

Mar 17, 2019
Ok. I have just bought 200grams on SN.

I weigh 150 KILOS.
How much do i need? I have bought 200grams because knowing my freaking luck it wont work.

Ive tried multiple attempts at short suspension, Ivabradine and Doxylamine overdoses in large amounts, Seroquel multiple times in large amounts ended up with resting hr at 260bpm and Prolonged QT obviously still here..., 88 paracetemol tablets (unfortunately didnt know about NAC infusion and ended up infused 7 and a half hours after ingestion with level of over 370), Large amounts of Mobic which ended up in acute but temporary renal failure 5 days after ingestion, erm.. I cannot think what else ive tried. Its a long long list

Im morbidly obese. Im unsure if this has something to do with the fact im still around. I have completely given up on strangulation/short suspension hanging i dont pass out. My face will swell up and turn blue etc and im still hanging there. I have NO idea why i end up giving up all the time.

So SN method it is.

I have Nexium and need to probably get odanzatron for nausea. Any suggestions please? Thanks.


Mar 5, 2019
1 more thing:
min. 8 hours fast
With an empty stomach, 1 dl water absorption is 5-10 minutes
with food in the stomach, 1 dl water absorption is much slower approx. 30- 45 minutes
1 more:
human LDLo is 71 mg/kg, meaning a 70 kg person would likely have to consume at least 5 g to result in death
The lowest lethal dose (LDLo) is the least amount of drug that can produce death in a given animal species under controlled conditions.
BUT this doesn't mean everybody will die with 5g! So if you want to be sure you have to take more.

I will do it with 20g. I don"t think it is too much. My backup plan if i vomit I will take another dose of sn
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Mar 21, 2019
If you don't mind me asking, exactly what happened during your experience with seroquel? I'm prescribed this, but I've heard that it's ineffective in overdose and someone even recovered from being comatose so doesn't seem like there's a lot of point going down that route. I wondered if you can elaborate on your experience.

I find the SN method a bit vague for me and I'm too worried about discomfort to consider it viable at the moment, but if the level of discomfort isn't high, I guess it seems easiest to CTB by ingesting something rather than more violent methods. I don't know anything about amounts, sorry.


Mar 17, 2019
1 more thing:
min. 8 hours fast
With an empty stomach, 1 dl water absorption is 5-10 minutes
with food in the stomach, 1 dl water absorption is much slower approx. 30- 45 minutes
1 more:
human LDLo is 71 mg/kg, meaning a 70 kg person would likely have to consume at least 5 g to result in death
The lowest lethal dose (LDLo) is the least amount of drug that can produce death in a given animal species under controlled conditions.
BUT this doesn't mean everybody will die with 5g! So if you want to be sure you have to take more.

I will do it with 20g. I don"t think it is too much. My backup plan if i vomit I will take another dose of sn
Thankyou so much. Yes thats the math that i thought too!!! Yes. Ill be fasting.

I may have delayed gastric emptying so i may need to fast for a couple of days before i start the process? Would you recommend if this is the case?


Mar 17, 2019
If you don't mind me asking, exactly what happened during your experience with seroquel? I'm prescribed this, but I've heard that it's ineffective in overdose and someone even recovered from being comatose so doesn't seem like there's a lot of point going down that route. I wondered if you can elaborate on your experience.

I find the SN method a bit vague for me and I'm too worried about discomfort to consider it viable at the moment, but if the level of discomfort isn't high, I guess it seems easiest to CTB by ingesting something rather than more violent methods. I don't know anything about amounts, sorry.
Hey, sure i can. I was on 1200mgs in one hit every night. Why i chose it, was because i found out very quickly that my body has a high heart rate naturally, and even with just my normal dosage of 1200mgs i would sometimes end up in ICU in an SVT episode. I just naturally didnt cope well with Seroquel, hence my trying to overdose on it. At the time the highest dosage of instant was 200mgs. I dont remember the exact number but it would have been half the box. I really didnt think i needed much because ive almost died on my regular dosage a few times. That particular time, as i said hr was 260bpm, because im naturally used to high heart rates i coped with it and was concious, it caused a prolonged qt interval. Dr came up to me and told me i was going to die and i said "bring it on" he turned around and screamed "call mental health!" i was like.. Um what for im going to die.......

Anyway. ICU came down and because i was handling the extreme heart rate fairly well they but me in cardiac ICU instead and unforunately i lived.

Heart rate of 260bpm is verrrrry uncomfortable. I had a friend who most certainly almost died and was intubated etc... But she lived too.

I really believe it depends on how your body individually responds somehow. But people have died from it.

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