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Death is vital
Mar 19, 2020
Has anyone here been accepted into any of these? How was the process like do they actually call and speak to your doctor?


Apr 23, 2020
All of these don't really care about you, all they care about is the money you give them. They aren't going to take any risk to help you at all.

In other words, if you're not 75, with advanced cancer for example, you're not getting any help with these.
You will never get accepted if you are 23 with a mental illness,

Even if you have a cancer, they won't help you unless they have medical proof by a doctor,

They want to cover their little asses legally, that's all they care about, that's all the MHP care about.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
The best way to get answers is to do a site search with each of these organization's names. While there may or may not currently be active members who have been accepted, there have been many posts about people having been accepted and about procedures for getting accepted. Recently, @new life posted the requirements sent to her by Dignitas for getting approved. Some were approved by various organizations and went through with it, some are waiting for travel restrictions to be lifted. I know it's a lot of effort to do this kind of site search, but it's going to reveal a wealth of the kind of information that you seek, and not just opinions or answers like, "I think this is what happens."
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Jun 13, 2019
That's a brand new............Life circle, I did know it. I like that name.
It sounds as a celestial allegory. In latin would sound to me like too pedant....pegasus, ....dignitas.....carpe diem.....ora pronobis....
If I would do a death contract to kill myself.........I would do with them.
Good point.


Dead are useless if not to love the living more
Feb 13, 2020
Life Circle in Basel offers no assisted suicide but has a branch who does : Eternal Life
Some of their people cooperate with Pegasos if I'm not mistaken. They organized the assisted-suicide of the elderly David Goodall along with Nitschke
I believe they're more considerate than Dignitas in general, but more procedural than Pegasos
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Oct 20, 2019
Why bother with it? They use the same methods we do - it's either inert gas, SN or in rare cases Nembutal. What's the point in paying 10K $ if you can get SN for 2 bucks and be gone in the same day?
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Dec 17, 2019
Use search option , as GoodEffed pointed .

I'm 71 with a severely debilitating physical condition, no mental illness. I was quickly accepted months ago, I'm going in 9 days.

If interested, I'd start with slowly and carefully reading every word on their website: https://pegasos-association.com/

Mental illness is an illness like any other, taking hundreds of different forms. People on this forum should well-know that it's not one malady, one injury, one identical problem--just like physical illnesses. A broken leg is not cancer or the flu or tooth decay or heart disease or a splinter.

Pegasos knows this. They will deal with each person individually and compassionately.


That said, in general, like it or not, they most probably will not accept you if you're under 30 (around there, no definite age requirement) and have no documented serious physical illness.

It's also expensive. Over $10K in U.S. dollars, plus airfare, hotel, miscellaneous expenses. Can run to around $12K--Cash! Skip the moral outrage--if you don't have it, don't waste your time, come up with something else.

I'm not going to engage in a long public exchange here: no matter what the topic, they inevitably go off the rails. But you're more than welcome to PM me with any specific questions or you just want to ask my opinion.

Best of luck, peace.

Part 4
Ok, so as I have told multiple people here that I will post updates about my euthanasia process.
So here is part 4 going in the last phase of my euthanasia process and life also .

Today I had my final examination by the scen-doctor at my home.
I did not liked this part at all, and she knew it already because everybody reacts the same to this it seems.
Exhausted and drained of the whole process, having to repeat yourself over and over again.

So she started by asking declaration of will, showed her the whole documentation.
She already had this in her possession but she needed to check it also but verify to see if it all is correct.
Also she was aware of mine suicide attempt last august with N of A.
So showed her the documentation of the attempt that i made for police, so they could see it was on me and only me who organized it.

Again in my younger years, asking questions about everything from school to friends family dynamics and lifespan in general.
And how this effected me in adulthood, had to explain that to her also.
Going trough everything in life that effected me like my traumas that caused complex ptsd, the paranoid disorder chronicle depression, A cluster characteristics.

At one moment she ask my mom to leave the room, this was because by law she needs to talk alone with me also for 30 minutes.
The process of the whole interview was also focused on if i really want this and if I really don't want any therapy anymore.
Why I don't want therapy anymore, why i want to die, do i really want to die, If i don't want to life anywhere else .
Do you really want to die, how do you want to die, are you sure you want to do it that way,
So you want to die, so you will cause grief and sadness to your mom and your family are you aware of this.
I answer back yes i know, but dying is for me the solution to get my rest and not having to feel this way for the rest of my life and having to deal with this the rest of my life.

She even ask if anybody forced me to apply to euthanasia, this is a security check and safety matter also.

Some moments i really was thinking like she did not believe me or something.
This is also her way of talking and trying to find inconsistency's in my story or that of the euthanasia team.
She just needed to check everything and make sure it was all correct and truthful.

We talked for almost 2 hours i just.
The final things she ask where are you ready did you do everything you need to do.
Told her i arranged my own funeral / cremation and also got the quotation of the funeral insurance company.
And at the end she ask , where will you perform the euthanasia, told her, I will do it in my room on my bed.

When she ended the interview she said, you know i was only for the check of protocol
I don't have any power over your date of euthanasia that's up to the team to decide, I will make a report of our interview and my findings.
but the team decided your euthanasia I am here just to check
I can only say no or yes on the whole process and the euthanasia as a security measure.

So this means she can say no when she found weird stuff in my story or some other judgement.
She added that it can take a couple of days not 2 week but days for making the report on my case.

So now have to wait, I have 2 green lights these where important , this one only can adjust to the team and making sure the team is safe to perform the euthanasia.
I will be gone before the end of the month, as i have requested.



Feb 2, 2019
Why bother with it? They use the same methods we do - it's either inert gas, SN or in rare cases Nembutal. What's the point in paying 10K $ if you can get SN for 2 bucks and be gone in the same day?
I think their high fee also includes your body being disposed of too -either cremation or your cadaver sent somewhere for a funeral. And they also process the death certificate.

The thing about a poor man's suicide is that unless you make the arrangements ahead of time, someone is going to have to haul your dead body somewhere, and, depending on which method you choose, clean up any mess you might leave behind after you ctb.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I think their high fee also includes your body being disposed of too -either cremation or your cadaver sent somewhere for a funeral. And they also process the death certificate.

The thing about a poor man's suicide is that unless you make the arrangements ahead of time, someone is going to have to haul your dead body somewhere, and, depending on which method you choose, clean up any mess you might leave behind after you ctb.
I plan to pay a crematorium to cremate me and dispose of the ashes. I'm still not sure how to notify them when I ctb.
I can't call them after I'm dead.
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Suffering Autointoxification
Nov 22, 2020
Wish iy
Why bother with it? They use the same methods we do - it's either inert gas, SN or in rare cases Nembutal. What's the point in paying 10K $ if you can get SN for 2 bucks and be gone in the same day?
Wish it was so easy to get SN in the UK


Dec 4, 2020
Why bother with it? They use the same methods we do - it's either inert gas, SN or in rare cases Nembutal. What's the point in paying 10K $ if you can get SN for 2 bucks and be gone in the same day?
I have been researching N. No positive results there. Poiint me to SN please. If easily acquired and cost not a factor, this may be my way out. Thank you.


Dec 6, 2020
I think their high fee also includes your body being disposed of too -either cremation or your cadaver sent somewhere for a funeral. And they also process the death certificate.

Yes, all inclusive package.

Peg   Copy
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