You need to stop SH to give the wounds time to heal man. I know it's easier said than done, but it's worth a shot. Anyway, in my humble (and unlicensed) opinion, you should keep the wound moisturized with some kind of antibiotic cream or jelly. Then, wrap them up with ABD pads, gauze or kerlix if possible. Also, remember to clean them with a specialized wound care agent (available at most drug stores if you ask), or maybe regular soap + water if you don't have access to that. Remember, peroxide or alcohols can dry out the wounds and lead to longer healing times. Once the wounds start to become scars, some waterproof concealer might be a good option to make them less visible. Temporary tattoos are another option, though it might be a little cringe to some people. Anti-scar creams and cocoa butter treatments can also help. Of course, you can always lie and say you had a bicycle accident and got the wounds. But honestly, the best thing to do is to try your best not to self harm and see a medical professional if your wounds are deep or severe.
More info:
Following guidelines to care for minor cuts and scrapes can help you avoid infection and heal faster.