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Jan 20, 2020
Several of these don't seem accurate. I think they pulled the numbers out of their asses.
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Feb 28, 2020
Tbh I think a lot of us bypassed 'lostallhope' on the way to this site
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May 15, 2019
It's a pro-choice website. Not sure where the confusion about this is coming from. In fact, there's a petition out demanding that the site be taken down.
can't get on the website it might have been closed down. Pls don't quote me but if I remember correctly there is an opening narrative that basically says... If your thinking of ctb pls read this first, and then goes into the reasons why you shouldn't. Also if I remember it emphasises what can go wrong, and some of those ratings seem out when compared to the pph scores. Particularly with times, which are given osurely on a successful scenario. 57 mins to die if someone set themselves on fire successfully? 18 mins if someone one successfully jumps in fron of a train?


Thoughtful poster
Jan 17, 2019
I'm not sure where you got the narrative that Lost All Hope is a pro-life site. Others on the forum have commented that it also is a pro-life site, too. Yet the opening of the site says and I quote:
Welcome to Lost All Hope - one of the most comprehensive suicide resources on the web.

You may be reading this looking for information on methods to commit suicide. They are here. Maybe you'd like to know statistical information about suicide - you're in the right place. Perhaps you are feeling really low; part of you wants to end it, and part of you just wants to be happy. You'll find information and links that might help you.

When I searched on the web in 2002 to try and find ways to kill myself, I was overwhelmed by the amount of information I found; frustrated by how hard it was to find the information I really wanted; fed up of websites that tried to save me.

Lost All Hope has no angle. The site is non-profit. It has no religious affiliation. It has no political stand point on the whys and wherefores, pros and cons, of suicide or euthanasia. It offers no advice, and has no bulletin boards, chat or forums (although does link to some). It is here as an impartial resource, to help inform you, and make whatever choice is right for you. I hope you find it of use.

Even the "Things to consider" page is no different in what this forum provides. An example is the potential of you failing, have you exhausted your resources, are you sure you want to do this, etc.

Stop spreading misinformation and for once please read a site through its entirety before coming to the conclusion it's a pro-life site.
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Feb 19, 2020
Pain is such a personal thing and can't really be measured - especially from people that have commited the act.

Some people can be at the end of their life with incurable diseases and measure their pain as 10/10 and someone with the same diagnosis / prognosis at the same stage feel a totally different type of pain or describe their pain as a 1/10. Same could be said when someone breaks their arm in an identical place / childbirth. Pain is not uniform.

too many variants come into it and it seems very anti - suicide.
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May 15, 2019
I'm not sure where you got the narrative that Lost All Hope is a pro-life site. Others on the forum have commented that it also is a pro-life site, too. Yet the opening of the site says and I quote:

Even the "Things to consider" page is no different in what this forum provides. An example is the potential of you failing, have you exhausted your resources, are you sure you want to do this, etc.

Stop spreading misinformation and for once please read a site through its entirety before coming to the conclusion it's a pro-life site.
If that's aimed at me I'm hopefully not spreading misinformation
I'm not sure where you got the narrative that Lost All Hope is a pro-life site. Others on the forum have commented that it also is a pro-life site, too. Yet the opening of the site says and I quote:

Even the "Things to consider" page is no different in what this forum provides. An example is the potential of you failing, have you exhausted your resources, are you sure you want to do this, etc.

Stop spreading misinformation and for once please read a site through its entirety before coming to the conclusion it's a pro-life site.
If that's aimed at me I don't believe I have spread any misinformation problem is I cannot get on the site to verify what I remember of the site. I said in my opinion its pro life. 8m allowed an opinion.
I'm not sure where you got the narrative that Lost All Hope is a pro-life site. Others on the forum have commented that it also is a pro-life site, too. Yet the opening of the site says and I quote:

Even the "Things to consider" page is no different in what this forum provides. An example is the potential of you failing, have you exhausted your resources, are you sure you want to do this, etc.

Stop spreading misinformation and for once please read a site through its entirety before coming to the conclusion it's a pro-life site.
Can you confirm if this message is addressed for me and I will happily respond?


Thoughtful poster
Jan 17, 2019
It isn't directly at you, since this instance is not the only comment to come up in the past couple months spreading that LostAllHope is pro-life.


Mar 4, 2020
How they've made this? How do they know that someone were in agony only 5.5%?
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velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
I find that scale a bit humerous to be honest. They put burning yourself alive at 95?? what's a 100 then?:ohh: I'm pretty sure I can say (without having tried it) that burning alive would be 110/100 on the pain scale.
Being fried in this ancient bull frying thing might be 99.
How they've made this? How do they know that someone were in agony only 5.5%?
AFAIK it is based on the work if Geo Stone? Could be wrong though. Just go to the website and look up his sources.


Feb 20, 2020
18 minutes for being hit by a train? How long before you're unconscious?


Dec 25, 2019
Ya, I find that hard to believe

i dont know, the pain, but my method would be putting my just my neck on the railroads.
But as for time, it should be quick, i dont think without a head would be 18 mins...

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May 15, 2019
It isn't directly at you, since this instance is not the only comment to come up in the past couple months spreading that LostAllHope is pro-life.
Do you not think from the original table has some inaccur urate
It isn't directly at you, since this instance is not the only comment to come up in the past couple months spreading that LostAllHope is pro-life.
18 minutes for being hit by a train? How long before you're unconscious?
They mys be inclusing wait times if it the UK. Always late.
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Dec 25, 2019
LOL in Germany its like 45 mins to sry, next train
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Taking it day by day
Jan 11, 2020
I am assuming the hanging stat is full suspension.


Apr 22, 2019
Right. Well, I don't advocate the site. That's why I just took a screenshot of the methods. And you're right that it seems a little off and illogical, but this is the best source I could find.
I understand, it's not like Internet is full of information about what we are looking for. Honestly this is the only site I found that's any good. Before that I found lostallhope and it was the only thing I could find too. Other than lostallhope and this site I couldn't find anything useful at all
Also I'm sorry if I seemed like I was calling you out in my first post or something, I wasn't I really wasn't, I was just sharing my opinion about the site that's all. I'm grateful to you truly for sharing the things you find, you never know maybe somebody here didn't know about that site and will find the information you brought to our attention useful. Thank you for that!❤
I'm not sure where you got the narrative that Lost All Hope is a pro-life site. Others on the forum have commented that it also is a pro-life site, too. Yet the opening of the site says and I quote:

Even the "Things to consider" page is no different in what this forum provides. An example is the potential of you failing, have you exhausted your resources, are you sure you want to do this, etc.

Stop spreading misinformation and for once please read a site through its entirety before coming to the conclusion it's a pro-life site.
I have read it all the first time I found it a few years ago. But as I was going through the site I remember feeling more and more sick by the second and having this feeling rise in me that they are just messing with me. The reason I said I think it's a pro life site is because I think it's a site that's built to look like this forum, to look pro choice so that people like us would go there but then all they do is try to scare you about everything that concerns suicide. I remember them literally trying to plant fear in about failing and pain on every step of my exploring that site. I was very hungry for information about suicide back then but I only visited that site like 3 times and couldn't bring myself to go there again just because of how bad it made me feel about wanting to kill myself. They are trying to plant doubt and fear,but mascarading as pro choice so that we would listen to them and open up to them and let them into our thoughts, that's my opinion.
Small Edit: and now I see there are plenty of other people feeling the same way as me about that site, like the things they posted seem illogical and planting of fear, like it's pro life. So while I did think I might be crazy in my opinion, seeing others seeing the same thing as me about the site makes me think that perhaps I was right and not insane about it being pro life. But who knows, if it helps you or anyone else, well I'm very happy it helped in any way and that you've found it❤️
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May 15, 2019
I understand, it's not like Internet is full of information about what we are looking for. Honestly this is the only site I found that's any good. Before that I found lostallhope and it was the only thing I could find too. Other than lostallhope and this site I couldn't find anything useful at all
Also I'm sorry if I seemed like I was calling you out in my first post or something, I wasn't I really wasn't, I was just sharing my opinion about the site that's all. I'm grateful to you truly for sharing the things you find, you never know maybe somebody here didn't know about that site and will find the information you brought to our attention useful. Thank you for that!❤
the lost all hope site is surely doing good work by stopping people jumping in front of trains or off buildings. Takes 17 mins from being hot by a train and 5 mins after jumping from height apparently, but both aren't that painful. Not sure how that works? I wish anyone who has come to the decision as peaceful an ending as, possible and minimal pain to those around.


New Member
May 1, 2019
18 minutes to die from a train hit? Seems completely insane considering jumping in front of an high speed train will rip you in pieces…


May 15, 2019
18 minutes to die from a train hit? Seems completely insane considering jumping in front of an high speed train will rip you in pieces…
That's what I thought. Of course as someone who is in the position we are in we want this info and someone has gone out of their way to try. But come on?
The first line is reliability so I'd expect that the pain and speed ratios are based on someone being successful.
So they are saying in average its 17 mins to die from but the pain is only 7 out of a 100? What do you die of then? The only thing I could assume is that it knocks someone unconscious hence the low pain and then it takes a few mins. If you were instantly knocked unconscious surely 0 pain?
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Jul 30, 2019
I love the pseudo-precision of numbers like 7.08. It would be more realistic to rank them in quintiles.
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Jan 23, 2020
i think carbon thing is peaceful i've read some ppl experiences and they didn't even know about it getting inside their body
Yes I always thought CO poisoning was very soft you don't even notice breathing it in and become unconscious quickly....so why do they put the agony as high as 18??? Is there something I'm missing?
Being fried in this ancient bull frying thing might be 99.

AFAIK it is based on the work if Geo Stone? Could be wrong though. Just go to the website and look up his sources.
Yes and I heard being cooked in boiling water or oil is one of the most painful deaths imaginable....I saw that once in a museum of medieval torturing/execution techniques..... :ohhhh: :ohhhh: :ohhhh:
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Deleted member 14386

I am not advising anything
Jan 28, 2020
Yes I always thought CO poisoning was very soft you don't even notice breathing it in and become unconscious quickly....so why do they put the agony as high as 18??? Is there something I'm missing?

Yes and I heard being cooked in boiling water or oil is one of the most painful deaths imaginable....I saw that once in a museum of medieval torturing/execution techniques..... :ohhhh: :ohhhh: :ohhhh:
I forget what it's called but they used to put you in a metal cylinder over a fire (for torture), it would rotate too so the person inside continually move to the colder parts, rotating the cylinder until they ran out of energy, some lasted longer than 48 hours. It's insane what they used to do

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