
Aug 18, 2020
I looked through my youtube subscriptions and had this thought. I don't boycott media outlets which critized this website. Not fully sure what I would do if I payed money for them. Maybe I would still pay for it if the quality overall was good. In German media there is barely any coverage about this forum. I have a theory for that but I won't elaborate on it now.

I read or watch for example BBC or The New York TImes sometimes. Noam Chomsky is a huge critic of the media. In a documentary he says probably the NYT has the best coverage in the world (best research abilities). Though this was some decades ago. Personally I also want to follow media outlets which contradict my worldview. I actively do that and I think this is important.

I think vice always was for me related to low quality reporting. I dislike their style of writting. I am not following the NYT that closely to make a final conclusion. I think American media outlets are too friendly to the powerful and too scared to attack for example the pharma lobby. But admittedly I like that the NYT has leaked war crimes. I think something like that is very important.

The BBC is for me famous for transphobia. I don't watch it as often. But I would probably be against defunding them when I was from England. I can't talk much about the BBC. But I like the media outlets in my country which are founded by the people. They are often left-wing and I am a lefty. Lol.
But of course I condemn the transphobia of the BBC. I just don't know much about the articles.

Do you know similar thoughts? Has anyone quit their paid-subscription due to the articles about this forum? I would be curious to know your thoughts on that topic.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I can't boycott the NYT ever since they bought Wordle sadly. I swear I'll quit once my designated word of choice is correct.

I never paid for any of these websites though so I guess my opinion doesn't matter as much.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I stay away from most news outlets, most of it's depressing or about some celeb I can care less about.
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Aug 23, 2020
If you dig long enough you can find a reason to boycott nearly any business that exists. No company is completely perfect in a modern word.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
We used to subscribe to a newspaper in my country. It used to be a fairly decent one, until a filthy commie pig took over as its Editor-in-Chief. Then the paper began to steadily glorify the heinous crimes & genocides perpetrated by bloody Red commie tyrants like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro and other bloodthirsty regimes like those of Poo-tin, Assad, Maduro, Gaddafi, Chinese commie tyrants etc. The last straw was when that filthy commie rag began justifying an ongoing genocide perpetrated by a diabolical tyrant in a neighbouring country.

That was the end. I cancelled the newspaper subscription, wrote a scathing e-mail to its management and subscribed to another newspaper that unequivocally condemned the genocide in deservedly harsh terms. The filthy commie rag lost thousands, if not tens of thousands of subscribers in this way. Its local advertising funding dried up and today it is propped up only by direct funding from the genocidal rogue regimes of Russia and China, among others.

Similarly, I avoid even the online sites of rogue newspapers, magazines and websites that support filthy genocidal regimes like those of Russia, China, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, North Korea etc.

Even one click from me translates into a little money for those voices of evil regimes. So I avoid clicking on their known links.

Right now, I'm boycotting all products and services from companies that continue to do business in Poo-tin's Russia, paying taxes to the genocidal mass-murderer and directly funding his ongoing genocide in Ukraine.

Along with thousands, if not millions of others, I flooded French car maker Renault's (& its CEO's) social media accounts with messages condemning them for funding genocide after they announced they would restart their Moscow plant. Faced with public fury from civilised people, Renault took a U-turn and announced that they would be suspending operations in Russia. Still keeping a close eye on them to see if they keep their word, while also flooding the social media accounts of other businesses still doing business in Russia.

This is one of the many good things about free market capitalism. We have a choice to patronise ethical companies and buy their products & services and avoid those of rogue companies, thus forcing them to change their behaviour or go bankrupt. Commie hellholes don't have this choice. Commie tyranny is one of the greatest curses to have ever afflicted humankind.
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Mar 15, 2022
BBC, NYT have had some rough history. The transphobia thing with the BBC is absolutely true and the stuff that they let slide into their articles is disgusting by any standards. NYT I have a problem with because they've had some dumb articles but their researching capabilities are pretty good.

I much prefer Reuters, AP Newswire, Vox is nice sometimes too.
Dysgenic Pup

Dysgenic Pup

A canine that’s not so heavenly.
Sep 18, 2021
Never used them to begin with.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
We used to subscribe to a newspaper in my country. It used to be a fairly decent one, until a filthy commie pig took over as its Editor-in-Chief
Love how pretty much any old thread on here these days will either involve someone managing to shoehorn in an angry rant about "filthy commie pigs" or someone moaning about how it's practically illegal to say anything right wing on this website.
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Dysgenic Pup

Dysgenic Pup

A canine that’s not so heavenly.
Sep 18, 2021
Love how pretty much any old thread on here these days will either involve someone managing to shoehorn in an angry rant about "filthy commie pigs" or someone moaning about how it's practically illegal to say anything right wing on this website.
There's some of both I would say. From polls, I think this place greatly leans left.
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Jul 7, 2019
Love how pretty much any old thread on here these days will either involve someone managing to shoehorn in an angry rant about "filthy commie pigs" or someone moaning about how it's practically illegal to say anything right wing on this website.
Being against communism doesn't necessarily means right winger. I know plenty of leftists who are staunchly against communism. Besides, why is it always left vs right in your mind? that's quite reductionist.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
There's some of both I would say. From polls, I think this place greatly leans left.
Yeah I've seen that but based on content I'd say many of the dominant voices are more rightward in their thinking and there's a fair few posts raging about communism for whatever reason, l suspect many who voted in that poll don't post much tbh - the right wing posters here often have some notion that this place is under some socialist jackboot of Cancel Culture Woke Mob Silencing Brigades despite posts along the lines of "China needs to be nuked" being freely accepted, is very odd imo.
Besides, why is it always left vs right in your mind? that's quite reductionist.
Idk, maybe it's because pretty much every single political struggle in history has been between those with power in the form of capital and those without it.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
Love how pretty much any old thread on here these days will either involve someone managing to shoehorn in an angry rant about "filthy commie pigs"

This thread isn't old, is it? It looks like the OP created it barely three hours ago.

Yes, my rant is indeed about those filthy commie pigs. They took over one newspaper we subscribed to for years, and turned it into not only a despicable commie mouthpiece, but also one that justifies & celebrates recent & current genocides & ethnic cleansings by rogue regimes around the world.

In case you didn't notice, I have been equally critical recently of fascists, Nazis, imperialists, supremacists and other far right scum beings as I have been of far left commie pigs.

Yet, you always seem to get triggered whenever I use the word commie, and somehow try to portray any harsh criticism of commies (which they thoroughly deserve) as criticism of the entire left.

I guess this indicates where your sympathies lie. I'm not surprised, considering how commies have managed to make their evil ideology somewhat popular in the West in recent years.

Commie sympathisers in the West don't have a clue about all the heinous crimes commies commit to grab power and the even more heinous crimes they unleash upon hapless people once they grab power. I live in the Third World, and have seen with my own eyes the crimes committed by filthy commie pigs.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Yet, you always seem to get triggered whenever I use the word commie, and somehow try to portray any harsh criticism of commies (which they thoroughly deserve) as criticism of the entire left.
I've held my politics for a very long time and l can assure you that in the UK this is not possible to do without having a skin thick enough to not be "triggered" by people on the internet who point at pretty much everything they don't like and call it communism. I just find it peculiar that this specific genre of post is a regular occurrence across multiple threads and yet plenty of people still bemoan the perceived stifling of good, wholesome, massively right wing content on here.

Also anyone suggesting it's possible to be both politically left and consider being rabidly anti-communist a priority is talking out of their hat imho.
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Jul 7, 2019
Also anyone suggesting it's possible to be both politically left and consider being rabidly anti-communist a priority is talking out of their hat imho.

This may be an extremely hard concept to even grasp, but there is a world outside of the comfy countries in the anglosphere. I know, shocking. And in this world communism is a real threat. Far more of a threat than any form of fascism that you guys may or may not be facing. There are real terrorists killing, kidnaping and extorting people, all for the real communism that makes any action justifiable in their rotten minds. Of course some left wing people will be rabidly anti-communist after experiencing this reality, not to mention that the your anglo left is very different from our third world left. And I mean radically different in many aspects.

I get that you may have your own worldview based on the political environment of the country you were raised in. Don't belittle the perspective of other people from very distant countries and cultures, I don't know about the other people in this forum that have similar views on communism, but I've lost family members and precious people because the zealots that were indoctrinated into that horrible ideology didn't see them as human beings, just as tools to be kidnaped and ransomed, their lands stolen and their relatives threatened, all in the name of communism.

If you don't recognize the sound of an anti-personal mine, or haven't seen a child grow without his legs because of one of those weapons placed by "liberation armies" (marxist guerrillas), then I deeply envy your life.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
I've held my politics for a very long time and l can assure you that in the UK this is not possible to do without having a skin thick enough to not be "triggered" by people on the internet who point at pretty much everything they don't like and call it communism.

You seem to have no idea of what communism really is and who commies really are. The commie parties you may have in the UK exist largely on paper, they don't wield any significant influence in the real world.

In my country, we have a few serious commie parties, and like all commies that gain power or attempt to gain power, they have unleashed horrible, unspeakable atrocities and have murdered tens of thousands of people over the years during their reign of pure Red terror.

Also anyone suggesting it's possible to be both politically left and consider being rabidly anti-communist a priority is talking out of their hat imho.

This is completely absurd! It's perfectly possible to be left leaning and left-of-centre while being rabidly anti-communist, just as it is perfectly possible to be right leaning and right-of-centre while being rabidly anti-fascist.

Left and right do not constitute a simplistic political binary as some would like to think. They form a very wide spectrum.


Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
You seem to have no idea of what communism really is and who commies really are. The commie parties you may have in the UK exist largely on paper, they don't wield any significant influence in the real world.

Left and right do not constitute a simplistic political binary as some would like to think. They form a very wide spectrum.
You were describing Putin as a communist only a few weeks back, come on. And please don't talk to me about what constitutes left and right when you post daily on how communism and fascism are literally the same thing, if you want an example of a simplistic view then this is absolutely it.
This may be an extremely hard concept to even grasp, but there is a world outside of the comfy countries in the anglosphere. I know, shocking. And in this world communism is a real threat. Far more of a threat than any form of fascism that you guys may or may not be facing. There are real terrorists killing, kidnaping and extorting people, all for the real communism that makes any action justifiable in their rotten minds. Of course some left wing people will be rabidly anti-communist after experiencing this reality, not to mention that the your anglo left is very different from our third world left. And I mean radically different in many aspects.

I get that you may have your own worldview based on the political environment of the country you were raised in. Don't belittle the perspective of other people from very distant countries and cultures, I don't know about the other people in this forum that have similar views on communism, but I've lost family members and precious people because the zealots that were indoctrinated into that horrible ideology didn't see them as human beings, just as tools to be kidnaped and ransomed, their lands stolen and their relatives threatened, all in the name of communism.

If you don't recognize the sound of an anti-personal mine, or haven't seen a child grow without his legs because of one of those weapons placed by "liberation armies" (marxist guerrillas), then I deeply envy your life.
This would be fine if communism was the single great evil of the world and western liberal democracies of sensible and moderate grown-ups had not waged continuous imperial warfare across the globe which had created a similar resentment in those places affected. It's strange that you talk to me about the "comfy" anglosphere as if I'm ignorant to civilian bloodshed overseas when this is a consistent point l make in criticism of western neoliberalism, yet it's still the Commie Pigs who are somehow responsible for both "Poo-tin" and, worse still, Woke Cancel Culture on this website.

I would add here that yes, many people on the left will stand against despotic and brutal regimes of any persuasion, but you're not going to find anyone seriously on the left who will say Karl Marx was full of shit.
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Aug 23, 2020
In my country, we have a few serious commie parties, and like all commies that gain power or attempt to gain power, they have unleashed horrible, unspeakable atrocities and have murdered tens of thousands of people over the years during their reign of pure Red terror.
This would be fine if communism was the single great evil of the world and western liberal democracies of sensible and moderate grown-ups had not waged continuous imperial warfare across the globe which had created a similar resentment in those places affected.
Can we just agree that authoritarian regimes and imperialistic warfare are just plain wrong regardless of whether the regime behind them is right-leaning or left-leaning and that any ideology can be taken to an extreme of radicalism, or exploited for the sake of hubris and power hunger of "great leaders"?
No? Nope?
Okay, I shut up...
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Better never to have been
Jul 4, 2021
I read the news a lot less nowadays, I make sure not to give them a dime.


Jul 7, 2019
This would be fine if communism was the single great evil of the world and western liberal democracies of sensible and moderate grown-ups had not waged continuous imperial warfare across the globe which had created a similar resentment in those places affected. It's strange that you talk to me about the "comfy" anglosphere as if I'm ignorant to civilian bloodshed overseas when this is a consistent point l make in criticism of western neoliberalism, yet it's still the Commie Pigs who are somehow responsible for both "Poo-tin" and, worse still, Woke Cancel Culture on this website.

I would add here that yes, many people on the left will stand against despotic and brutal regimes of any persuasion, but you're not going to find anyone seriously on the left who will say Karl Marx was full of shit.
I don't want to keep derailing yet another thread, all I'll say is that I don't feel like you are even discussing with me, just against this strawman that you have in your mind about what an anti-communist is. I'm nor even close to the right wing.

Never did I mentioned putin or cancel culture, nor do I think that they are relevant to my experience or this discussion, at all.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
You were describing Putin as a communist only a few weeks back, come on.

I didn't describe Poo-tin as a communist. I've always portrayed him as the Hitler of our times, or as Hitler & Stalin rolled into one, or as Stalin 2.0 who wants to recreate the USSR 2.0

Talking of Poo-tin, even if I didn't describe him as a communist, there can be no denying that he certainly was a commie, at least till the collapse of the evil empire (USSR)!

He is a KGB thug and everyone knows this. He has himself said that there is no such thing as an ex-KGB agent. He has also said that the collapse of the USSR was the greatest tragedy (no, it wasn't, LOL! It was the best thing to have happened to humankind in the second half of the last century!)

Don't forget that Poo-tin's uniformed thugs committing genocide and crimes against humanity in Ukraine right now deliberately fly the bloody Red flag of the commie USSR on some of their tanks & vehicles which also carry the new symbol of fascist-Nazism Z.

And please don't talk to me about what constitutes left and right when you post daily on how communism and fascism are literally the same thing, if you want an example of a simplistic view then this is absolutely it.

Communism and fascism are indeed very similar in many, many ways. They are both diabolical authoritarian ideologies that are built upon gross bloodshed, persecution, oppression, mass-murder, genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and many more heinous crimes against humanity.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that commies and fascist-Nazi-imperialists share many of the same evil principles and are as diabolical as each other.

There are different ways the political spectrum can be represented. In terms of individual freedoms, communism and fascism are indeed very similar manifestations of totalitarianism. Don't forget that Nazism is just the English short form of the ideology of Nationalsozialismus (National Socialism) as espoused by the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or National Socialist German Workers' Party

Images 3
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Never did I mentioned putin or cancel culture, nor do I think that they are relevant to my experience or this discussion, at all.
Well they are relevant in the context of the discussion which was around how The Commie Pigs are discussed *on this site*, idk, maybe you were talking about something else but fair play to you for wielding the strawman trump card, always love to see that one.
(National Socialism) as espoused by the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or National Socialist German Workers' Party
Yes l know this, but as literally anyone with half a brain will tell you Hitler was not a socialist, similarly nurse sharks do not work in hospitals, despite their name.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
Yes l know this, but as literally anyone with half a brain will tell you Hitler was not a socialist, similarly nurse sharks do not work in hospitals, despite their name.

It doesn't take even half a brain to understand Hitler was an authoritarian tyrant and genocidal mass-murderer, just like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and other commie pigs.

Why should anyone stop mentioning the heinous crimes of genocidal commie mass-murderers? Because you & some others love the evil commie ideology? Not gonna happen, Chinaski!
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Mar 23, 2018
I don't pay for any sites or news feeds that would have reported on S.S. I rarely watch the news anyway.


Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
It doesn't take even half a brain to understand Hitler was an authoritarian tyrant and genocidal mass-murderer, just like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and other commie pigs.

Why should anyone stop mentioning the heinous crimes of genocidal commie mass-murderers? Because you & some others love the evil commie ideology? Not gonna happen, Chinaski!
Weird how I'm accused of the old "strawman" in a thread just before you pipe up to again suggest I'm an admirer of Pol Pot ffs.


Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
I have considered boycotting the world.
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Everyone is alone. Everyone is empty.
Mar 11, 2022
Boycotting is stupid unless done in large numbers.
Oblivion Access

Oblivion Access

I don't know anything
Jul 5, 2019
I didn't describe Poo-tin as a communist. I've always portrayed him as the Hitler of our times, or as Hitler & Stalin rolled into one, or as Stalin 2.0 who wants to recreate the USSR 2.0

Talking of Poo-tin, even if I didn't describe him as a communist, there can be no denying that he certainly was a commie, at least till the collapse of the evil empire (USSR)!

He is a KGB thug and everyone knows this. He has himself said that there is no such thing as an ex-KGB agent. He has also said that the collapse of the USSR was the greatest tragedy (no, it wasn't, LOL! It was the best thing to have happened to humankind in the second half of the last century!)

Don't forget that Poo-tin's uniformed thugs committing genocide and crimes against humanity in Ukraine right now deliberately fly the bloody Red flag of the commie USSR on some of their tanks & vehicles which also carry the new symbol of fascist-Nazism Z.

Communism and fascism are indeed very similar in many, many ways. They are both diabolical authoritarian ideologies that are built upon gross bloodshed, persecution, oppression, mass-murder, genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and many more heinous crimes against humanity.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that commies and fascist-Nazi-imperialists share many of the same evil principles and are as diabolical as each other.

There are different ways the political spectrum can be represented. In terms of individual freedoms, communism and fascism are indeed very similar manifestations of totalitarianism. Don't forget that Nazism is just the English short form of the ideology of Nationalsozialismus (National Socialism) as espoused by the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or National Socialist German Workers' Party

View attachment 89025
Ok that image is a dead giveaway, you HAVE to be trolling. Fascism leftwing? Anarchism rightwing? If you're not taking the piss (in which case I'd salute you for your high effort prank) and you genuinely buy into this view of politics, anyone arguing with you is better served dunking their head into a vat of acid.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
I should have boycotted Amazon years ago but they do provide a decent delivery service. I just wish they treated their workers better and didn't get big government tax incentives. As for the news, well, I don't sub to any of them. I only watch clips of all the major networks on YouTube. That's enough for me.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Boycotting is stupid unless done in large numbers.
Indeed, what is the point in holding any individual position of principle if it's not shared by the overwhelming majority!!!

silent staring void

Jan 22, 2020
Indeed, what is the point in holding any individual position of principle if it's not shared by the overwhelming majority!!!
I would like hear your defense of boycotting. I always thought of it as something that puts the blame on the individual instead of on larger systematic issues that are outside of your control.