

sing me to sleep
Mar 23, 2023
if you put an item in your basket, the seller can get notified and have access to that information so the police got your info from that, just as someone above said. I got a call from the police too but I live in strict country so I assumed it's because my country monitor everything we see (I was too dumb to use VPN) but now I think it's maybe cause I put it in my cart to check what they would require for the purchase and such.

so bottom line don't put things in your cart unless you are READY to order and hide it.
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Jan 3, 2023
I never bought from IC, but I had the tab open. I had filled out everything including address and name and all that, but I never placed an order. Police came yesterday and I was taken to the ER. Managed to talk them out of making me stay overnight but I went home at 1.30am. They came at like 10pm. They were pretty easy going and nice in my experience. But I was not expecting their visit at all, so just be aware!
How did you fill it out if the site is closed down for at least a week? Or did you fill out the information a while ago?
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Mar 21, 2023
i'm extremely stressed now because i also filled out details without ordering. i live with my parents so if police comes to my house that will be the end of me (not literally unfortunately, but meaning no freedom and privacy anymore)
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Apr 3, 2023
what happened at the ER? i've always been curious. what could the doctors there possibly do?
They evaluate your mental condition based on previous actions, medical history and potential danger to yourself or others. If they assess you as a danger to self or others you may be given the option of going to a mental ward voluntarily, or in extreme cases you can be 'sectioned' in which case you are detained in a mental ward for, I believe, something like 28 days.
The use of the Police vehicle is not classed as an "arrest", I'm guessing it's just more convenient for all concerned. Where I live in a major town in Scotland waits of 4-8 hours for an ambulance are common, so in practical terms there can often be virtually no ambulance service at all for non emergency incidents.
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Feb 18, 2023
what happened at the ER? i've always been curious. what could the doctors there possibly do?
First of all, I didn't have to wait, unlike my past experiences. i'm still 18, so i think i got the treatment of someone who's not legal yet. They checked my blood pressure, heartbeat, etc, asked me why I'm here and what I was planning on doing with the sodium nitrite (as if it wasn't obvious). had a psychiatrist come in and talk to me and ask what's going on and why i wanted to end it. Eventually they let me go home at 1.30am. in my experience, they were very easy going, and as long as i didn't explicitly say that i will kill myself the second they let me go, they allowed me to go home with no trouble. but now i have to meet with another psychiatrist + gp to discuss what i need to do next (therapy for example), so it didn't stop after I was released from the ER. Mind you I'm in the UK (England), so it might be different for you!
I know some shop systems that save your basket even if you close the browser and send you an e-mail
that you have an unfinished order. Although that where shops where I've registered before (had an account).
Exactly what happened, so might have been that.
if you put an item in your basket, the seller can get notified and have access to that information so the police got your info from that, just as someone above said. I got a call from the police too but I live in strict country so I assumed it's because my country monitor everything we see (I was too dumb to use VPN) but now I think it's maybe cause I put it in my cart to check what they would require for the purchase and such.

so bottom line don't put things in your cart unless you are READY to order and hide it.
Yeah, some people have said that. So yeah, definitly don't put things in your cart carelessly!!
How did you fill it out if the site is closed down for at least a week? Or did you fill out the information a while ago?
A long while ago. During feburary this year.
i'm extremely stressed now because i also filled out details without ordering. i live with my parents so if police comes to my house that will be the end of me (not literally unfortunately, but meaning no freedom and privacy anymore)
Oh yeah. I live with my parents too, so it was quiet nightmaric. But I think it depends on where you live? I live in the UK, and they're pretty strict on such stuff here.
They evaluate your mental condition based on previous actions, medical history and potential danger to yourself or others. If they assess you as a danger to self or others you may be given the option of going to a mental ward voluntarily, or in extreme cases you can be 'sectioned' in which case you are detained in a mental ward for, I believe, something like 28 days.
The use of the Police vehicle is not classed as an "arrest", I'm guessing it's just more convenient for all concerned. Where I live in a major town in Scotland waits of 4-8 hours for an ambulance are common, so in practical terms there can often be virtually no ambulance service at all for non emergency incidents.
Yes, exactly. They gave me an option to wait for an ambulance, but as you said, those can take up to a few hours, so it was just more convinient to be taken there in the police van. I was asked if I felt safe going home, and I just told them yes, which seemed sufficent enough for them to release me.
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Feb 24, 2023
It makes no sense.
This makes no sense to me, they have my email and id. Are you telling me they will not have that in their records even though l didn't order from them. I am in my 60s so forgive my ignorance but please enlighten me instead of repeating yourself 🤨
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Feb 18, 2023
This makes no sense to me, they have my email and id. Are you telling me they will not have that in their records even though l didn't order from them. I am in my 60s so forgive my ignorance but please enlighten me instead of repeating yourself 🤨
As some people already stated, the IC website was working with Shopify, which from what I understand kept any data fed into the website--wether you checked out or not. So even if I didn't put the order through, the information I put on the chekcout page was still there which allowed the polcie to track me. This is usually why you may get emails from websites telling you to finish off your purhase if you have left something in the cart without checking out.
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Feb 24, 2023
As some people already stated, the IC website was working with Shopify, which from what I understand kept any data fed into the website--wether you checked out or not. So even if I didn't put the order through, the information I put on the chekcout page was still there which allowed the polcie to track me. This is usually why you may get emails from websites telling you to finish off your purhase if you have left something in the cart without checking out.
Thankyou for the reply 🙏
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Jun 18, 2022
You got taken to the ER in the UK for having a tab open? Guess you really drew the short straw when luck was dispensed upon us all on that day.
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Feb 18, 2023
You got taken to the ER in the UK for having a tab open? Guess you really drew the short straw when luck was dispensed upon us all on that day.
xD yeah, maybe i'm the unluckiest person ever


King Scar
Feb 2, 2023
Hey, Could you possibly DM the source? Or just the website, never heard of IC before


Oct 11, 2022
I'm thinking, for people who bought sn, have a bunch of cured meats hanging around the kitchen and when you get a "welfare check" you can just say, "no look, I make my own beef jerky. Care to try a piece?" Suspicion nullified.
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Feb 11, 2020
Police can't transport you to the ER in America unless you agree.

Which country are you in? Did you inform them that you needed to go to the hospital or that you were suicidal?

I'm not sure if you just mean in a police *vehicle* specifically, but I wanted to clarify that yes, the police can definitely force someone to go to the ER in America, though the individual will often be transported by ambulance. The laws vary by state, but you aren't allowed to refuse the ambulance when this happens, because the police officer has deemed you "involuntary", and you immediately lose almost all of your decision-making legal rights that we usually retain as a citizen.

The police officer is allowed to make the decision themselves, without consulting any mental health or medical professional of any type. After being brought to the ER, the individual has the right to be evaluated by a licensed mental health professional. But up until the point they are seen and evaluated by that professional, they are deemed "involuntary" solely from the cop's decision, and lose all the rights of a voluntary patient.

I didn't know it was *this* bad until recently; I thought that surely a police officer didn't have the right to make that determination on their own, surely they have to consult with atleast some medical professional first. But no, this is how the system is set up. It's somewhat based on the idea that it's okay because you'll see a licensed professional who can assess you relatively soon, and they'll clear up any errors the police make…

My wait was 20 hours from cop to licensed mental health professional. 20 hours with nearly all of your rights removed, physically detained somewhere you never agreed to be, all while you're completely mentally lucid and rational, is cruel and sets people up for horrendous treatment. People's rights are violated even when they DO have them, what do you think happens when their rights have been removed? The system is in urgent need of an overhaul.
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"I'd feel trapped if I couldn't CTB at any time."
Feb 15, 2019
I never bought from IC, but I had the tab open. I had filled out everything including address and name and all that, but I never placed an order. Police came yesterday and I was taken to the ER. Managed to talk them out of making me stay overnight but I went home at 1.30am. They came at like 10pm. They were pretty easy going and nice in my experience. But I was not expecting their visit at all, so just be aware!
Which country was this if you don't mind me asking.
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Jun 28, 2022
Would assume Canada. Taking it seriously here. Was also forced to hospital but had purchased


Sep 23, 2022
Yes, it is the unpleasant aspect of transferring a mental health patient. If you go by police vehicle, you are effectively "arrested." I hope it wasn't too traumatizing or humiliating for you. This makes me very sad for us! Mental health patients, because we're unequivocally non-criminals!

You should verify the legislation to ensure that you have the legal right to refuse medical attention.

Because you have the NHS, I can understand the "medical consent laws" being different in the UK.

Cops can't force Americans to incurred exorbitant ER hospital bills. Even an ambulance price may range between $800 and $1500, and many patients are charged. We have a right to refuse medical treatment. Now, if a person is unconscious the police can transport them to the hospital because it's consider a medical emergency. This is the difference.

Glad you're ok. Stay safe!
You don't necessarily have the right to turn down medical transport or LEO transport for mental health if you're in the US. It's a question of perceived competency. A paramedic can call medical control (staffed doctor line) to have you placed on a legal hold, and LEOs can make the determination in most jurisdictions on their own criteria. Some LEOs will ask a paramedic for help with a legal hold, that depends on jurisdiction again, and also cop to cop variation. Source: I'm a paramedic.


"I'd feel trapped if I couldn't CTB at any time."
Feb 15, 2019
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Jun 3, 2023
Disgusting I am sorry they violated you 😔
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May 27, 2023
Even if the police were to come to mine I will just smile and pretend that I'm okay … They can't literally force you to go to the hospital ahah!

I find it weird how some people would do anything to force you live, it should be that person's will either to live or die ( it should be our personal choice).


Me encantaria practicar ES con Hispanohablantes.
Oct 23, 2018
Ah, figures. UK is incredibly paternalistic and a nanny state tbh.
Having come from Eastern Europe, it was one of the first things I noticed. Even medications' information leaflets are written for patients in a language, more suitable for little children. Where I'm from, there's one leaflet for medical professionals and patients. And we manage. When I questioned one Dr., why they think this medication would be helpful, they replied: "Because it is good for you", LOL.
It would be hard for me to become independent if I was born and grew up in the UK.


idk anymore
Oct 25, 2023
Even medications' information leaflets are written for patients in a language, more suitable for little children.
I'm also from eastern europe and I noticed the same thing when I went to the US on holiday - everyone talks to you like you're a kid. But honestly I like it, it feels more warm and genuine.
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Me encantaria practicar ES con Hispanohablantes.
Oct 23, 2018
I'm also from eastern europe and I noticed the same thing when I went to the US on holiday - everyone talks to you like you're a kid. But honestly I like it, it feels more warm and genuine.
I'd be fine with it as long as they don't make decisions for me and deny me responsibility for my own life.

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