
Mar 20, 2021
Hey everyone. I'm sorry if this post is a mess since I've never posted on here but I'm glad I finally got the courage to register! I used to roam on the other "ss.com" domain for quite some time before accidentally discovering this site. (I apologize for being cryptic but I'm choosing to omit key details from my life for privacy's sake).Way back in a few years ago I just couldn't take the stresses of life, school, etc. After the end of my first year at college, I was so lost. I felt like such an outsider compared to everyone else. My social anxiety prevented me from drinking or partying either (except for small gatherings). I felt like I couldn't relate to anyone except for what everyone called the "lame" crowd that doesn't party or drink for varying reasons. I was also forced to drop out of my premed track because I was almost failing 2 of the 4 courses I needed for it and to eventually graduate. I turned to SS when I was just idolizing the idea of cbt but not seriously making a plan when my parents were egging on about how I'm a failure if I don't give the premed thing another go. Then the following semester happened, things at home were really bad, and at school, I was doing poorly and I just couldn't take it (I was back in the premed classes too). I looked up some threads about sleeping pills and man, am I glad I looked it up before buying the jar online to chug before bed (that was my plan). The SS resources seriously helped me prevent myself from a reckless CBT that wouldn't have even worked and probably would've left me in a mental hospital.

Ironically enough SS actually saved my life. I realized after wandering threads that CBT wasn't what I really wanted but that I just wanted an escape from school (at the time). I still had hope that life would get better, I'd glo up, I'd get a gf, and be more successful in school. (I know, pathetic). I decided to live life and see if things could get better by 2020/21 (they didn't).

I've always been pressured by my parents to be a golden child. Study hard, work hard, become a doctor, make a lot of money etc. For some time I wanted to do it for superficial reasons (the prestige, high income, parental praise). After suffering multiple mental breakdowns that changed though. I started to ask myself why I was putting myself through all this anxiety, stress, and sleepless nights. I figured medicine was no longer my passion, and that all I cared about was my parent's approval. All they ever said is "no pain no gain" "stop being depressed" "everyone suffers, just be a man and pull through". One day when I had enough I stopped caring. After my last mental breakdown, I just didn't care anymore about anything.

Flash forward to senior year right now. I have no jobs lined up, no graduate school programs lined up. I wasted 4 years of my life institutionalized doing worthless bullshit that just leads to more and more endless pain and suffering. I'm gonna be between 40 to 50,000 dollars in debt because of my dumb-ass decision to go to college when it was never for me and my parents won't stop harping about how much of a failure their "golden boy" is. I can remember the look of disappointment in their eyes when I broke down and told them I couldn't do this anymore and that I lost the passion to be a doctor, along with everything else.

I loathe this existence so much. I feel like a robot on autopilot, and I just can't feel any type of pleasure. I can't even remember the last time I was genuinely happy. Every time I wake up in the morning I punch my pillow in rage asking God why I was placed on the Earth to suffer this meaningless and painful existence. My parents don't give a shit about me. 21 years of gaslighting, physical, mental, and verbal abuse and I'm so closed off now that I can't trust anyone. I tell my dad about my problems finding love, feeling lonely, ugly, incompetent and hopeless in this Western world as an ethnic man and it's like talking to a brick wall. Sometimes I wished that it did get better and when my parents would tell me "it gets better as you get older" I laugh at how miserable the other adults around me are.

TLDR; I feel like an outsider looking in, terrible home situation, feelings of hopelessness, emptiness, and anhedonia as a result of school have led me back to SS.

Sorry for the micro rant. I just wanted to make a good first post. Hopefully, I'm not here to stay very long (on this planet I mean) but I look forward to finally replying to threads and talking to you all :)
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Oct 11, 2020
Hi! Thank you for taking the time to post your story here. I've read it all and completely understand your frustration with life. These are some terrible things you've been through ... I think what you're feeling right now is only very normal ... It sounds like you've been pushed into things you didn't really want, and now you have to deal with the consequences ... I don't know if this is of any help, or if this is what you want, but have you ever considered finding a job and move out of your parents' house? Or just go away for a couple of months to travel and refresh your mind? Maybe that could help? Just thinking out loud here
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Mar 20, 2021
Hi! Thank you for taking the time to post your story here. I've read it all and completely understand your frustration with life. These are some terrible things you've been through ... I think what you're feeling right now is only very normal ... It sounds like you've been pushed into things you didn't really want, and now you have to deal with the consequences ... I don't know if this is of any help, or if this is what you want, but have you ever considered finding a job and move out of your parents' house? Or just go away for a couple of months to travel and refresh your mind? Maybe that could help? Just thinking out loud here
Hey :) I did think about that quite a lot. There are a lot of other issues I'm dealing with which are kind of toppling on top of each other. The post was already starting to get long so I didn't want to include them haha. I don't have the funds to do either unfortunately. I've just been very tired of the way this world works if I'm being honest. I used to have plans to work, move up the ladder etc. and eventually move out but I just don't care anymore. My motivation is fizzled out and I guess you could say I've "burnt out" of life. I can't see myself being genuinely happy in this capitalistic world. My extreme anxiety has been preventing me from enjoying things because I'm constantly worried about the future. I hate the idea of "wage-slaving" for the rest of my life until I'm 65, mainly because I've seen what it does to older adults around me. They look so miserable and lifeless. Another reason is that I'm relatively young and I'm already living the worst years of my life. I don't see why I would continue on living if it's supposed to get even harder once I go out into the real world where I'm on my own. This fast-paced world just isn't for someone like me. I have to work to survive in this world, and I don't see why I should if I have no motivation, my anxiety has prevented me from enjoying myself, and I constantly feel like I'm drowning from the constant worries in life
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Mar 2, 2021
I like your username lol "wasted fetus." Welcome to SS, first of all! I'm a pretty recent member too. As a fresh graduate from uni, I can relate strongly. I also had social anxiety that I felt prevented me from truly enjoying life and the company of others the first few years of uni. I graduated a few months early just because I could, and I have no plans lined up except working part time and feeling sorry for myself while gaming ahah (jk but not really). It's definitely rough, and throwing in the pressure some cultural/family values hold over you can really intensify the shame, guilt, or feelings of hopelessness and dissonance. Fortunately, my family relationships have improved the past year. But I remember how painful it was before then, and I'm sorry you've had to experience so much pain and live so exhaustingly with all these high expectations thrown at you. If you ever want to chat, vent, etc I'm open :hug:
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Oct 11, 2020
I totally feel you. Capitalism certainly does have many benefits (such as promoting innovation), but that's mostly for the workaholic people who want to dedicate their entire life to their job. I have a bit the same feeling as you that I'm just not willing to do a shitty, meaningless or boring job for the rest of my life, just to survive. You know, I'm 22 years old myself, and despite my academic career being quite okay and having found a good student job (so I have some income while studying), I just feel like I don't enjoy life either, and that's probably the main reason why I'm here. No matter what I do, even when I pass my exams or get hired for a job, there always seems to be something in me that cannot be satisfied ... Even when I was dating a few months ago with what seemed to me the most perfect girl I could ever meet, it just couldn't totally satisfy me ... (soon after she suddenly rejected me, which made things only worse.) On the other hand, sometimes I try to tell myself that I'm only 22 years old, and that my entire life is still ahead of me, and that I can still shape it however I want. I know it feels like these are supposed to be the best years of your life, but don't forget that you still have your entire twenties to try new things and that there's still room for mistakes (so don't pressure yourself too much right now). I don't know if that could be a motivation for you? Even if everything seems so miserable right now, maybe the future could bring new hope and chances? :)
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Mar 20, 2021
I like your username lol "wasted fetus." Welcome to SS, first of all! I'm a pretty recent member too. As a fresh graduate from uni, I can relate strongly. I also had social anxiety that I felt prevented me from truly enjoying life and the company of others the first few years of uni. I graduated a few months early just because I could, and I have no plans lined up except working part time and feeling sorry for myself while gaming ahah (jk but not really). It's definitely rough, and throwing in the pressure some cultural/family values hold over you can really intensify the shame, guilt, or feelings of hopelessness and dissonance. Fortunately, my family relationships have improved the past year. But I remember how painful it was before then, and I'm sorry you've had to experience so much pain and live so exhaustingly with all these high expectations thrown at you. If you ever want to chat, vent, etc I'm open :hug:
Thank you for your kind words :) I'll definitely take you up on that offer once I'm settled in and chatting is enabled for me haha

I totally feel you. Capitalism certainly does have many benefits (such as promoting innovation), but that's mostly for the workaholic people who want to dedicate their entire life to their job. I have a bit the same feeling as you that I'm just not willing to do a shitty, meaningless or boring job for the rest of my life, just to survive. You know, I'm 22 years old myself, and despite my academic career being quite okay and having found a good student job (so I have some income while studying), I just feel like I don't enjoy life either, and that's probably the main reason why I'm here. No matter what I do, even when I pass my exams or get hired for a job, there always seems to be something in me that cannot be satisfied ... Even when I was dating a few months ago with what seemed to me the most perfect girl I could ever meet, it just couldn't totally satisfy me ... (soon after she suddenly rejected me, which made things only worse.) On the other hand, sometimes I try to tell myself that I'm only 22 years old, and that my entire life is still ahead of me, and that I can still shape it however I want. I know it feels like these are supposed to be the best years of your life, but don't forget that you still have your entire twenties to try new things and that there's still room for mistakes (so don't pressure yourself too much right now). I don't know if that could be a motivation for you? Even if everything seems so miserable right now, maybe the future could bring new hope and chances? :)
I never thought I'd be able to find so many students who I can relate to on this forum. Whenever I tried to talk about this with other students it's like they just don't get it. I didn't understand how so many of them were so happy doing such trivial things every day until summer vacation only to come back in the fall and lather, rinse, and repeat. I relate so much to what you said about not finding true pleasure or satisfaction in things even achievements. I really appreciate your input :)
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