

Jul 1, 2023
A little post and open discussion about the games that have effected you in a positive manner! I'll start: For me it was Silent Hill 2. I played the game a few years ago now and absolutely loved it. The atmostphere, the soundtrack, the hopelessness. I wont spoil anything major, but a certain character I found myself in and it only furthered my love for silent hill. The dreary landscapes and nausiating visuals blend perfectly with the gameplay, constantly looking over your shadows and making sure you dont lurk in the dark for too long... What about you? What games have impacted you?
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Sep 12, 2024
Yup, Silent Hill 2's the one for me as well, it still helps me cope with my pain till this day. It's not my favorite game of all time but it holds so much sentimental value for me that it might as well be better than my all time favorite.
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Reactions: NullSz00, Moniker, CTB Dream and 2 others


"and if this is the end, i am glad i met you."
May 27, 2023
So many games really I could talk about really but I think Final Fantasy VII had a special impact on my life. At the time my world had fallen apart and it gave me something special to cling on to. It was an experience like no other and the memories I have playing it will always stay with me

Another game that meant a lot to me was To the Moon. That game..... wow what an emotional experience, I still only have to listen to the music and it sets me off in tears. It's only a short game but the story is magical.
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Jan 29, 2024
For me it was Grim Fandango, the story, the art style, the writing, voice acting, music. It was perfect, I've played through it who knows how many times, it's been years since I last played it but I bet I could still do all the puzzles from memory.
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Aug 1, 2024
Basically any Tomorrow Corporation game, but especially Little Inferno. The game is so simple, yet the atmosphere it creates is exceptional.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Not exactly in an entirely positive way. Some of them made me cry but:

What Remains of Edith Finch

I really enjoyed Eastshade too. I sort of felt like I'd been on holiday after that.
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Sep 29, 2022
A little post and open discussion about the games that have effected you in a positive manner! I'll start: For me it was Silent Hill 2. I played the game a few years ago now and absolutely loved it. The atmostphere, the soundtrack, the hopelessness. I wont spoil anything major, but a certain character I found myself in and it only furthered my love for silent hill. The dreary landscapes and nausiating visuals blend perfectly with the gameplay, constantly looking over your shadows and making sure you dont lurk in the dark for too long... What about you? What games have impacted you?
Dude I've heard so many good things about it. I bought it recently for my ps2 and am gonna play through it when October comes around. I'm really excited, last year or two years ago I played through the resident evil 1 remake for the first time and I love it. My fave RE
Ok, so as far as games that have impacted me. A lot, but I'll give you two of the most impactful. One being Portal 2 for the story and vibes, I remember being a teenager and feeling off when I would find the ratman dens and the music being super chilling and impactful at times. The other being Ico, playing through it after one of the worst depression times in my life, it just helped a lot and while I didn't fully forget about my troubles it really took me to a different world.
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How do I return this joy?
Aug 22, 2024
Very casual games but, A Short Hike and Sky COTL. They're comforting in their own ways to me and have helped a few times.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
Too many to count, which I guess says a lot about my life and development lol.
  • Ocarina of Time: adventure from an early age. There were parts that were scary, parts that were sad, and a whole world that was heartfelt. That one is with me forever.
  • Earthbound Beginnings. I didn't play this until college but I've played it at least a half dozen times since. Minimalist storytelling done perfectly. Amazing soundtrack that had a cheesy real soundtrack performed and released with it. It's wonderful. Would make a great anime, imo.
  • Persona 4. The second I realized it was like a slice-of-life anime that you play I thought 'where has this been all my life?'
  • Nintendoland: ultimate couch multiplayer days in college.
  • Pikmin: what a notalgic, calming atmosphere. Stuck with me forever. Most beautiful game around when it originally released.
  • Sim City 3000 and Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 + 2: way too much time on these, but learning creativity and how to make something.
  • Command & Conquer and Red Alert: the originals were two of the only games my dad ever really played with me, and I cherish that memory even though I was only 5-7.
  • Pokemon White 2: after taking a haitus from Pokemon and "kid stuff" generally, this released my inner-child from his shackles and I'm grateful for it.
  • Paper Mario: still holds up. Tightly designed and not too long. Great pacing. A world I loved to be in as a kid. My first real JRPG other than Pokemon, and I loved just talking to people, looking around the town, etc.
There are many others I'd like to mention but that's already too many. I think video games can be magical at the right time in your life.
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Reactions: NullSz00, Moniker and CTB Dream


Nov 15, 2021
Spiritfarer, played it a while ago after watching
and it made rethink whether I'll leave regret free or if there are tasks I still have to do before I'm ready to depart.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
For a while, I was successfully convinced to live and that there's hope in the future thanks to Fire Emblem Awakening. Of course, I married Lucina in that game for she symbolizes the fairy tale that even the most doomed possible futures can be saved through love and friendship and also money I guess, much like the Fire Emblem games themselves were saved by Awakening. Granted, I played the game over a decade ago in 2013 but that message has still stuck with me since even though lately I just don't see anymore hope in my own life if I can't find a Lucina all my own.
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Boss of the Lupertazzi crime family.
Sep 17, 2024
no mans sky.

it was so fucking bad when it released i returned that shit the next day and will never preorder a game again. :))
CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
Many game, now say steinsgate vn rly want time travle


Nov 1, 2023
I wouldn't say it's my favorite game, but Soma is something I think about years after playing it. It really made me ponder what it means to be human as well as the value of the human race as a whole.

Planescape: Torment is probably the best written game I've ever played. The gameplay is awful, but it's so easy to get lost in the dialogue. I see a bit of myself in the main character's struggle for identity.

Earthbound is a great one too. I always interpreted its story as a parallel for a kid entering adulthood. Fun gameplay and witty dialogue is there too.


witnessing the battle between my body and my soul
Apr 20, 2024
It's rly hard to just say one but if I have to choose I'd probably say Nier:Automata

A game with a lot of flaws I ain't gonna lie but at the same time it makes you question so many things. I love the different playthroughs because just playing it once doesn't cut it since in the next playthrough you have another character and with it a new perspective and a total of 26 endings. There are so many beautiful details and the general idea is just amazing. If you like the art style and the gameplay I would highly recommend it but it's a littl special and even if some1 only plays it for the story you can adapt the settings and some other things to make it extremely easy so you can almost call it a walking sim and only enjoy the story lines.

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