

If my name is crossed out, hopefully I'm dead.
May 28, 2023
My new obssesion. Yay! And I'm aware that confessing one's OCD thoughts is counterproductive, as it will only reinforce those thoughts in one's mind. But I do it anyway because... well, because I can't help it; it's part of the illness, I guess.

I have had many kinds of obssesions in the past. To give you an example, I used to think that just by laughing or sneezing I could shit myself. Literally. I spent all day thinking that there was shit in my pants, and the more I laughed or sneezed, the more I shitted myself. As a consequence, I started to avoid laughing and sneezing as much as possible. It felt truly awful.

I also got obssesed with the Oscillating Universe Theory. I spent all day trying to figure out whether the universe will end permanently or it will reset itself. I tried to gather evidence to prove that the Oscillating Universe Theory is not possible, and sometimes I even managed to convince myself of it. However, it was not long before the doubt arose again and the whole cycle started all over again. I was stuck in a loop, because that's what OCD does.

And now I'm obssesed with this. Well, what can I say? My brain is just fucking broken, I'm very fucked up in the head. Has society brainwashed me? Ha ha ha ha ha...