Emissary of the right to die.
- Aug 30, 2018
- 6,873
I wouldn't think that this would be a thing, but I suppose in today's world, things that most people wouldn't normally expect that would happen happens (even the unlikely...). Anyways, I thought I'd share the news article (I provided two articles of the same news story) as well as have a discussion about the news article since this is an interesting situation.
Questions for discussion:
What are your thoughts on people who CTB and avoided carrying out a horrific event?
Do you think this would change the narrative that pro-lifers have about people who CTB?
Do you consider his action to be heroic and honorable?
Additionally, do you think this could also cause unnecessary surveillance and stricter monitoring/paternalism towards firearms ownership and acquisition?
Finally, for people who would CTB via firearm, do you think this would send a strong message of freedom of choice and mercy? (Mercy being that "he" could have done LOTS of damage but chose not to, to spare pro-lifers their right to live, even if they (the pro-lifers) don't reciprocate/return the favor.)
TAW122's analysis:
I see the quote "You either die a hero, or you live long enough tosee yourself become a villain." applicable towards this situation. This is because he could have done a lot of damage, but chose not to. He died a hero by preventing/stopping himself (his evil side) from acting out and causing immense harm towards innocent and unwilling participants (the patrons at the amusement park). His suffering also ended and while many pro-lifers consider CTB to be unacceptable (maybe some "may" make an exception to it given the circumstances...), I consider it to be an positive outcome as his suffering has ended and no unwilling participants or innocent bystanders were harmed.
Finally, these two articles are the ones that don't have the awful obligatory three digit hotline number in the article.
Man kills himself instead of carrying out US amusement park shooting, police say
Colorado authorities say heavily armed 20-year-old found dead at Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park during closing hours
“Extremely lucky”: Disaster averted at Glenwood Caverns after body, guns and bombs discovered
Maintenance crews discovered the man’s body in a women’s bathroom Saturday morning while getting ready to open the park, Garfield County Sheriff Lou Vallario said during a virtual news …
Questions for discussion:
What are your thoughts on people who CTB and avoided carrying out a horrific event?
Do you think this would change the narrative that pro-lifers have about people who CTB?
Do you consider his action to be heroic and honorable?
Additionally, do you think this could also cause unnecessary surveillance and stricter monitoring/paternalism towards firearms ownership and acquisition?
Finally, for people who would CTB via firearm, do you think this would send a strong message of freedom of choice and mercy? (Mercy being that "he" could have done LOTS of damage but chose not to, to spare pro-lifers their right to live, even if they (the pro-lifers) don't reciprocate/return the favor.)
TAW122's analysis:
I see the quote "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to
Finally, these two articles are the ones that don't have the awful obligatory three digit hotline number in the article.
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