

Currently Spiraling
Sep 26, 2020
I'm an atheist but if God created man why should he have complete dominion over a person's soul? Like sure he could command our interactions in relation to the planet, to plants and animals and even among each other, but a person's soul is literally their life essence if anything should be completely under your authority it should be that. Since no one asked to be born people should have the opportunity to opt-out of life if they want to. If you don't want to let suicidal people into heaven that's fine, but they should just be terminated from existence, not sent to hell. It's really sadistic and weird to think that just because you were born now you have to play along with God's weird and sick game, otherwise, you have to go to hell, why can't people just be allowed to not have to be Christians or Muslims or whatever and just opt-out. It's really terrible to put people through situations that are so terrible and painful that they want to kill themselves and then punish them for taking that course of action. Especially considering the fact that alot of people are born into wealth and prestige and have lives with little to no suffering. Of course this is all redundant anyways because God doesn't exist and the only reason why suicide is a sin is so that peasants and serfs wouldn't kill themselves and would continue to work on their master's land for generations with a smile.
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Oct 14, 2019
Yup this was one of my biggest reasons to become an agnostic-atheist. Some people have it harder and some people have it easier. It's easier to be good when your environment is good. That's why I dislike the one scale of judging people.
You can go to the Heaven easily if you have a had decent life and you will be crossed out if you ctb ehh... I think God's crazy! Like for real it would explain anything.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
should be completely under your authority
It is completely under your authority. You can choose what you believe. Be careful what you believe as it becomes your reality after you die.
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Nov 21, 2020
It seriously is I always thought it was stupid. I'm going to hell because I had a miserable life and wanted to end it? So instead of having a peaceful afterlife I suffer for eternity? What kind of cruel shit is that?! So many questions. I've heard that serial killers can go to heaven if they accept god and ask for forgiveness but some how I'm a worse person than them. This is the exact reason why I'm agnostic atheist a lot of shit in the Bible doesn't make any fucking sense making me believe that god probably doesn't exist.
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Nov 21, 2020
Going to hell for anything is dumb when you can simply take the person out of existence. What is the point of inflicting pain on someone? We don't even inflict pain on serial killers, they get a peaceful death by lethal injection.
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Awkward & weird
Jul 5, 2020
That's true! It's the main reason I started to deny an existence of 'God'. He/She loves me but he/she has also created me to suffer on this planet only to later send me to eternal punishment for suffering. What kind of twisted logic is that? That doesn't make any sense.
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J Tizzle

J Tizzle

Dec 7, 2018
Yeah. I was raised Pentecostal but I have so many issues with it, this being one of them. The idea that anyone has to suffer for eternity drives me nuts.
I don't believe in an afterlife at all anymore. After an adolescence of believing I'd go to Heaven, this reality kinda saddens me, but oh well.
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
Honestly, I find it hard to believe that a real god could be as petty, egotistical, and sadistic as the one in the Bible. More realistically, a real god might only see us as microbes in a petri dish. Any sort of "divine intervention" would likely be an experiment to see how we respond to different things.

I've heard that serial killers can go to heaven if they accept god and ask for forgiveness but some how I'm a worse person than them.

More than anything, salvation within the Christian religion is obtained ONLY by massaging an omnipotent dictator's ego. You could be a serial killer, rapist, genocidal maniac, or any number of horrible things and get into heaven if you decide that you "love God", but you can also be an empathetic person that helps others and go to Hell for thinking that God is a dick (or just for ignoring him like he isn't even there).
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Jul 15, 2020
Also thought it was stupid, suicide isn't evil or anything bad. Like just let me die, jeez
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Nov 22, 2020
I couldn't agree more. If you murder and ask for "forgiveness" you still have a "chance at heaven", but not if you free yourself from eternal hell on earth? No thanks, I'll remain on the atheist side of things.
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Vereor Nox
Sep 7, 2020
The notion that God would punish those who take their lives is for maintaining the status-quo; a human life is a commodity that simply cannot be wasted. Gotta keep the economy running somehow! Remember that the concept of God is created by Man, so of course it would be tailored to address the best interests of society.
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Moon Flower

I'll soon be sleeping sound
Oct 14, 2019
Religion seems to be all about cherry picking and telling people what they want to hear. If you're the surviving family of a suicidal person, of course! They're up in heaven waiting for you! But if you're the person they're trying to convince not to do it, it's all eternal fire and brimstone
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Apr 5, 2020
I think that we're entitled to ctb whether or not we chose to be born. What, we're not allowed to change our minds about life?
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
How is life somehow a divine "gift" to the vast majority of recipients? How is this food chain world, where the largest and most glorified industry ever created by civilization is the mass slaughter of human beings through warfare somehow not Hell?

Ten days before he died, Thomas Jefferson wrote from Monticello to Roger C. Weightman, "The signal of arousing men to burst the chains under which monkish ignorance and superstition had persuaded them to bind themselves, and to assume the blessings and security of self government that form which we have substituted restores the free right to the unbounded exercise of reason and freedom of opinion, all eyes are opened, or opening to the rights of man, the general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth that the mass of mankind has not been born, with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few born booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately by the grace of god."

50 years after authoring the United States Declaration of Independence at age 33, this is how Jefferson ended his life at age 83, never wavering in these convictions that we all have the individual right to chose for ourselves. That includes whether or not we choose to tolerate existence in this toxic and infected realm of suffering.

Can this existence possibly be preferable to eternal oblivion with no suffering, pain or regret?
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The void is only scary until you truly suffer
Mar 15, 2020
It is completely under your authority. You can choose what you believe. Be careful what you believe as it becomes your reality after you die.
Yes, let's be careful... You may end up as God's slave, the only way to achieve true freedom is atheism.
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Mar 17, 2018
You know... I kinda thought about this for a while. But yeah... assuming god is real, if he sends someone to hell for suicide, he's an idiot with no foresight. Everything is supposed to be part of his plan, he's the one who gave us free will. If we kill ourselves, it's part of his plan.

Honestly, I don't care if this god exists or not, all it matters is what lies here and now, my experience in the past, present, and future. Whatever I do is scripted as part of causality, if I die by my hand, or some other means, it's meant to be.
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Mar 17, 2018
Aside from god there is some kind of cosmic law going on. It's called reincarnation. That is a real bitch, to find yourself, after a hellish life, once again popping back in as an infant.
I'll say that's a bad case scenario, though what if failing an attempt and ending up having a reduced quality of life, perhaps in locked in syndrome, while your family just keeps you alive without considering your thoughts and feelings. That's hell.
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Currently Spiraling
Sep 26, 2020
The notion that God would punish those who take their lives is for maintaining the status-quo; a human life is a commodity that simply cannot be wasted. Gotta keep the economy running somehow! Remember that the concept of God is created by Man, so of course it would be tailored to address the best interests of society.
I honestly think once automation makes most jobs redundant voluntary euthanasia is suddenly going to become more politically acceptable. I just hope it doesn't turn into some eugenics shit.
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Nov 26, 2020
I'm quite deterministic when it comes to my spiritual views. I also tend to believe that our existences in this world aren't issued against our will. It's just that the reasons for whatever we chose to experience be it even excruciating suffering are beyond human comprehension. So I ask very little questions pertaining a higher purpose and what not. I was created with a limited perception and I shall act in accordance with it. Being punished for this is beyond unjust.
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Nov 14, 2020
It is completely under your authority. You can choose what you believe. Be careful what you believe as it becomes your reality after you die.
Are You thinking about astral thought-forms?
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Nov 17, 2020
I agree OP, life is punishment enough- I don't see how an entity that boast about love for all its creations can condemn those who are suffering enough to take their own lives. It's illogical to me.

This isn't a knock towards anyone who believes this, I just can't wrap my head around it.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Are You thinking about astral thought-forms?
No, thinking about being in a different dimension with different laws and not having this dense heavy one any more. I'm not sure what thought forms are but we create our reality and it's more direct there.
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Jul 4, 2020
Yeah. I was raised Pentecostal but I have so many issues with it, this being one of them. The idea that anyone has to suffer for eternity drives me nuts.
I don't believe in an afterlife at all anymore. After an adolescence of believing I'd go to Heaven, this reality kinda saddens me, but oh well.
Same upbringing. And I've had this discussion with my parents about how could you let someone suffer in life and not give them an option?

I don't want to die, but I can't suffer my brain anymore. It's unbearable to wake up everyday feeling dead. Why would anyone? Why would a creator allow such a miserable existence to just punish someone for trying to end that misery? Can't the afterlife be peaceful after the hell I've already gone through? I've tried and I just can't continue. I just want peace after I go.
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Feb 5, 2021
I honestly think once automation makes most jobs redundant voluntary euthanasia is suddenly going to become more politically acceptable. I just hope it doesn't turn into some eugenics shit.
Brave New World Aldous Huxley
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Jul 2, 2020
I see suicide as a symptom of severe depression, which can be argued is out of your control if following the faulty brain chemicals theory. So I don't see how suicide can be a sin if it's out of your hands. Noone WANTS to be depresssed or suicidal
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A Nameless Monster
Mar 7, 2021
I'm firmly in the "brain stops functioning and my existence vanishes" camp. Sitting there for hours arguing the rich metaphysics behind every word in that claim just doesn't whet my appetite for some reason.

I doubt we have ever conceived a mode of expression that could capture the non-experience I'm so sure death is. Seems useless comparing it to dreamless sleep(which I come across ever so often here) as if that clarfifies anything.

I do see it as a means to end. The 'end' I'm concerned with is undoing the whole being birthed into the world business. You could say I'm religiously certain every problem stems from life. Seems like exiting will do the job of closing that loop just fine. There is the rather unpleasant bit where my body absolutely wants to survive. It definitely prefers that I ponder every afterlife concept ever penned.
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