When I lost my uncle at 16, I didn't emotionally deal with it, I ignored it, pretend it didn't happen, pretend I didn't know him. I'm ashamed of that, but I was 16, seeing my mum and granny cry, and there's me with probably undiagnosed autism... I don't think I could've reacted differently.
When my best friend since I was 5, either deliberately or accidentally OD'd on opioids, I felt very guilty about having tried to build a life so far away from my family and friends, only to know the most beautiful smiling face has left the planet. I applied this same guilt of missing out to not having watched my little cousins.
In December 2023, when a friend since 12 hung himself, this marked the start of my own personal breakdown. I was working an unskilled highly labourious job in a dangerous factory, not having seen sunlight for 3months, and thinking how much more beautiful my life would be if I could return home, but I didn't do that, and now I've made things so much more worse for myself.
Whatever you do, however you deal with it, go home to your family and friends, tell them you love them, eat and drink with them, watch films or spend quiet time with them, go for walks and cycles, just force yourself not to be alone.