
Jun 22, 2023
Has anyone actually ever seen a fight or an intense argument on here? I was just thinking about it and I havent seen a single interaction elevate above respectful disagreement. Seems pretty impressive for an internet community full of people with mental health issues lol
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
I have seen several lmao. That being said a lot of the time it's just one party throwing insults and going berserk and the other confused trying to explain themselves. Hell, one happened yesterday late night lol.


Jun 22, 2023
I have seen several lmao. That being said a lot of the time it's just one party throwing insults and going berserk and the other confused trying to explain themselves. Hell, one happened yesterday late night lol.
Haha i guess i just havent come across those threads. What are people even arguing about lol
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Semi-Professional Disappointment
Jan 16, 2020
I might just be lucky but the closest I've seen has been the occasional dismissive response to someone else's post that leads into a back and forth, but doesn't get too heated. That being said I've been away from the forums for a while so maybe thats changed


Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
Haha i guess i just havent come across those threads. What are people even arguing about lol
The biggest thing? Incel argument.

There's a decent population of self claimed "incels" and a decent population of women who are quick to respond to every post made.

There's also a huge disagreement with trans vs transphobes

There's also the key instigating words of calling someone a prolifer

Also there's a pretty heated discussion occurring over some guy atm who was drunk and had sex with a teenager. As you can imagine there's a decent back and forth there
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Apr 15, 2022
Yes, I've been personally involved in a few.


May 20, 2023
yes, the ones that I have seen or observed were very irritating and annoying

and I always assumed that people in their mid and late 20s early 30s would know how to conduct themselves better or settle their differences in private

or just move on or agree to disagree or log out for the day or hit the ignore button or something I don't know

sometimes they are entertaining though so I just observe
Television Popcorn GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
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Jun 30, 2023
I've seen plenty. Been involved in 1 myself. Thankfully this is a space where people try to be particularly kind and respectful and have a significant common interest. But some people are also incredibly edgy. Take things incredibly personally and kinda explode
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I've seen trolling now and then. I'd say- compared to even things like the YouTube comment sections, it's fairly mild though. To the extent that- people who are overly aggressive and disruptive tend to stand out and someone usually calls them out for it.

But yeah- like other people have said, there are certain subjects that cause flare-ups now and then.
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
I've seen trolling now and then. I'd say- compared to even things like the YouTube comment sections, it's fairly mild though. To the extent that- people who are overly aggressive and disruptive tend to stand out and someone usually calls them out for it.

But yeah- like other people have said, there are certain subjects that cause flare-ups now and then.
I think trolling is turned down partially since people are in low moods but also the seriousness of this forums discussions. Its just less acceptable for someone to start making suicide jokes here than on more lighthearted media posts
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Jun 20, 2023
Been involved in one. It was about religion.
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"and if this is the end, i am glad i met you."
May 27, 2023
I was thinking about this the other day and was even going to make a post about it myself. Everyone seems a lot more chill here and tolerant of different opinions. Other places I've been on seem to get a lot more toxic, many seem hyper political, I think the internet can be very devisive, you get big wars with people keep post quoting and coming back at each other for pages on end.
I don't doubt you get arguments here but a lot of times I notice somebody will say something maybe a bit controversial and somebody else will disagree then they just drop it and move on. I don't know whether it's because people just don't have the mental energy to argue or just that we are all in the same boat so we are more understanding of each other or it's something else but it's definitely something I've noticed.


Jul 22, 2022
Much less than on other forums, but seems to still happen. I think people that are pro choice will understand and also be more respectful of different points of view and beliefs. Would be hypocritical to be pro choice and push your beliefs onto others. Seems much more civilised and healthy here.
Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I've seen many in my years here and been in a couple myself. I think part of the problem with mental health issues across the board is that people can respond emotionally, and we're all guilty of that sometimes. If we're hit in the feels or something rubs us the wrong way when it comes to our trigger points then it seems like almost anything can be on the table in terms of conversational retaliation.

But for the most part I think we're all pretty considerate and offer others a fair bit of leeway.
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Jul 23, 2022
I've seen some infighting revolving around the place of complete nihilism on these forums.

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