
Jun 29, 2018
I always believed in an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. If you damage somebody in a certain way that makes their life on unbearable and is bringing them to the point of suicide, then the same should be done to you. I am suing for medical malpractice, but I really don't believe that is enough. These stupid doctors that didn't follow protocol and left me scarred for life should have to go through the same torture that I go through daily. Even if I manage to somehow get my health back then I believe that they should go exactly what I went through for as long as I went through it. They can honestly shove their money up their ass. The same goes for every other crime committed in my mind. If you rape or kill someone then the same should be done to you. How the hell is it punishment to put these animals behind bars for an extended period of time while they are given all their basic necessities meanwhile the other person is left unfairly damaged for life or dead when they wanted nothing but to live their life. I read a story about this crazy South African woman who poured acid all over her younger boyfriend from the Netherlands. They ended up euthanizing him and she got some sort of long sentence. What kind of bullshit is that? The same exact thing should be done to her. They should hold her down and pour acid all over her body and then make her live through it. No mercy whatsoever. No mercy killing like in her boyfriend's case in my eyes. I'm tired of hearing about this death penalty debate in the states. First off they spend decades on death row and then everyone worries about how painful their death through the injection would be. Are we being serious right now? Make that shit as painful as possible. I think they should bring back medieval death penalties for serious crimes like burning murderers alive or torturing them to death. I never hurt anyone in my life and just wanted a simple existence, yet now I struggle to make through each day scouring through research articles and going to countless doctors appointments for various procedures to somehow become functional someday. What the hell do you want me to do with a settlement if this continues for the rest of my life? I am just going to sit there and suffer while I sit on top of all this money is what's gonna happen. Everything is complete bullshit. All people are fucking animals and deserve to be treated at such for the grimy shit that they do. I got tired of going to church too. I wish I was fucking dead already. I even went and talked to a monk at a monastery and came away thinking that everything he said was complete bullshit. He has everything paid for and prays to some imaginary guy in the sky and then has the nerve to tell me that suing someone or an entity for hurting me in such a way. Seriously go fuck yourself. You're not a man of god. You're a fucking idiot.
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
Simple answer is yes
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Cloud Surfing
Aug 21, 2018
Yes, I have
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
yae humanity is doomed.
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Jul 14, 2018
Can't lose something you never had.
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Sep 1, 2018
Mhm, so much horrible events have already happened and society hasn't done nearly nothing to prevent those from happening again.
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Mar 23, 2018
I haven't had faith in society or religious people in years. For some reason I still believe in god sometimes but not his followers. They are mostly hypocrites. :(
Especially in the current climate in the U.S. Most of them still support the one who's name shall not be mentioned but if it were someone on the opposite side they would crucify them for the same actions.
I don't have a problem with someone hooking up with porn stars (If it is concensual) but if you stand against that when it's not a member of your party but then have no problem with it when it's someone in your own … that's when I have a problem. ;)

I think you should sue if the doctors messed up hopefully they will have to pay a lot for what they did.

I think the woman from South Africa should have the same done to her.
I think if you kill someone (On purpose) and are put to death that is getting off easy. I think it would be worse to spend life behind bars.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I'm telling you it's because we have a government. When you allow a government to control and brainwash people, they stop behaving in a civilized way and human relationships break down. If enough people become narcissists and phsycopathic, you can't have social cohesion anymore. It's been a gradual process over decades. Now it's just more obvious, also multiculturalism doesn't work out in long term. The welfare state is not sustainable.
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Jul 28, 2018
yae humanity is doomed.
Lol? Humanity is anything but doomed. There are 7.4 billion of us. The more of us the more savants and intelligent people there are, and these people are doing their best to ensure humanity survives.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
Lol? Humanity is anything but doomed. There are 7.4 billion of us. The more of us the more savants and intelligent people there are, and these people are doing their best to ensure humanity survives.
surviving sure. That's not the problem. But thriving..... LMFAO. Despite all the advancements and increased economy the depression and the suicide rate is as high as it's ever been. So yae we are surviving but surviving just ain't enough it seems.
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Caustic Cardinals

Caustic Cardinals

Sep 1, 2018
puǝ ǝɥʇ uᴉ ɹǝʇʇɐɯ ʎllɐǝɹ ʇᴉ sǝop
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
puǝ ǝɥʇ uᴉ ɹǝʇʇɐɯ ʎllɐǝɹ ʇᴉ sǝop
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Aug 23, 2018
Yes unfortunately.
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Aug 16, 2018
Yes can't decide..I cannot believe I took a drug that rest of society thinks is safe is convincing others to take because there "is something wrong with them" when I was still working socialising. Now I'm absolutely destroyed no one wants to know what happened don't want to believe and try and convince me there is nothing wrong when I've been totally lobotomised. Now there really is something wrong but i have to get on with it like everyone else.
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Sep 14, 2018
Yes can't decide..I cannot believe I took a drug that rest of society thinks is safe is convincing others to take because there "is something wrong with them" when I was still working socialising. Now I'm absolutely destroyed no one wants to know what happened don't want to believe and try and convince me there is nothing wrong when I've been totally lobotomised. Now there really is something wrong but i have to get on with it like everyone else.
I've had something similar happen to me. Sucks major ass but nobody is held accountable.


Aug 16, 2018
I've had something similar happen to me. Sucks major ass but nobody is held accountable.
What happened ? Now I will have to live in torturous agony unless can get self to kill self..absolutely disgusting and inhumane
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Sep 14, 2018
What happened ? Now I will have to live in torturous agony unless can get self to kill self..absolutely disgusting and inhumane
Long story. Prefer not to get into it in public honestly :(


Aug 16, 2018
Long story. Prefer not to get into it in public honestly :(

And yes no one accountable. And I'm now seen as someone "not trying hard enough" can barely do anything. If people could see it the med profession wouldn't get away with this
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Sep 14, 2018

And yes no one accountable. And I'm now seen as someone "not trying hard enough" can barely do anything. If people could see it the med profession wouldn't get away with this
Professional doctors and psychiatrists can't face their own failures so ironically you will always be to blame for their mistakes. This is completely not your fault, a lot of lives have been ruined.
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Aug 16, 2018
Professional doctors and psychiatrists can't face their own failures so ironically you will always be to blame for their mistakes. This is completely not your fault, a lot of lives have been ruined.
I know it isn't but people around can't see what happened.
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Aug 5, 2018
I always believed in an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. If you damage somebody in a certain way that makes their life on unbearable and is bringing them to the point of suicide, then the same should be done to you. I am suing for medical malpractice, but I really don't believe that is enough. These stupid doctors that didn't follow protocol and left me scarred for life should have to go through the same torture that I go through daily. Even if I manage to somehow get my health back then I believe that they should go exactly what I went through for as long as I went through it. They can honestly shove their money up their ass. The same goes for every other crime committed in my mind. If you rape or kill someone then the same should be done to you. How the hell is it punishment to put these animals behind bars for an extended period of time while they are given all their basic necessities meanwhile the other person is left unfairly damaged for life or dead when they wanted nothing but to live their life. I read a story about this crazy South African woman who poured acid all over her younger boyfriend from the Netherlands. They ended up euthanizing him and she got some sort of long sentence. What kind of bullshit is that? The same exact thing should be done to her. They should hold her down and pour acid all over her body and then make her live through it. No mercy whatsoever. No mercy killing like in her boyfriend's case in my eyes. I'm tired of hearing about this death penalty debate in the states. First off they spend decades on death row and then everyone worries about how painful their death through the injection would be. Are we being serious right now? Make that shit as painful as possible. I think they should bring back medieval death penalties for serious crimes like burning murderers alive or torturing them to death. I never hurt anyone in my life and just wanted a simple existence, yet now I struggle to make through each day scouring through research articles and going to countless doctors appointments for various procedures to somehow become functional someday. What the hell do you want me to do with a settlement if this continues for the rest of my life? I am just going to sit there and suffer while I sit on top of all this money is what's gonna happen. Everything is complete bullshit. All people are fucking animals and deserve to be treated at such for the grimy shit that they do. I got tired of going to church too. I wish I was fucking dead already. I even went and talked to a monk at a monastery and came away thinking that everything he said was complete bullshit. He has everything paid for and prays to some imaginary guy in the sky and then has the nerve to tell me that suing someone or an entity for hurting me in such a way. Seriously go fuck yourself. You're not a man of god. You're a fucking idiot.

One day you will realize that it's not that simple. Maybe you're young now but as you get older you will find out that it is an endless never ending cycle of suffering and violence that you are perpetuating. It is not worth it. When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.
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Sep 12, 2018
yes, i used to be naive and idealistic,thats what kept me going, but over time i realized, no hope in society until the majority of people stop worshipping the wrong ones that only use them for their purposes ,mostly people with narcissitic and sociopathic traits,, and stop viewing empathy as a weakness. Humanity had enough time to realize this, thus its unlikely they ever will or bother enough,most people unless something affects them personally wouldnt bother to seek justice ,thats just my take
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He killed himself with his own mind
Jul 2, 2018
I think I've finally lost all hope, there may have been a thread or two of hope that I was hanging onto, but now, there's none.
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