Walking to the bus stop
- Mar 29, 2019
- 367
I've decided not to discuss religion here anymore, due to the conflict it invites from opposing beliefs, and from the knowledge that this thread will most likely just be deleted anyway, like the other one because of that.
I'll make one final post, saying that you guys are looking at the sacrifice and atonement of Jesus from a very analytical and human perspective, that may not reflect your moral principles like @Kyrok mentioned above. That is to be expected, quite honestly.
1. God is not the cause of your suffering, or why the world is full of suffering and ugliness today. That is the work of Satan, as his primary objective from the beginning was to kill and destroy, and he succeeded when he deceived us into thinking we didn't need God, and could be like God ourselves and do things our own way, by eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. That is when the fall of man occurred as sin entered the world, and at a great cost, as the result of sin is death and suffering, which we are still susceptible to today.
2. God could've saved us right then and there without any sacrifice, by simply letting us eat from the tree of life, allowing us to live forever again. However, he couldn't do that because sin and impurity cannot inhabit his perfect kingdom, and it must be punished. If you look back, this is what I was talking about when I said that although God is a loving and merciful God, he is also a just God, and must uphold his righteousness.
Now from this point on, God didn't have to do anything. He could've just let us all die and his creation be totally destroyed, in which Satan could claim a victory. But he loves us so much, that he came to the Earth as himself, as a man, the Son of God, to take that punishment that we deserve (death) himself, so that we can be purified and cleansed of sin, and may enter into his holy kingdom as perfect, sinless and immortal beings again by believing in him. He has the power to do this because even though Satan tempted Jesus himself into sin, Jesus resisted and lead a perfect and pure, sinless life. When he died on the cross taking the full penalty of sin, despite having never sinned, he officially defeated sin, death, and Satan altogether by rising from the dead three days later, proving that evil is no match for the love of God. Jesus literally opened the gateway from death, into eternal life again, back into God's righteousness and holiness because of his sacrifice and atonement. That is quite a lot to gain if you ask me.
This is an awesome video I found that perfectly summarizes and visualizes it too:
I hope I didn't come across too rude. I do respect you for your beliefs despite disagreeing with you. We are all in the same boat after all.