I definitely wouldn't want it to hurt the people I love/loved. That's why I've hung on till now. Once they're gone though, the balance will tip and I'll feel more free to act.
I initially became suicidal due mostly to bullying from a (suspected) narcissist. While I don't think I've ever believed they would be hurt by my death, I suppose in truth, I wanted people to blame them. They're less of the main cause now but I suppose I still feel some comfort in the thought that there are still people who remember where this all began.
As such, I feel less obligation not to hurt the people that supported them too (flying monkeys) and in some way, contributed to the start of all this. I also wonder how much it would actually affect them anyway.
As for people I have lost touch with. Maybe we could all think that those we know could have been more supportive but- were we there for them either always? Maybe they had their own problems to deal with. Unless people have deliberately done spiteful things to harm me, I don't really bear grudges. I don't think we're entitled to be 'saved' by others. So, I hope they don't feel guilty.
At most, I hope maybe it's a wakeup call for people. That there are people in the world who desperately want to leave it and, who likely will. Especially if they have so little reason to stay. Maybe that will make them appreciate the time they have with the people around them. Maybe they will become more conscious to check in on them. That might be enough to sustain other people. It likely wouldn't me but, we're all different.