➸ A lethal fall will usually be over 50 ft. Make sure you have some form of hard surface to be landing on, but the higher the better. Over 50 ft is your goal mark, I'd aim for 60 or more.
➸ Water on high impact I'm pretty sure will behave pretty similarly to landing on concrete when you don't have something to break the surface tension. A sudden impact onto cold water will be a very likely death at such a height, but even if you don't die- you are probably guaranteed to be stunned/knocked out in some capacity, and will otherwise drown if the impact doesn't do you in.
➸ Consider the way you want to go out the most mentally and emotionally, and prepare yourself for that. I find a sense of fulfillment/completion with where you are is the best way to go. Give yourself a positive ending, yknow? This is your moment most of all. Have a good couple of days/week beforehand. Maybe even go on a holiday. Make sure any of your last words are written and you're satisfied. Include after-death plans if they are important to you so you can have some sense of relief that your funeral, etc. will be handled accordingly. Play music that you like the most, and that best suits your vibe, something nostalgic and happy even. You can think of what you have achieved, but try not to overwhelm yourself in positivity if you really want this. Do consider what has brought you here, and just make peace with what you've done so you can go out in the best way possible.
- In a practical sense, closing your eyes before the drop may help. If you struggle with anxiety, take some anti-anxiety medications, get high or drunk so your senses are completely inhibited anyways. If you don't want to go out alone, talk to someone you love most, or even just a helpline/emergency number for the sake of hearing someone's voice before you go. Might help things feel right. You don't have to tell them your specific circumstance, just make something up for the sake of the company.
➸ Potentially. I don't think it will be entirely disfigured unless from an extreme height, but it isn't going to be a pretty after-sight. There will be blood, and you might not be in one piece depending on the surface you've fallen on. If you want your body intact, this is not going to achieve that.
➸ Maybe? Not too sure about this one, but I think the reason you'd have a heavy weight on you to begin with is to help with falling. Could take away a bit of the choice, so if you were leaning over the edge- the extra weight may be the very thing that pulls you over.
- HOWEVER if you are going to be falling into water as mentioned above- I do NOT recommend this. There is a chance you will break the surface tension of the water with the backpack, and this will immediately increase your chance of survival via immediate impact. Drowning is a bit more of a complicated way to die, and I don't know how peaceful it truly is. A backpack could potentially be easy to slip off your shoulders if SI kicks in, so you'd need a mechanism against that. It'd be a good way to go by drowning, but it's ultimately up to you.
➸ Unsure in specific detail, but I'd imagine falling head/neck first would be your absolute highest bet of a pretty much 100% death rate. Especially with water. Though again, you are not going to be in one piece most likely. If on pavement, the same applies.