Bill the Cat
- Oct 10, 2020
- 621
My attitude can sometimes come across as arrogance and the doctors hate it. I can see that. But I don't give a fuck because it's my health and that trumps their job.
They have specialist knowledge (though sometimes I wonder even about that, especially when I see them consulting google for things I already know), but I'm the one who has the knowledge about me, not them. They should always listen to their patients but they often don't.
I've experienced decades of this and I've done my due diligence. That doesn't make me right, but I trust my instincts and experience over some twat who tells me to continue taking drugs that are clearly making things worse.
You don't get out of a problem by continuing with the same behaviour that got you into it in the first place.
If those pompous assholes have a problem with your attitude, too fucking bad for them. This is the internet age, the customer is always right, and their international reputations are in your anonymous hands.
And "Insanity is repeating the same action and expecting a different result" is a classic quote.
My pediatrician told me when I was a kid that medical doctors and dentists need a strong stomach and the ability to do what they are told as wanted by their teachers and professors, but that doesn't mean they're any smarter than the rest of the population. He had a son with Down's syndrome, so he was confronted with the reality of his limitations on a daily basis. He was one of the first to teach me not to be impressed with somebody's so-called "credentials."
Doctors who hate arrogance ARE arrogant. The good ones I've had and worked with were actually rather diffident.