As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
Ok, I'll say this straight : I have a gf and I truly love her from the bottom of my heart. Yet, we never had a "love affair" and she is the primary reason i'll ctb
Married twice, both ended in failure. Been a single parent for the last 8 years, focusing purely on my children's well being.
Finally, after all that time I met a girl. She said all the right things, made all the right moves, that I fell absolutely head over heals for her. Played me like a violin unfortunately and now I am struggling to let her go. one of many reasons why I have had enough.
Twice divorced, and about 10 other failed relationships prior to that. Now engaged. Judging by this, I can only conclude I am a studly psycho with no redeeming long- term qualities. I kid. I'm not studly.
I'm a transgender woman (m2f) and have been married since 2008. Even though I didn't officially come out until about 3 or so years ago, she knew beforehand. Since coming out, she still stands by me. Our relationship is stronger than ever. But due to comments that have been made without realizing it, and other things, I'm sitting here at the bus stop eagerly. I know she would be happier and better off afterward, but for some reason that is beyond me, she argues with me on that..
I got a gf recently and she makes me happy, but my anxiety levels are also up 100% because I'm worried I'll somehow say the wrong thing or she'll get bored or tired of me. Being with her has eased my suicidal thoughts a lot though, although she doesn't know I'm actually suicidal ha. I'm so used to being sad all the time it has me questioning my identity cause I've let my identity essentialy become that I'm depressed, and now that things kinda look better and I'm happier idk how to feel about anything, like if I'm happy does that invalidate me being depressed all these years, and if I'm depressed aren't I supposed to happy now that I'm with her? I honestly overthink things too much and I do plan to try to talk to her about this stuff eventually, but in the meantime this forum is a good place to vent
Had a gf of 2 and a half years who broke up with me over the phone on Halloween after basically ignoring me all month.
Pretty sure she was ignoring me so she could move onto someone younger, rich and fit. What sucks is I did soooo much for her, aside from buying her a bunch of things...only to be tossed aside like nothing.
I've never had a girlfriend, but have always wanted to have a deep romance with a woman so much so that I sometimes want to have a bdsm relation with a women who femdomizes me lol.
I've never had a girlfriend, but have always wanted to have a deep romance with a woman so much so that I sometimes want to have a bdsm relation with a women who femdomizes me lol.
Growing up, when I got to the age of understanding what a relationship would mean. I did not want one. I tried anyway, because its silly to cast something out without even trying it. I enjoyed some things, but mostly just couldn't do it, I felt nothing really. I tried with 3 women. I also discovered im pretty much asexual.
I was with a beautiful and amazing girl for four years before my life became destroyed. And I have been single for 7 years now. But, alas, tis' better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all.
I was in a BDSM relationship when I was 18. I was a personal slave to a professional dominatrix. When I was good and did what I was told, she would beat the shit out of me. I was only disobedient once, and to be honest I was high so I don't remember the punishment. FYI, being high was the disobedience.
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