One day this Girl will be free <3
- Jul 27, 2020
- 120
No I would 100% do it this way again, just make sure Im not feeling poorly at all before I do. I look back now that I've had time to process it all and honestly it was really effective, even though I said kind of fainted I'm now pretty sure there were periods of unconsciousnes, I collapsed to the floor at least 2 times and that's were it was fuzzy and kind of out of it, I would make sure that once I took it I wouldent be stood up AT ALL for sure. It would of been interesting to of known what my sats were at that point tbh but at that point I'd collapsed and my finger saturation thing was on the other side of the room. I can understand why people are responding and then all of a sudden stop because it litrually just hits you out of nowhere. I was like that not too long afterwards and for just under an hour and then suddenly I was able to get myself up and sat down and I diddent feel too bad then, it was really weird, I'd say for sure that your body fights very hard to reverse the sn effects and I honestly think if I could of kept some in for longer that it would of fully worked. I'd deffo take anti sickness meds because even though there wasent any major urge to be sick every now and then I had the slightest wave of sickness. Another thing I noticed is when that tingling feeling starts collapsing happens soon after. Out of it all that I found baffling is that I went from thinking that was the end for me to feeling not to bad, like there wasent even a build up to feeling better, it was really weird
I have a feeling its because I plugged it and it wasent plugged v long so my body diddent absorb the full amount but by god did I feel it for that hour, honestly when it got to a point that I though I was a gonner I was actually at peace and kind of accepted it x
I'm not sure why but I tried to do the quote thing and it's just squished it in with the last post I did, sorry, I'm pretty new to this, hope my last post makes sence x
I have a feeling its because I plugged it and it wasent plugged v long so my body diddent absorb the full amount but by god did I feel it for that hour, honestly when it got to a point that I though I was a gonner I was actually at peace and kind of accepted it x
I'm not sure why but I tried to do the quote thing and it's just squished it in with the last post I did, sorry, I'm pretty new to this, hope my last post makes sence x
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