Not that hard with equipments, You have to understand the concept first, In order to prevent compression of airways. Your equipmnt you should work similar to a human arm or more like your thumb and two fingers. In a U shape, left arm of shape will compress arteries on the left, right one will do the sam ething on the right side. And Once you achieve this with your fingers, you should mark your sweet spots, with a temp marker ofcourse.
Then use, your equipment whatever you choose. In your socks, put the folded socks on your marked spots. then press the socks with hands. If it works, then socks are good enough for this. Else choose something else with a better weight and density. You could also fill up and try other stuff like sand, flour etc. Choose whatever works, manually test with hands. Then use a belt, ratchet, rope or tape. Whatever you prefer.
And that should do it, and the video you are talking about, the guy had already lost conciousness, And in order to lessen the chance of movements after LOC. Take some fast acting benzos, or 2-3 Zolpidem 10mg tablets. 10 minutes before tightening.
Thanks man you too, I sourced out 2 KG of SN and received today. So will be going with that. :)