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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
How are people okay with the mundaneness of life? Life seems so boring to me, once you become an adult you'll have to go to the same job and do the same thing every day for 50 years just to make a living to afford to exist. I can't imagine doing the same thing everyday, I would die of boredom. How are people just okay with it? I don't understand. For me, it would seem like I'm living in a time loop, living out the same day over and over again. I would literally go insane
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Aug 3, 2023
I feel like most normal people aren't, they just manage to find ways of gaslighting themselves or they manage to enjoy some aspect of their job that makes it worth it.
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Jan 1, 2024
It's bizarre to me but apparently normal people find joy and meaning in the small things in life
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
It's bizarre to me but apparently normal people find joy and meaning in the small things in life
Personally, I hate the mundane parts of life, but each to their own I guess. I hate the little things I have to do just to exist, but I guess normal people like them? Idk, normies are weird, I don't understand them
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All of these lies are not worth fighting for
Feb 18, 2024
How are people okay with the mundaneness of life? Life seems so boring to me, once you become an adult you'll have to go to the same job and do the same thing every day for 50 years just to make a living to afford to exist. I can't imagine doing the same thing everyday, I would die of boredom. How are people just okay with it? I don't understand. For me, it would seem like I'm living in a time loop, living out the same day over and over again. I would literally go insane
Are people honestly "okay" with it? i've personally heard more people complaining about it than i have heard people talk about actually enjoying it.

Most people seem to talk themselves into some reason why it will all be worthwhile someday. i think most actually believe their own nonsense.

i wonder how different things would be if people were to only accept actual facts instead of wasting so much time and energy on investing in a future that they're not even guaranteed to be around for?
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Aug 3, 2023
Personally, I hate the mundane parts of life, but each to their own I guess. I hate the little things I have to do just to exist, but I guess normal people like them? Idk, normies are weird, I don't understand them
I think the little things people enjoy aren't mundane things but rather sporadic or rare things they enjoy. Personally I still find it dumb though, as something enjoyable only every once in a while is not consistent nor would it be worth it to enjoy life just for those moments. It just seems like a net loss to me.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I think the little things people enjoy aren't mundane things but rather sporadic or rare things they enjoy. Personally I still find it dumb though, as something enjoyable only every once in a while is not consistent nor would it be worth it to enjoy life just for those moments. It just seems like a net loss to me.
For me, life seems like a net loss as well. The negatives outweigh the positives in my case. I don't see life itself as worth the struggle, the pains will always outweigh the pleasures. Life is like a pointless game that I don't want to play anymore, you don't even win the game, the "prize" is death
Are people honestly "okay" with it? i've personally heard more people complaining about it than i have heard people talk about actually enjoying it.

Most people seem to talk themselves into some reason why it will all be worthwhile someday. i think most actually believe their own nonsense.

i wonder how different things would be if people were to only accept actual facts instead of wasting so much time and energy on investing in a future that they're not even guaranteed to be around for?
I guess they're "okay" with it because they still do what they have to and are expected to do. No one actively rebels against it, they just do the daily grind
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sleep deprived and/or drunk
Jul 23, 2023
i was actually ok with it for a long time. i hated getting up in the morning and i really disliked the commute. when work ended, i couldn't get home fast enough. it's not like i really did anything either. there was so much i could have done but was happy just watching tv. it wasn't 100% mundane though. a co worker and i bought a boat so we'd go fishing at night. then show up at work smelling of fish bait. those were good times aside from the damned thing needing so much maintenance. had an easy job that paid really well. lots of friends at the office and a great boss. but that all fell apart. also had friends that dragged me out for drinks so they could complain about this and that.

so why am i here you may ask? mostly physical for me and life is getting more and more mundane. i've lived enough. one acceptable answer when applying for vad is 'completed life'. that's about where i am.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
i was actually ok with it for a long time. i hated getting up in the morning and i really disliked the commute. when work ended, i couldn't get home fast enough. it's not like i really did anything either. there was so much i could have done but was happy just watching tv. it wasn't 100% mundane though. a co worker and i bought a boat so we'd go fishing at night. then show up at work smelling of fish bait. those were good times aside from the damned thing needing so much maintenance. had an easy job that paid really well. lots of friends at the office and a great boss. but that all fell apart. also had friends that dragged me out for drinks so they could complain about this and that.

so why am i here you may ask? mostly physical for me and life is getting more and more mundane. i've lived enough. one acceptable answer when applying for vad is 'completed life'. that's about where i am.
Why do they need a "completed life"? Personally, I've lived as long as I want to, I don't want to have to actually become a real adult and become a slave to capitalism and society. I consider myself to have "completed life" as well. I just want my life to end now, I wish I could fast forward to death directly instead of having to enter the workforce, middle age and old age. I don't want to have to experience these stages of life.
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Need My Peace
Feb 25, 2024
This is exactly how I feel too. Thank you for describing it so eloquently. There really isn't much to live for. I came to a realisation that I expect too much out of life and myself and kept getting so dissapointed. I started trying to cope with this by developing a really nihilistic view of the world, and defaulted to a negative mindset on everything just so I wouldn't get dissapointed, surprised or hopeful with life. It's been such a shitty coping mechanism but for some reason I couldn't bear to try to hope anymore and keep ending up disappointed. I've been super depressed about everything and it just sucks all around. Wishing peace for everyone. I'm glad you all understand.
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Oct 22, 2023
I feel exactly the same. To top that, the fact that compared to others, I seemingly have a good life (good actual friends that genuinely care about me, a well paying job, a loving mother, etc.), makes me feel like an impostor, and I'm really ashamed to talk about my delusions. The prospect of life just doesn't seem appealing to me at all... It used to though, that is until I fell down the Aliens subreddit rabbit hole.

I don't really know where I'd be now, had I not spent that much time on the subreddit, but I think I am a lost cause now... I have become convinced that the U.S. government is hiding alien tech, with the purpose of weaponizing it, when they could use it to fix our actual first world problems, and to propel humanity into a much more meaningful existence. It doesn't matter how crazy it sounds really, it's not too far off from saying in 2018 that "in 10-15 years we will have AI models capable of generating short high quality videos from just a simple prompt" - meanwhile 6 years later: Sora.

And even if it's unhealthy to ruminate over it so much, it doesn't make it less true. Seeing the advancements in the AI industry in the past couple of years, should really open up a different view angle on everything we call sci-fi as of now. It really seems like tons of things we used to see in the 70's movies are now a reality, and the process has been accelerating a lot lately. Many advancements that had a timeframe prediction of a decade or more to be implemented, became a reality much faster. Of course, space-travel is no joke, it is ACTUAL rocket science. But are we really supposed to just live on this rock for the rest of our lives? Or at best, reach other planets but within our solar system only, and take months to complete a trip? I doubt that... but at the same time, I feel like I won't live to see the day alien tech becomes real or is disclosed... that would destroy capitalism as we know it, so it's a no go :)...​
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Aug 31, 2022
People don't enjoy their hollow lifes but have been trained to accept it. Since kindergarten we have been conditioned to just do what we are told even if we don't enjoy it. We have to. And that death is a horrible thing we shouldn't even talk about. Life has to go on and we have to go work or study boring shitall day. By the time people are working for a while every passion, curiosity and positive energy has died. Just going outside looking around you see these people. Alot of them overweight going to their job coming back home to watch TV till they go to their job again. Very sad.
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Global Mod
Aug 24, 2019
I've met a few people who plan to work part time after "retiring" because they don't know what else to do with their time. I can't imagine doing that. I can't even imagine working my life away when I already have poor health just to have even worse health when im older. i doubt with the way things are going in the world that i'd even be able to retire and thinking about that fills me with more dread.
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Homo erectus

Homo erectus

Mar 7, 2023
Mundaneness is not the worst. Insecurity is worse. Not seeing a future makes one question the present, which happens to be very mundane.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
They think that their mundane life isn't mundane at all due to how they're the main characters and so forth
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Apr 11, 2023
I had one job which I genuinely loved. Great coworkers, and lots of fun things to do, so it didn't really feel like work. It was always time-limited, but I actually really liked that time and looked forward to going in every day. It's sort of like when you're really into something (a game/movie/book/activity) and sort of lose yourself in it (I think it's called a state of "flow"). It was like that except basically the whole day.

It was really nice… I miss it.
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