As many others have said above, my mother has tried to apologize but it was very reluctant and extremely fake, and it soon shifted to "you were such a bad kid". She would complain about how I never trusted her, or about how I didn't want to do any therapy when she told me to go (not true, I did therapy, but even my therapist was abusive judging my beliefs and in many other ways and she never acknowledged it, my mother I mean, the therapist didn't either though). And she would also complain about how it was okay that she didn't do anything when I was involved in a cult (that she refused to acknowledge as such by the way). Regarding my father, very similar story, he even mocked me after I spoke up about part of what he did to me that was not okay at all. He replied saying "if you complain about that, you worry me", basically calling me a crybaby. The other day (some months ago) he wrote to me, after a year of not speaking and two years of not seeing each other, and I finally gathered the strength to tell him more in detail what bothered me so much about him. He never replied.
EDIT: Oh, and wanting to move on and being like "everything is great now, right?", happened all the time when I was still living with them and I had no choice but to act as if everything was. Hell NO.
So in short, never acknowledged, we don't speak, and in all honesty, I don't think we ever will. I don't think they will ever acknowledge anything, they lack the empathy and emotional maturity required to become responsible for your actions as a parent (or as an adult for that matter). But since they are so perfect, they can take care of themselves anyway, right?