and swept u
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Aug 12, 2024
People rescue people in the moment because they either love them or feel a civil duty. Also i'm sure if someone didn't attempt a rescue, they would feel sever guilt and could possible be prosecuted.

But like the person i knew whoi got rescued by the boyfriend, i mean they later broke up and the poor girl is now terrified to hang herself because of what happened when she was rescued. The time i sloped out of the noose, a doctor told me to remember that next time i'm thinking of hanging myself i could end up a vegetable. Pure scare tactics.

Also, we have data to show what happens with people who are rescued and end up with debilitating life injuries. Now compare the lifetime injurious and the strain that can put on a family with the grief of mourning.

Grief is a process, and people eventually come out of it.
Someone looses a loved one, okay, give it a few years and they will learn to move past it.
now consider the grief of caring for the rescued stroke victim in the wheelchair.
That strain and grief of living with that is going to last a lot longer than a few years.

I mean its comparable to an old couple, with one person getting sick and having to be cared by their spouse. And more often than not when that happens, the functioning spouse being of old age, will become sick from the strain of caring. I saw it with my aunt. She had Alzheimer's for about a decade before she died, and it destroyed her husband. had they just assisted suicide her when she got the Alzheimer's her husband would be in a much better condition than he is now.

When it comes to death, people just don't stop to think.
yet ironically they call us the crazies.

So rescue and be faced with a lifetime of grief.
Don't rescue and the mourning / grief process will be less painful
Philip Nitschke of exit international suggests leaving a note stating that you will sue whoever rescues you, and hold them accountable for the injuries of the rescue.

I mean come on, you want to die. why recuse.
also we put animals out of their misery.
but force those who want to CTB to live on and suffer
in silence.

When i failed my last drowning attempt, the result was heavy anti psychotics.
and years of sever constipation, whilst also being on the road to developing
diabetes. i knew of others whose lives were even even more painful as a result
of those meds.

People who had toes amputated from the diabetes.
and someone else who got creamed by a van and had to be buried in a closed casket,
as they were so doped up, they didn't look before walking across the road.
the same woman, spent years living with medicated related tremors
and the doctors refused to change the meds to which would of put a stop to the tremors.

I mean even my own experience, i was getting muscle spasms in my eyes
where by my eyes would get stuck in the up position, and i would have to
walk around with my head down to my chin, just to see where i was walking.

I knew another guy who used to walk around with his tongue stuck to his nose.
and not because he was schizophrenic, but because of the meds he was on
I 100% agree with you @emma99 . People feel drawn to rescue / preserve life, but it's unfortunately often met with a worse outcome.

Can I ask about your failed drowning attempt? I'm sorry to hear that it wasn't a success. Do you mind sharing what went wrong?

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