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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
First of all, I don't expect anyone to read through this entire post. It's just a resource, to back up my words and so people cannot say I'm cherry-picking or make any other falacious claims, even though the title is a lot fancier than my other thread. This is just to show that FC is an empathetic & compassionate person.

Original thread about the bullying & harassment of FuneralCry here:
Notice I've not mentioned the names of any of her harassers, they will have to out themselves, or preferably they can just stop their campaign, which has been ongoing for months. This is simply going to be a compendium of all of FC's supportive posts to show that she's not a "bot/npc that makes 16000 repetitive, divisive and controversial posts".
I would like to list it as a "resource" but since that's presumptious I've listed it as Story along with the original thread. That's enough negativity, now on to FC's posts & replies to people. I will be flipping between this and the other thread while I engage with commenters, and try to keep up energy to update this thread with new posts.

Thank you so much.
Thank you as well. This is nice to see especially after what happened on the forum recently. I always try to understand what others are going through and of course I can relate to all the posts about how horrible this life is. I wish you the best.
I also always appreciate Funeralcry's comments and theards.
I always love seeing Funeralcry's comments and it means a lot when they discuss on the forum. Though we haven't talked much, I look up to them, honestly.
I've seen them get a lot of hate and it just reaffirms my distrust in people. Where do we get support if not here?
I nominate FuneralCry. She's been here for a very long time, is about as active as anyone could be, and has a lot of empathy. The current Mods should recruit her. She'd be a fabulous Mod, IMO.
Trash has been taken out.

@FuneralCry your thread is no longer hijacked by garbage. Vent away!
Profile comment: "I'm sorry for being mean to you FuneralCry.
Thank you for being there for everyone. You make sure that nobody's post are ignored and that everyone is noticed. Thank you."
@FuneralCry For their philosophical threads and in depth responses.
FC: Your feelings of wishing to be gone from this world are understandable. I find it so dreadful the thought of still being here for another year, existing certainly is very awful. But I hope that when the time is right for you to leave, you find the freedom that you wish for.
Thanks FuneralCry, I hope you can find the peaceful method too.
Every single one of the ten posts you've made since mid-September is essentially a taunt as to why FuneralCry is still alive - basically saying "the same thing over and over again" - the very thing you accuse her of doing. At least FuneralCry's posts are thoughtful, and have some substance, whereas your posts are devoid of both those attributes.

You're not really contributing are you, you're just here to troll FuneralCry ...​
FC: There is a resources section and a search function, so people can search for any information they need. I hope that you find relief from your suffering in whatever you decide to do. I'm sorry for whatever brought you to this point.
Thanks @FuneralCry

Vent: everyone should have the right to die and to have access to peaceful methods.
Of course everyone should. I view it as being absolutely horrific how we exist in a world where people continue to selfishly and unfairly force people here yet they are denied a straightforward way to finally end this unnecessary existence. After all, death is simply the most normal and expected thing ever so there could never be anything wrong with someone choosing to leave, and all that continuing to exist is, is just delaying the inevitable anyway.

It really would be the most ideal and compassionate thing to allow people the option of a peaceful exit where they can solve all their problems and never have to suffer again, it's so wrong to make it so people have no choice but to resort to risky methods, in fact it's incredibly disgusting. Suicide should always be viewed as the human right that it is.
After all, suicide can certainly be very difficult so it doesn't exactly mean that you are cowardly feeling like you are unable to go through with it. Of course if methods like hanging were easier I would be long gone at this point, that method scares me because of the risks involved. I really envy and admire the courage of those who have managed to succeed with it though.

But I do understand that it really can be so awful and tiring feeling so trapped in this world, it really shouldn't be so difficult for us to finally free ourselves from this hellish world, all those who wish to leave should be able to exit in a straightforward and peaceful way. Anyway, I hope that you find the freedom that you wish for.
That sounds like a really horrible situation to be in, so I hope that you find the freedom that you wish for.
It really sounds like you have suffered a lot and it's understandable wishing to be free from it all. It's awful how other people can just create more harm and cause others to suffer more, I certainly do think that humans are responsible for so much of the torment that sadly exists in this world. But anyway I think that those who have the option of SN by their side are fortunate, it definitely sounds preferable to some of the more risky methods, the thought of ctb failing really is so terrifying to me. I wish you the best.

It's really true that you cannot trust people, so many people in this world just create more suffering and make this world a more hellish place. It certainly makes the thought of death sound even more appealing when I hear of how many people act in such an awful way.
That sounds like a really horrible situation to be in, it's just so awful how life can torture people this way and it's tragic how options of peaceful ways to exit are denied from us. I hope that you eventually find the freedom that you wish for from this hellish world.
I just think that only you can decide what is best, but it's really understandable just wishing to be gone when you have your method prepared and it sounds like you've suffered a lot. It certainly can be so tiring feeling trapped here, but anyway I wish you the best of luck.
After all, we all have to die somewhere, someday and death is the most normal thing ever, so no. And anyway suicide is a human right and we should all be able to exit this world without the fear of being stopped, so it's understandable planning to leave this world there.
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Sep 5, 2022
I think the main issue many users find with FC (and I myself are obviously guilty of this) is simply how strong / black&white her opinions can sometimes be.
That said, there's no denying she's a kind soul and I think many of us (again, myself included) sometimes forget there's a real person behind the screen who's obviously gone through a lot in life that have led her to form these opinions, and as strong as they might be, they're no less valid than anyone else's opinions here.
I really do think it's sad that a post like this should even be necessary, though I can understand why you made it.
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
I think the main issue many users find with FC (and I myself are obviously guilty of this) is simply how strong / black&white her opinions can sometimes be.
Not to presume that you haven't, but I've spoken to a lot of suicidal people that share the exact same views & feelings as FC. They really just don't want to be alive, life for them is torment. That should be relatable here. I don't presume that there is not some other reason for their feelings that they don't want to talk about it on a forum, since they could well be experiencing other horrors too. Sometimes its easier to talk about non-specific things, I can relate to that.

FC makes them feel validated and welcome here. She's not the villain or toxic, evil overlord of doom & gloom that some people would love to make her out to be. Most people when they make a vent post here they're treated with respect and empathy. FC makes a venting post and all the trolls pile in. The only difference between her and these other people, who generally make few posts I presume specifically for the reason they are not used to facing understanding in their lives. Is that FC has a prolific post count, and that FC consistently shows understanding, empathy and compassion for those in a similar position as her, or even not similar at all. She tries to respond to everyone with some words of support. Bullying her, and that's what it is, since so many threads by now have been derailed just to post FC in a negative light for any reason at all, someone for having black/white opinions is the same as bullying a substantial population of the site. Because they hate being alive? And yes I don't agree with everything, sometimes it goes too far. From her POV she's only saying what she thinks and feels for herself. It must be incredibly invalidating for her.

I don't agree with everything she posts, but bear in mind, at this point she's been bullied for months, if it was me I would've lost the plot a long time ago ~ I've had too much trauma in my past and even on medication I don't think I would be able to put up with it for long. Only Rain and the moderation team know the exact extent, I've not seen everything of the little digs at her, lowkey attacks, highkey attacks etc but I've seen enough to make me sick. Anyhow your input is valued, I haven't finished posting examples yet, I just got interrupted at the door. I also think its sad that a thread like this is necessary, but it simply is because some people don't work in honourable ways in my eyes, and against that its better to set up a wall of facts to combat hearsay. Hearsay sounds true to anyone until you investigate it.
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Jan 6, 2023
I wish I could be as kind-hearted and warm as FC if I could ever speak English.
She is always there to help almost anyone who posts a thread here, and her replies are usually helpful, warm, and touching, I personally can feel it.
I don't actually know about what is going on after I have read this whole thread (translated into Chinese). But I hope it will get better for her. She's so kind a person, she shouldn't be treated like that mentioned above if I didn't misunderstand the whole thread.
I'm sorry for my poor, awkward English. Just hope everything goes better.
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
I wish I could be as kind-hearted and warm as FC if I could ever speak English.
She is always there to help almost anyone who posts a thread here, and her replies are usually helpful, warm, and touching, I personally can feel it.
I don't actually know about what is going on after I have read this whole thread (translated into Chinese). But I hope it will get better for her. She's so kind a person, she shouldn't be treated like that mentioned above if I didn't misunderstand the whole thread.
I'm sorry for my poor, awkward English. Just hope everything goes better.
Don't worry, you understood perfectly. Wanting to be as kind-hearted and warm as FC is a lovely sentiment, thank you:)
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Thanks again for being so kind. Suicidal people shouldn't be insulted for hating life and just wanting to die, but sadly we do exist in such a hellish world and there is nothing fair about any of this. But anyway, I wish you the best of luck.
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
Thanks again for being so kind. Suicidal people shouldn't be insulted for hating life and just wanting to die, but sadly we do exist in such a hellish world and there is nothing fair about any of this. But anyway, I wish you the best of luck.
You are welcome FC, remember I've got your back.
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I see the bus...I can almost see it
Aug 19, 2022
I love her. She reminds me the real princess of death.


Jul 15, 2022
I find it unbelievable that there is such a long publication dedicated to one user. Sounds like fanatic

She is a user like any other
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