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Mar 23, 2018
This is not a goodbye thread! I will simply stop using this site when my time has arrived.
A slew of mental health diagnoses along with the high risk of more developing due to family history and past drug use(both legal and not). I had decided to give life one last chance last last year but no matter how much effort I put in, any progress I make towards "feeling better" always seems to blow up in my face bringing me back to the pit of despair Im trying to escape. I'm returning to the much easier and long desired method of jumping but not until I get everything else in order. Anyone else go through this one last chance phase that would care to share?
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May 3, 2019
Anytime I gave life "another" chance, sooner or later life knocked me down on my knees again. It's something that I won't do again. This kind of mistake like giving life another chance.

I mean, it never get better though. It's always where it was. Or even worse. So I'm in my last phase. No more chance.

Think it's pretty cool, though. Because I know it all be over soon and I won't convice myself again to be here a little bit longer.
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We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
Relatable, all of the hard work I put in to feeling at least a shred of peace always backfires... sometimes it feels pointless to even try to make things right because once something good happens something bad inevitabley falls right into its place
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May 3, 2019
Relatable, all of the hard work I put in to feeling at least a shred of peace always backfires... sometimes it feels pointless to even try to make things right because once something good happens something bad inevitabley falls right into its place
Exactly. It's pointless. You can feel better now but in few hours you can be more depressed than you ever was. So yeah, pointless.
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Mar 23, 2018
I don't want to discourage others from continuing to try but for those who have made their decision final I completely agree with your replies, any hope has only made it worse because I end up disappointed instead of accepting my reality
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Oct 27, 2018
My time seems to truly be rapidly approaching. I'll be using the 'night night' method, though today I seriously considered jumping as I thought of this coming week, another doctors appointment, a possible last appointment with the inept psychiatrist I currently see who has caused more damage to my psyche than when I first began the odyssey of trying to find help.

At times I think I was better off before I ever went inpatient, before ECT, the numerous medications and again, before I ever had the misfortune of seeing psychiatrists who refuse to listen.

My diagnosis is PTSD/MDD/Panic disorder. I was once a person who loved to ride my bicycle, take long walks with my dog, and enjoyed going out and just being around people. I am no longer that person; I have been raped, sexually assaulted in a hospital by a mental health worker, and pretty much abandoned by "friends" who wrote me off as crazy.

I don't mind being alone so much, it's rather knowing or not knowing how long I'll survive in my current state. I'm in mental agony; most days I barely leave my bed, and I rarely go outside except for appointments and to get the odd grocery item. My appetite has dwindled, and it doesn't really bother me physically. I've become used to the nausea and pain, and hunger seems not to register as it once did when I was an active person.

The more clear I try to make myself, the more I try to advocate for myself, the less I am heard. This alone would make anyone feel hopeless and/or invisible.

And that's how I feel. Like an invisible person, burining from the inside out. I look forward to peace in non existence, and I no longer fear any wrath of God, or going to hell, or the hatred my "family" will have towards me once I am gone.

I know I've tried, and I accept I will be one of the many who end their lives this year.

Note: This is NOT a goodbye post, so please admins, don't remove me as a member of the community.

Peace to all of you.
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Jun 21, 2018
I'm there too. Well, been there for years. 90% of my life shut in a room as only way to handle, nothing to distract, having the same thoughts over and over, only able to read suicide related forums and ruminate about methods. That and other ruminating and compulsive thoughts about me pretty much got my attention span always hooked on that and fucked my ability to focus on anything else. Did nothing, had so many options for help that didn't help one bit, suffering from severe personality issues, obviously a rough childhood but heard of 'worse' - though it doesn't matter, it's the material that is at hand that matters - throw glass on wall it breaks. Some like me were born too fragile, unfit for adversities, some were born strong diamonds.

I might've been a caring sensitive person that could've helped others had i developed to have more compassion and love for myself. Sadly that sensitivity developed to a sick mind, unfit to take reality and not analyze it in painful crushing conclusions. Obsessing suicide from age 13, started looking at the actual dangers of my father's list of psych meds, and shortly after my own. Before that from early age being so lost and developing sick perspective to deal with feeling so flawed and worthless.

Anyway. Failed attempt last July. Always had in mind that arrogance "i will never have a second attempt, it'll end with one fully prepared and planned". Actually had powdered N, followed all PPH protocol and had a two night in motel. Think i'm the only person maybe to fail this certain full proof method, should've been smarter to know my extreme gag reflex (can't hold any liqur really, bitterness makes me gag and vomit instantly, brushing teeth often creates the reflex) would be too much of a risk.72 hours unconscious (actually had the hotel forget check me out and give me 24 more hours chance to die, but sad luck). I guess i was lucky not to be found between breathing stops and final death, but it made another attempt so much more stressful.

Having my rope as my 'hope' now for exit, but need to overcome that SI, not so much instinct for me but that rush of 'don't do it'/guilt thoughts of ruining some family members lives. Funny the one who is responsible easily forgets and is completely unaware of his destructive, though unintentional abuse. It's only way out, i'm completely hopeless and can only focus on escaping this nightmare train going forward to scary destinies, while knowing i'm dealing with actual nothing compared to others, but my mind as a cruel enemy.

TLDR: no hope here either. Given up but am the least impulsive person, so just doing it is faced with so many fucking worries and thoughts.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
I will only make one request of you.
Try not to think of it as "giving up", that is just the negative way society wants you to feel.

You are "breaking out of prison."
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Jun 21, 2018
I will only make one request of you.
Try not to think of it as "giving up", that is just the negative way society wants you to feel.

You are "breaking out of prison."
Well, at least for me i'm not really able to break out, yet. If it is a break out the process is taking more than 20 years, kind of pathetic. giving up on hope seems right, but I'm not meaning that as a put down belittling manner. Get your point, some people are hard on themselves, with society being cruel for their inability to push and shove in this fight to survive society (seems mostly like that in USA).
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