i can see why some of you guys are so suicidal….. you've bought in to this weird world of societal rules and genetic traits that are predefined and unchangeable but ultimately don't actually matter…. obviously people who don't fit the eurocentric westernized beauty standards and aren't traditionally attractive by societal standards are treated worse in general than people who do fit that small box of being attractive, but this weird incel shit is exaggerating this so extremely. some of this reminds me of that astrology bullshit honestly.
a lot of people aren't "attractive" but still really make it work. if you can't fit into that extremely small beauty standard, stop trying. you need to genuinely just stop giving a fuck about opinions from a society that none of you even like. i'm not attractive by any sort of societal standard (transgender, short, skinny, no very attractive features) but i really don't try to appeal to trends or society or anything, i usually wear more of a punk/grungy style and generally just really don't care anymore what people think of me. i don't care if i end up with anyone, i don't care what society will think about any of my choices, none of this shit actually matters guys.
a lot about human society is just stuff that we made up a long time ago that doesn't exist for any reason. you can do whatever you want with your life and it's easy to make excuses for not doing normal things because it seems daunting, but it's possible to just stop caring and do what you want regardless of looks. and sometimes people just look ugly because they aren't doing a style that works for them.
i'm not saying that you shouldn't kill yourself or something, genuinely do whatever you want with your life including that. but if you want to live differently than this, just unlearn all of this weird shit.