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Jan 19, 2023
I've been seriously injured by improper prescribing of psych drugs. I was given heavy antipsychotics to treat a bad case of insomnia, which led to severe drug induced parkinsonism, a mental breakdown and a psych-ward suicide attempt. It has destroyed my life --- a good and healthy life until July 2021.

For now, I'm trying to get connected to some journalists or people in the healthcare industry who might be able to help bring greater accountability to psychiatric care (especially psych docs). My impression from being here is that a number of other people have been harmed by psych drugs as well. So tell me .... have you or someone you know been harmed by psych drugs? If so, which one(s)? Any other details that are relevant would be good too (misdiagnosed, etc.) !
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Small and sad
Apr 3, 2023
I'm so sorry you went through that. I hope you get fairly compensated through legal sction. That is horrible.

Oh man, so many. When I was first admitted to wards as a teen, they loaded me up on lorazepam, and I lost months of my life cos I just don't remember any of it. They gave it to me only because they were so understaffed that they didn't know how to handle my "erratic behaviour," so they drugged me up instead. It was horrible.
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Mar 12, 2023
ive heard many stories of people here who have been harmed by trigger happy script writing psychs. personalyl i was on lexapro for a month a cold turkeyed it (terrible idea) and still have slight brain zaps years later from just a couple weeks of being on it and cold turkeying.
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Wandering with no destination
Mar 27, 2023
I once met this one girl who had uncontrollable jerk like movements, tremors stuff like that. Had to have shots for it about every few months. you would think some of this stuff would be last resort level..
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Jan 12, 2021
Pregabalin, holy fuck. zombified me, destroyed my memory and my ability to feel pleasure. I was never suicidal before I took it, it made me suicidal within a few days of starting it and have been ever since. sounds dramatic but it killed my soul, my spark, im just so blank and empty now, like a completely different person. no one understands. I look normal and seem normal.. i can feel how it's broken something that can never be fixed. family just don't get it, think I'm depressed or can just bounce back. it literally works by destroying brain cells and thinning the grey matter in your brain, i had no idea a drug that bad could even be sold. after I read how pregabalin is known to be particularly bad in under-30s for causing horrible lasting cognitive damage, the doctor just wouldn't listen. other drs I've spoken to seem shocked I was even prescribed it
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Jul 1, 2022
Unfortunately stupid Tom Cruise went on the Today Show and forever linked criticism of psych drugs to stupid Scientology. He has a lot of blood on his hands with that colossal fuck up.
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Jan 19, 2023
Thank you for sharing your medication stories all. I know they are horror stories in real life :(

Anyone else? You or someone you know?
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hurk urk blergh
Feb 22, 2023
whoever takes them is more often than not guaranteed to have mind-numbing side effects. they want to make and raise generations of opioid addicts because they don't know how else to deal with people that have normal reactions to their current circumstances. it has fried my brain for 4 months despite stopping to take them, and my dosage being minimal (antipsychotics, 2.5mg of zyprexa). it didn't help whatever "psychotic attack" i was having. still think and see things people find abnormal occasionally, just not as bad. complete loss of will to do anything and became extremely schizoid. the effects of it still linger on to this day. those are the worst ones, my condolences you had to take it.
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its gonna be ok
Mar 26, 2023
Lexapro…it fucked me up bad and just about hospitalized me. It made me dangerously suicidal for about two weeks. After that I was a complete zombie until I told the doc I wanted to stop.
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go kitty go kitty
Mar 20, 2023
Lexapro…it fucked me up bad and just about hospitalized me. It made me dangerously suicidal for about two weeks. After that I was a complete zombie until I told the doc I wanted to stop.

Im having troubles with this medication right now. For me- it's a cycle; I'll take it for a few weeks to about a month with no issues until it finally hits me that it isn't helping and I try to stop it and end up getting forced to take it again by my family. I've always felt that any sort of medication has bad intentions and I've always been wary of them, but Lexapro really sets that in stone for me. It makes me super fucking anxious 24/7 after a few weeks of taking it steadily and my doctors couldn't give a shit. I've tried talking about it with them and the nasty side effects it gives me, but they brush it off and up it instead.

Doctors really are the fucking worst.
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Apr 1, 2023
I started taking fluoxetine two weeks ago, and this is the most suicidal I have ever been.

I also have no genuine empathy for others anymore.

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Dec 14, 2021
Pregabalin, holy fuck. zombified me, destroyed my memory and my ability to feel pleasure. I was never suicidal before I took it, it made me suicidal within a few days of starting it and have been ever since. sounds dramatic but it killed my soul, my spark, im just so blank and empty now, like a completely different person. no one understands. I look normal and seem normal.. i can feel how it's broken something that can never be fixed. family just don't get it, think I'm depressed or can just bounce back. it literally works by destroying brain cells and thinning the grey matter in your brain, i had no idea a drug that bad could even be sold. after I read how pregabalin is known to be particularly bad in under-30s for causing horrible lasting cognitive damage, the doctor just wouldn't listen. other drs I've spoken to seem shocked I was even prescribed it
Something very similar happened to me but it was from Accutane and some illegal drugs. It's horrible dm me sometime if you want. I'm kinda glad I'm not alone in this but at the same time it sucks that anyone else experiences it.
Im having troubles with this medication right now. For me- it's a cycle; I'll take it for a few weeks to about a month with no issues until it finally hits me that it isn't helping and I try to stop it and end up getting forced to take it again by my family. I've always felt that any sort of medication has bad intentions and I've always been wary of them, but Lexapro really sets that in stone for me. It makes me super fucking anxious 24/7 after a few weeks of taking it steadily and my doctors couldn't give a shit. I've tried talking about it with them and the nasty side effects it gives me, but they brush it off and up it instead.

Doctors really are the fucking worst.
Have your family check out https://www.madinamerica.com psychiatry's a dangerous scam.
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i'm a grass!
Mar 11, 2023
First, sertraline made a loud jumpy piece of s*it out of me, so when i realized something was wrong i stopped taking it. Some years later, being "talked into" trying it again, fluoxetine made me sleep all day.
My friend/flatmate tried sooo many... none of them worked, all of them had some drawbacks. Headache, panic attacks, you name it.
I have also been given antipsychotics for insomnia, but i've done some research and found out about that induced parkinsons. But they might come in handy as an antiemetic for my SN...
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I am not "safe" babe
Mar 6, 2023
I once met this one girl who had uncontrollable jerk like movements, tremors stuff like that. Had to have shots for it about every few months. you would think some of this stuff would be last resort level..
This is similar to what happened to me. I couldn't speak without nearly biting my tongue.....happened for nearly 2 years and I had to be put on more meds to counter that.
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Jan 19, 2023
That sounds terrible, I'm glad you are better now. I have a similar, but not as bad, side-effect where my teeth will frequently crash together when I am talking. It is very jarring. :(
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Mar 2, 2023
Sertraline triggered a manic episode where I destroyed everything good in my life…which then led to my worst depressive episode, which got me into a psych ward for 1 and a half years. They put me on so many bad drugs in there, but the worst was probably antipsychotics…they gave me severe OCD which I still experience to this day. I'm also sure these many drugs have altered my intelligence and memory… But the psychiatrists are always right what can you do?
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"...scarred underneath, and I'm falling..."
Oct 29, 2018
Almost died from being forced to take them, ironically.
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Apr 1, 2023
Sertraline triggered a manic episode where I destroyed everything good in my life…which then led to my worst depressive episode, which got me into a psych ward for 1 and a half years. They put me on so many bad drugs in there, but the worst was probably antipsychotics…they gave me severe OCD which I still experience to this day. I'm also sure these many drugs have altered my intelligence and memory… But the psychiatrists are always right what can you do?
Omg 1.5 years? You poor thing. but yes I was destroyed in 3 months, had and have tremors from it, trileptal and abilify, cannabis helped bring me back but I returned to a bad state using too much dmt recently.
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Is it necessary?
Nov 27, 2022
By benzodiazepines, specifically Ativan and Klonopin. It's the dependence and tolerance that happens when you take them long enough. I was never addicted but I sure got treated like I was at times because even health care works seem to lack the knowledge to know the difference of what dependence and addiction is and how they can be separate. Minus the stigma, the withdrawal is terrible and the absolute ignorance of health workers can make it even worse.

I was in a treatment center for anorexia for 3 1/2 months, they upped my dose of ativan and changed it to 3 times a day when previously I was only taking it once or twice a day. Then I got transferred to a different one and when I got there they lowered my dose by half and changed it so I only got it once every 24 hours. Well its a short acting benzo and I had already been taking it for more than a year then, so the withdrawals happened shortly after the cut. My anxiety got so much worse, my ptsd symptoms got so much worse, for the first time in years (like 13 years) I was extremely paranoid, it killed my appetite because of extreme anxiety and flaring up my ARFID which was very much anxiety based. I was having panic attacks and crying constantly, I would constantly hide and crawl into corners like a kid and freak out constantly, thinking the worst about everything. Had big fears people were making fun of me, I was bullied growing up so that's where that came from.

Well I realize after a week that I may be withdrawaling from the ativan. I go to the nurse and tell her and she has the audacity to say "that's not possible, you're still on it." So I dumbly believed her and the rest of the stay there felt like hell. When I got home and saw my doctor and explained everything, they confirmed that yeah I was withdrawaling from it and yes you can get symptoms even if you're still taking the drug. I also will mention I had unbearable physical symptom such as, body twitching that I couldn't control, lightheaded, brain fog, memory loss, my cognition also seemed to decline a bit too.

Right now I am fully off of them, tappered off them with klonopin. I still have withdrawal symptoms. Fun fact about benzos is that they can cause a protracted withdrawal. I also can not believe the amount of anger I feel through this process, I have never been more angry in my life which is probably because of anxiety and lack of sleep because nightmares/insomnia. I hate benzos so much. The thing I can't stand the most is the uncontrollable body movements and the fact that I really seem to have lost intelligence. I don't even know how to explain it but after getting off of it, I have trouble speaking, I mix up words constantly that make no sense (for example: saying pen instead of apple), I have trouble pronouncing and reading things. I can't remember stuff and my concentration is far worse. I am so embarrassed by it, especially because the one thing I used to be certain of was that I was smart and now it's like I can't say I'm that anymore.

Oh and anytime I went to the mental hospital they would just cold turkey me off of them even though they literally can cause sezuires and death if you do that. They would use the excuse of "well you used them in a OD so we aren't going to give them to you here." Which is dumb as heck because well one I can't OD in a psych ward and two can't you help me get off them then? Especially because they would be the same people who would tell me in a later session how dangerous benzos would and about the tolerance and all that, completely ignoring the fact that I was in that state despite me saying it and it probably being clear be how my body was acting. They would also shame me for being on them, they acted like I prescribed them myself. I felt so guilty after each visit with the psychiatrist in a psych ward because id end up leaving feeling like I did something wrong by literally taking my medication as prescribed.

Sorry I wrote so much, I have trouble keeping things short and simple.
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Mar 29, 2023
I got seratonin syndrome from paxil. Felt like I was having a heart attack. I'm in my mid 20s. Bp was 200/110, crushing chest pain, stiff limbs, etc.
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Apr 6, 2023
What sucks is I'm sure we all have street drug experience. How much of my current state is from the mad mdma binges in my late teens, or the decade of weed use... Or the obsession with nitrous balloons that could have starved my brain... Hell, a bad acid trip somehow caused a feedback loop with herpes for a year or two, which was fun.

But I am a shell of the man I was before I started sertraline in 2015. And it took me a year to taper off of it, painfully.
I started bupropion to fight adhd, took it two years, and now can't seem to get off it.

I'm tired boss.
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Jul 12, 2020
I had risperidone when I was 13~. I was best in class. After that I completely stopped to comprehend. And my posture, concentration and ability to feel pleasure was disrupted. I think giving such medication to people especially children is torture
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Apr 1, 2023
By benzodiazepines, specifically Ativan and Klonopin. It's the dependence and tolerance that happens when you take them long enough. I was never addicted but I sure got treated like I was at times because even health care works seem to lack the knowledge to know the difference of what dependence and addiction is and how they can be separate. Minus the stigma, the withdrawal is terrible and the absolute ignorance of health workers can make it even worse.

I was in a treatment center for anorexia for 3 1/2 months, they upped my dose of ativan and changed it to 3 times a day when previously I was only taking it once or twice a day. Then I got transferred to a different one and when I got there they lowered my dose by half and changed it so I only got it once every 24 hours. Well its a short acting benzo and I had already been taking it for more than a year then, so the withdrawals happened shortly after the cut. My anxiety got so much worse, my ptsd symptoms got so much worse, for the first time in years (like 13 years) I was extremely paranoid, it killed my appetite because of extreme anxiety and flaring up my ARFID which was very much anxiety based. I was having panic attacks and crying constantly, I would constantly hide and crawl into corners like a kid and freak out constantly, thinking the worst about everything. Had big fears people were making fun of me, I was bullied growing up so that's where that came from.

Well I realize after a week that I may be withdrawaling from the ativan. I go to the nurse and tell her and she has the audacity to say "that's not possible, you're still on it." So I dumbly believed her and the rest of the stay there felt like hell. When I got home and saw my doctor and explained everything, they confirmed that yeah I was withdrawaling from it and yes you can get symptoms even if you're still taking the drug. I also will mention I had unbearable physical symptom such as, body twitching that I couldn't control, lightheaded, brain fog, memory loss, my cognition also seemed to decline a bit too.

Right now I am fully off of them, tappered off them with klonopin. I still have withdrawal symptoms. Fun fact about benzos is that they can cause a protracted withdrawal. I also can not believe the amount of anger I feel through this process, I have never been more angry in my life which is probably because of anxiety and lack of sleep because nightmares/insomnia. I hate benzos so much. The thing I can't stand the most is the uncontrollable body movements and the fact that I really seem to have lost intelligence. I don't even know how to explain it but after getting off of it, I have trouble speaking, I mix up words constantly that make no sense (for example: saying pen instead of apple), I have trouble pronouncing and reading things. I can't remember stuff and my concentration is far worse. I am so embarrassed by it, especially because the one thing I used to be certain of was that I was smart and now it's like I can't say I'm that anymore.

Oh and anytime I went to the mental hospital they would just cold turkey me off of them even though they literally can cause sezuires and death if you do that. They would use the excuse of "well you used them in a OD so we aren't going to give them to you here." Which is dumb as heck because well one I can't OD in a psych ward and two can't you help me get off them then? Especially because they would be the same people who would tell me in a later session how dangerous benzos would and about the tolerance and all that, completely ignoring the fact that I was in that state despite me saying it and it probably being clear be how my body was acting. They would also shame me for being on them, they acted like I prescribed them myself. I felt so guilty after each visit with the psychiatrist in a psych ward because id end up leaving feeling like I did something wrong by literally taking my medication as prescribed.

Sorry I wrote so much, I have trouble keeping things short and simple.
I'm terrified, I was doing pretty good off of them and other meds, now I need klonopin to get any sleep at all, and I just lay around all day these days visiting this site. I'm just A human emotionless shell. Drugs and psychedelics have ruined me. My creativity and health are shit atm, appetite is non existent I'm already slowly declining and I'm 44:(
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Never Alive

Never Alive

Death is like the wind, always by my side
Nov 22, 2022
Yes I have PSSD. And overall also my nervous system is damaged. Akathisia/mild dyskinesia. My cognitive abilties have declined severely. One of the reasons I will ctb. Fuck these meds.
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suicidal anorexic
Apr 9, 2023
citalopram genuinely helped me numb all my feelings and anxieties

but that was the problem; i would do impulsive and illegal things all the time because i was acting on a whim and never felt any anxiety.

that was when i started relying on recreational drugs as well.

it made me so hungry which i hated.

although i didnt feel suicidal i didnt feel anything, id rather feel at my lowest than feel unhappy but not depressed.


Feb 1, 2023
i remember the first time i had to take neuroleptics. i had no choice. they said that if i didn't take it i would get it by intramuscular. god that was traumatizing, i felt so powerless.

and the time i got a facial paralysis because they gave me loxapine after a ctb attempt, even though there was no need for it. they stopped it immediately and i went from 150 mg to 0. my brain got f up from a month, because of a treatment i had no choice to take.

neuroleptics can be useful, but they are so damaging. i need some kind ox intellectual activity to make my life bearable. just try to do math on neuroleptics.
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Feb 18, 2023
citalopram genuinely helped me numb all my feelings and anxieties

that was the problem; i would do impulsive and illegal things all the time because i was acting on a whim and never felt any anxiety.

that was when i started relying on recreational drugs as well.

it made me so hungry which i hated.
I was taking Citalopram for over 10 years and was up to 40mg per day. I weaned myself back to 20mg and then about 4 months cold Turkey'd as they weren't doing anything at all. Like you I just felt numb and emotional less most of the time. Now I'm extremely depressed and suicidal but was that caused by coming off Citalopram or how I'm really feeling, I just don't know. They are going to start me on Venlafaxine after Easter but I'm worried about potential side effects and how/if it's going to fuck more with my head.
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suicidal anorexic
Apr 9, 2023
I was taking Citalopram for over 10 years and was up to 40mg per day. I weaned myself back to 20mg and then about 4 months cold Turkey'd as they weren't doing anything at all. Like you I just felt numb and emotional less most of the time. Now I'm extremely depressed and suicidal but was that caused by coming off Citalopram or how I'm really feeling, I just don't know. They are going to start me on Venlafaxine after Easter but I'm worried about potential side effects and how/if it's going to fuck more with my head.
yeah i only ever noticed how the citalopram made me feel after i quit cold turkey. it myst be a shock since you havent dealt with these emotions and feelings for over a decade.

i dont know much abouy venlafaxine, but if anything happens you can still try again with something different. i really do hope it works for you though.
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Sep 19, 2021
They put me on haloperidol for a while, which was literally physical torture. I've never experienced so much discomfort in my life.
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