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Aug 30, 2022
I dont generally post much anymore, generally so exhausted with life I just think whats the point……..but thought I would mention my latest "attempt ", if you can call it that.

I am going through a nightmare, a story too long and complicated to explain, but suicide is on my mind every second of every single day!

I have planned out my suicide and arranged everything so Im ready to go on many occasions,(mainly drowning attempts). So this weekend just gone, I got drunk and had everything in place for another attempt. I was convinced I could do it.

My preference is drowning, but its not easy to find the correct place or scenario to carry that out. So I wanted to try full suspension hanging instead. I have tried "partial" a few times but SI kicks in massively and its too easy just to stand up or back out.

So I felt I wanted to give myself less chance, and found my spot at home where I could fully suspend myself, it was from the loft hatch which is high enough, with a pull up exercise bar taking my weight.

I stood on my chair ready to kick it away, and put my head in the slipknot noose. I tested a few times before fully committing, so I had confidence the ligature wouldn't snap.

After standing there for about 20/25 minutes and my brain trying desperately to talk myself out of it (SI again), I reached up and eased myself off the chair, and kicked it away.

The strain and sheer pain from the pressure is immense, its like every drop of blood in your body is filling your head……such a horrible feeling. I was reaching out to grab things in panic, as expected, but couldn't.

I was probably swinging around for 30/40 seconds, felt hazy and in pain, but I just couldn't pass out. And the pain was so overwhelming I managed to reach the pull up bar and lift myself high enough for my head to pop out of the noose. I dropped to the floor hurting my ankle and just lay there gasping for air and crying like a failure.

I feel if I had passed out, then I wouldn't be typing this now. So why when I watch hanging videos do they achieve unconsciousness so easily? I felt the noose was positioned correctly, under my jaw and above my adams apple. So why didn't I lose consciousness after 12 seconds like everyone states?

I feel the set up was correct, the 10mm rope was the recommended one, the height was right……..so why did I fail? Why is it just so damn hard to just end it? I feel distraught today because its yet another attempt that failed.

I will try again, but I don't live alone and the timing has to be perfect.

Has anyone else tried full suspension? Any tips at where I may of gone wrong?

I understand its all about the pressure on the carotid artery but it certainly felt my whole weight was applied to it.

My throat hurts today, when I swallow. Not been able to eat much. Neck feels strained as well which is to be expected.

Im baffled 😔
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À ma manière 🪦
Aug 18, 2024
It must have been a terrible and incredible experience. The hanging is not as peaceful as they would have you believe. Maybe the videos we see are fake. Have you ever thought about it? Firse, the suffering must be really great to be able to hang himself.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I'm sorry your attempt failed but don't be too hard to yourself 🫂
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May 5, 2024
I don't generally give suicide advice, but I see this over and over again, where people attempt to strangle themselves by hanging. It sounds awful!

Hanging is my preferred method. It's cheap, very available, and old and proven. Executed "properly" it's my understanding that it's pretty painless.
If I hang myself it'll be a standard/long (~2m) drop, designed to immediately break the neck.

That's how prisoners were (and still are in some places) executed, and supposedly one of the most humane way to do it. The official table of drops listing optimal drop heights and related data is available in Wikipedia.

Also, don't forget that living is also a perfectly viable alternative for most people.
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Nov 25, 2024
Sorry for your pain :heart:
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Aug 30, 2022
It must have been a terrible and incredible experience. The hanging is not as peaceful as they would have you believe. Maybe the videos we see are fake. Have you ever thought about it? Firse, the suffering must be really great to be able to hang himself.
The videos are on LiveGore , seem very real and hard to fake. I just don't get how they do it so easily
I don't generally give suicide advice, but I see this over and over again, where people attempt to strangle themselves by hanging. It sounds awful!

Hanging is my preferred method. It's cheap, very available, and old and proven. Executed "properly" it's my understanding that it's pretty painless.
If I hang myself it'll be a standard/long (~2m) drop, designed to immediately break the neck.

That's how prisoners were (and still are in some places) executed, and supposedly one of the most humane way to do it. The official table of drops listing optimal drop heights and related data is available in Wikipedia.

Also, don't forget that living is also a perfectly viable alternative for most people.
I cant and wont do the drop part, where it breaks the neck. I've seen many videos where people just lower themselves off the chair and the weight on the arteries kills you. Imagine dropping, breaking your neck but then not passing out, so you hang there helpless. Couldn't do it 😩


Aug 18, 2024
En général, je ne poste plus beaucoup, je suis généralement tellement épuisé par la vie que je me demande juste à quoi bon… mais j'ai pensé que je mentionnerais ma dernière « tentative », si on peut l'appeler ainsi.

Je vis un cauchemar, une histoire trop longue et compliquée à expliquer, mais le suicide est dans mon esprit à chaque seconde de chaque jour !

J'ai planifié mon suicide et tout organisé pour être prête à me suicider à plusieurs reprises (principalement des tentatives de noyade). Donc ce week-end, je me suis saoulée et j'avais tout mis en place pour une autre tentative. J'étais convaincue que je pouvais y arriver.

Ma préférence va à la noyade, mais il n'est pas facile de trouver le bon endroit ou le bon scénario pour y parvenir. J'ai donc voulu essayer la suspension complète à la place. J'ai essayé la suspension partielle plusieurs fois, mais la SI intervient massivement et il est trop facile de se lever ou de reculer.

J'ai donc eu envie de me donner moins de chances, et j'ai trouvé mon endroit à la maison où je pouvais me suspendre complètement, c'était depuis la trappe du grenier qui est assez haute, avec une barre d'exercice de traction prenant mon poids.

Je me suis levé sur ma chaise, prêt à l'écarter d'un coup de pied, et j'ai mis ma tête dans le nœud coulant. J'ai fait quelques essais avant de m'engager pleinement, afin d'être sûr que la ligature ne se casserait pas.

Après être resté là pendant environ 20/25 minutes et avoir essayé désespérément de me convaincre de ne pas le faire (encore SI), j'ai tendu la main et me suis relevé de la chaise, puis je l'ai jetée au loin d'un coup de pied.

La tension et la douleur pure causées par la pression sont immenses, c'est comme si chaque goutte de sang dans votre corps remplissait votre tête... une sensation horrible. J'ai essayé de saisir des objets en panique, comme prévu, mais je n'ai pas pu.

J'ai dû me balancer pendant 30 à 40 secondes, je me sentais confus et j'avais mal, mais je ne pouvais pas m'évanouir. Et la douleur était si intense que j'ai réussi à atteindre la barre de traction et à me lever suffisamment haut pour que ma tête sorte du nœud coulant. Je suis tombé par terre, me faisant mal à la cheville, et je suis resté allongé là, haletant et pleurant comme un raté.

J'ai l'impression que si je m'étais évanouie, je ne serais pas en train d'écrire ceci aujourd'hui. Alors pourquoi, quand je regarde des vidéos de pendaison, perd-on si facilement connaissance ? J'ai senti que le nœud coulant était correctement positionné, sous ma mâchoire et au-dessus de ma pomme d'Adam. Alors pourquoi n'ai-je pas perdu connaissance après 12 secondes comme tout le monde le dit ?

Je pense que l'installation était correcte, la corde de 10 mm était celle recommandée, la hauteur était correcte... alors pourquoi ai-je échoué ? Pourquoi est-ce si difficile de tout arrêter ? Je me sens désemparée aujourd'hui parce que c'est encore une autre tentative qui a échoué.

Je vais réessayer, mais je ne vis pas seul et le timing doit être parfait.

Quelqu'un d'autre a-t-il essayé la suspension intégrale ? Avez-vous des conseils sur les erreurs que j'ai pu commettre ?

Je comprends que tout est une question de pression sur l'artère carotide, mais j'avais vraiment l'impression que tout mon poids était appliqué dessus.

Aujourd'hui, j'ai mal à la gorge quand j'avale. Je n'ai pas pu manger beaucoup. J'ai aussi mal au cou, ce qui est normal.

Je suis déconcerté😔
I'm not surprised, and I'm sorry for you. I failed too with full suspension. I thought it was easy, it's not. In fact, I don't think people fall into unconsciousness so fast. Maybe a small part of them but it seems it could need many and many seconds or even several minutes before being unconscious and yes, it's extremely painful, terrible, awful. And did you have strong vomiting reflex too ? I had and it was awful, it made me become crazy and moving a lot.
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May 5, 2024
Imagine dropping, breaking your neck but then not passing out, so you hang there helpless.
It's violent for sure... but it's the only way I see hanging as an "easy" method.
I've seen way too many reports of failed partials, and the like.

To successfully choke yourself out without struggle, likely requires heavy drugs or specific physiological conditions.
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Aug 30, 2022
I'm not surprised, and I'm sorry for you. I failed too with full suspension. I thought it was easy, it's not. In fact, I don't think people fall into unconsciousness so fast. Maybe a small part of them but it seems it could need many and many seconds or even several minutes before being unconscious and yes, it's extremely painful, terrible, awful. And did you have strong vomiting reflex too ? I had and it was awful, it made me become crazy and moving a lot.
Yeh its super hard, but I definitely can be done so got to figure out where I went wrong.

I had no problem with gagging or wanting to be sick, none of that. Just the very uncomfortable feeling of your own head filling up with blood 😩
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It feels so cruel to me how it's so difficult to be permanently free from this existence, I wish there's the option to just simply die in peace, it's so horrible to me how trying to die can go wrong. But anyway I wish you the best, I hope that you find the peace you search for.
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Aug 18, 2024
Ouais, c'est super dur, mais je peux définitivement y arriver, alors je dois comprendre où je me suis trompé.

Je n'avais aucun problème de haut-le-cœur ou de nausée, rien de tout ça. Juste la sensation très inconfortable d'avoir la tête pleine de sang😩
C'est étrange que vous n'ayez pas eu de réflexe de vomissement, c'est tout à fait normal d'en avoir un et c'est encore plus étrange que votre trachée n'ait pas été complètement écrasée during these 30-40 seconds. There is something not logical as, in the same time, you felt strong signs of stopped blood flow in your head (what is normal). Normaly, your tongue should have been pushed up too, causing suffocation (like the crushed trachea). So, there are several things that seem not logical in your experience. But the reason why ? mystery...
Ouais, c'est super dur, mais je peux définitivement y arriver, alors je dois comprendre où je me suis trompé.

Je n'avais aucun problème de haut-le-cœur ou de nausée, rien de tout ça. Juste la sensation très inconfortable d'avoir la tête pleine de sang😩


Aug 27, 2024
James Berry set a work about long drop's heights. Based of 100+ executions


Victim of Sexual Violence, Invisible and Abandoned
Apr 29, 2024
I dont generally post much anymore, generally so exhausted with life I just think whats the point……..but thought I would mention my latest "attempt ", if you can call it that.

I am going through a nightmare, a story too long and complicated to explain, but suicide is on my mind every second of every single day!

I have planned out my suicide and arranged everything so Im ready to go on many occasions,(mainly drowning attempts). So this weekend just gone, I got drunk and had everything in place for another attempt. I was convinced I could do it.

My preference is drowning, but its not easy to find the correct place or scenario to carry that out. So I wanted to try full suspension hanging instead. I have tried "partial" a few times but SI kicks in massively and its too easy just to stand up or back out.

So I felt I wanted to give myself less chance, and found my spot at home where I could fully suspend myself, it was from the loft hatch which is high enough, with a pull up exercise bar taking my weight.

I stood on my chair ready to kick it away, and put my head in the slipknot noose. I tested a few times before fully committing, so I had confidence the ligature wouldn't snap.

After standing there for about 20/25 minutes and my brain trying desperately to talk myself out of it (SI again), I reached up and eased myself off the chair, and kicked it away.

The strain and sheer pain from the pressure is immense, its like every drop of blood in your body is filling your head……such a horrible feeling. I was reaching out to grab things in panic, as expected, but couldn't.

I was probably swinging around for 30/40 seconds, felt hazy and in pain, but I just couldn't pass out. And the pain was so overwhelming I managed to reach the pull up bar and lift myself high enough for my head to pop out of the noose. I dropped to the floor hurting my ankle and just lay there gasping for air and crying like a failure.

I feel if I had passed out, then I wouldn't be typing this now. So why when I watch hanging videos do they achieve unconsciousness so easily? I felt the noose was positioned correctly, under my jaw and above my adams apple. So why didn't I lose consciousness after 12 seconds like everyone states?

I feel the set up was correct, the 10mm rope was the recommended one, the height was right……..so why did I fail? Why is it just so damn hard to just end it? I feel distraught today because its yet another attempt that failed.

I will try again, but I don't live alone and the timing has to be perfect.

Has anyone else tried full suspension? Any tips at where I may of gone wrong?

I understand its all about the pressure on the carotid artery but it certainly felt my whole weight was applied to it.

My throat hurts today, when I swallow. Not been able to eat much. Neck feels strained as well which is to be expected.

Im baffled 😔
sadly its probably because with a broken neck they cant easily scream and cry

this world is just awful and evil and terrible.

you aren't a failure. suicide is hard to complete and many people don't complete it despite trying

why are you planning on doing it at home if you have someone living there who will disover you? it seems... excessive. is there another way less likely to traumatize your housemate? i dont know your situation so pardon my questions

why are you here? what makes yoy sad?
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À ma manière 🪦
Aug 18, 2024
Yeh its super hard, but I definitely can be done so got to figure out where I went wrong.

I had no problem with gagging or wanting to be sick, none of that. Just the very uncomfortable feeling of your own head filling up with blood 😩
But it's strange. It looks like you didn't close the carotids, but only the jugulars. What was the knot like?
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Aug 30, 2022
sadly its probably because with a broken neck they cant easily scream and cry

this world is just awful and evil and terrible.

you aren't a failure. suicide is hard to complete and many people don't complete it despite trying

why are you planning on doing it at home if you have someone living there who will disover you? it seems... excessive. is there another way less likely to traumatize your housemate? i dont know your situation so pardon my questions

why are you here? what makes yoy sad?
It will be my wife who finds me. She is a huge part of the reason I will die at home. Mental abuse, cheating, deceit and so much more for years.

I honestly don't care if it upsets her 😌
But it's strange. It looks like you didn't close the carotids, but only the jugulars. What was the knot like?
Slip knot round the neck as per the guide.

It's pretty certain that I just never caught the "sweet spot ". But it was my first attempt at full suspension so its all trial and error.
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Vengeance Incarnate
Apr 13, 2022
It will be my wife who finds me. She is a huge part of the reason I will die at home. Mental abuse, cheating, deceit and so much more for years.

I honestly don't care if it upsets her 😌

Slip knot round the neck as per the guide.

It's pretty certain that I just never caught the "sweet spot ". But it was my first attempt at full suspension so its all trial and error.
That really sucks, when are you planning to go?


Victim of Sexual Violence, Invisible and Abandoned
Apr 29, 2024
It will be my wife who finds me. She is a huge part of the reason I will die at home. Mental abuse, cheating, deceit and so much more for years.

I honestly don't care if it upsets her 😌

Slip knot round the neck as per the guide.

It's pretty certain that I just never caught the "sweet spot ". But it was my first attempt at full suspension so its all trial and error.

have you ever just thought of divorce?
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Aug 30, 2022
That really sucks, when are you planning to go?
I have to wait until my next opportunity. Not sure when.

Xmas fast approaching which makes it all the traumatising for my family.

It could be January but only god knows

have you ever just thought of divorce?
We are going through the divorce now.

Its a long complicated story starting from the collapse of my business .

Wont bore you with it all, I just wanna pass away peacefully and have life done with…….never easy though is it
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Smaller than a grain of salt in the wide sea
Jul 19, 2024
Did you use any cloth to pad your neck?

Also, did you gently get out of where you were holding on or kick the chair/something like that?
Because if you went gently, it really makes it difficult to constrict the carotids and ends up only restricting the jugulars.

Maybe your neck has a lot of muscles and this makes it difficult for the carotid arteries to constrict and it ends up only blocking the jugular veins and that's why you feel your head filling with blood.
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Love is a toothache in the heart. H.Heine
Dec 12, 2020
Do you have an image of your rope?

It seems that flexible ropes work best (there was a post on this by somebody recently) because they allow the carotids to be tightened correctly.

However, it seems complicated to get the right rope because the only solid ropes sold are made of polyester and they are not flexible...
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Jul 18, 2022
Yeah the idea of hanging is quite forbiding tbh.

Read all the time how these teenagers manage to hang themselves so it can't be that hard right?

Well seems not, sadly.
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Victim of Sexual Violence, Invisible and Abandoned
Apr 29, 2024
I have to wait until my next opportunity. Not sure when.

Xmas fast approaching which makes it all the traumatising for my family.

It could be January but only god knows

We are going through the divorce now.

Its a long complicated story starting from the collapse of my business .

Wont bore you with it all, I just wanna pass away peacefully and have life done with…….never easy though is it
ok sorry things are so hard
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Nov 16, 2023
I noticed that people have very different necks - from long and thin to wide and very short. When I look at some people, I have an impression that their heads grow straight from the torso )) I wonder if hanging can even work on them at all. It must be hard to compress your neck if you don't have one )

I think, the experience and the success of hanging highly depends on your individual anatomy. Something that works well for other people, may not work so well for you simply because of your specific parameters.

If you want to CTB without a severe discomfort, maybe it's worth to consider some methods from XXI century instead of hanging.
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Gustav Hartmann

Gustav Hartmann

Aug 28, 2021
I dont generally post much anymore, generally so exhausted with life I just think whats the point……..but thought I would mention my latest "attempt ", if you can call it that.

I am going through a nightmare, a story too long and complicated to explain, but suicide is on my mind every second of every single day!

I have planned out my suicide and arranged everything so Im ready to go on many occasions,(mainly drowning attempts). So this weekend just gone, I got drunk and had everything in place for another attempt. I was convinced I could do it.

My preference is drowning, but its not easy to find the correct place or scenario to carry that out. So I wanted to try full suspension hanging instead. I have tried "partial" a few times but SI kicks in massively and its too easy just to stand up or back out.

So I felt I wanted to give myself less chance, and found my spot at home where I could fully suspend myself, it was from the loft hatch which is high enough, with a pull up exercise bar taking my weight.

I stood on my chair ready to kick it away, and put my head in the slipknot noose. I tested a few times before fully committing, so I had confidence the ligature wouldn't snap.

After standing there for about 20/25 minutes and my brain trying desperately to talk myself out of it (SI again), I reached up and eased myself off the chair, and kicked it away.

The strain and sheer pain from the pressure is immense, its like every drop of blood in your body is filling your head……such a horrible feeling. I was reaching out to grab things in panic, as expected, but couldn't.

I was probably swinging around for 30/40 seconds, felt hazy and in pain, but I just couldn't pass out. And the pain was so overwhelming I managed to reach the pull up bar and lift myself high enough for my head to pop out of the noose. I dropped to the floor hurting my ankle and just lay there gasping for air and crying like a failure.

I feel if I had passed out, then I wouldn't be typing this now. So why when I watch hanging videos do they achieve unconsciousness so easily? I felt the noose was positioned correctly, under my jaw and above my adams apple. So why didn't I lose consciousness after 12 seconds like everyone states?

I feel the set up was correct, the 10mm rope was the recommended one, the height was right……..so why did I fail? Why is it just so damn hard to just end it? I feel distraught today because its yet another attempt that failed.

I will try again, but I don't live alone and the timing has to be perfect.

Has anyone else tried full suspension? Any tips at where I may of gone wrong?

I understand its all about the pressure on the carotid artery but it certainly felt my whole weight was applied to it.

My throat hurts today, when I swallow. Not been able to eat much. Neck feels strained as well which is to be expected.

Im baffled 😔
How do you know that you were swinging for 30 to 40 seconds? The sense of time can be deceptive in extreme situations.
If you were not able to reach your pull up bar, you would be dead now and would probably not remember anything of your bad experience. An experience someone cannnot remember is like never experienced.
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Aug 30, 2022
Do you have an image of your rope?

It seems that flexible ropes work best (there was a post on this by somebody recently) because they allow the carotids to be tightened correctly.

However, it seems complicated to get the right rope because the only solid ropes sold are made of polyester and they are not flexible...

How do you know that you were swinging for 30 to 40 seconds? The sense of time can be deceptive in extreme situations.
If you were not able to reach your pull up bar, you would be dead now and would probably not remember anything of your bad experience. An experience someone cannnot remember is like never experienced.
Really don't get what you mean.

Once I kicked my chair, I was hoping within 15 seconds id begin to pass out……30/40 seconds is a guess but it certainly wasn't more than a minute because the of the pain.

I could reach up to the bar and still had strength to pull myself up to unhook myself from the noose. Then dropped.

I do think if I could of taken the pain abit more, Id certainly of waited and hoped to of passed out.

You learn every time and all you can do is keep trying!
Did you use any cloth to pad your neck?

Also, did you gently get out of where you were holding on or kick the chair/something like that?
Because if you went gently, it really makes it difficult to constrict the carotids and ends up only restricting the jugulars.

Maybe your neck has a lot of muscles and this makes it difficult for the carotid arteries to constrict and it ends up only blocking the jugular veins and that's why you feel your head filling with blood.
Certainly going to try padding the carotid's next time
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Born failure, live failure, die failure
Nov 1, 2024
Really don't get what you mean.

Once I kicked my chair, I was hoping within 15 seconds id begin to pass out……30/40 seconds is a guess but it certainly wasn't more than a minute because the of the pain.

I could reach up to the bar and still had strength to pull myself up to unhook myself from the noose. Then dropped.

I do think if I could of taken the pain abit more, Id certainly of waited and hoped to of passed out.

You learn every time and all you can do is keep trying!
I'm sorry your attempt failed and was painful, you must be having a lot of hard feelings. You should do a lot of thinking about the attempt and decide if you want to try hanging again, find another method, or if you want to make this a turning point for yourself. Killing yourself is really hard
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Sep 12, 2024
It's violent for sure... but it's the only way I see hanging as an "easy" method.
I've seen way too many reports of failed partials, and the like.

To successfully choke yourself out without struggle, likely requires heavy drugs or specific physiological conditions.
My question is: is it partly the drugs making this difficult? Like when you hear about awful drunk driving car crashes where everyone but the intoxicated person dies. Alcohol really relaxes the body so I wonder if it's actually a hindrance.
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May 5, 2024
My question is: is it partly the drugs making this difficult? Like when you hear about awful drunk driving car crashes where everyone but the intoxicated person dies. Alcohol really relaxes the body so I wonder if it's actually a hindrance.
Drugs is a huge spectrum, but yes I think many people fail because they're too intoxicated to do things properly.

I don't personally believe that alcohol protects people, in the way you imply. The reflex to tense the body is a protective measure evolved over a long time, and it makes sense to have the muscles and bones to take the impact, rather than leaving it to joints and other stuff.
Drunk people also die all the time for various, often dumb reasons.
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Sep 12, 2024
Drugs is a huge spectrum, but yes I think many people fail because they're too intoxicated to do things properly.

I don't personally believe that alcohol protects people, in the way you imply. The reflex to tense the body is a protective measure evolved over a long time, and it makes sense to have the muscles and bones to take the impact, rather than leaving it to joints and other stuff.
Drunk people also die all the time for various, often dumb reasons.
It's a pretty well documented phenomena. It's exactly that reflex, that is diminished by alcohol, that protects the individual.

What does drunk people dying all the time have to do with it? And why include the word dumb?


May 5, 2024
It's a pretty well documented phenomena.
With little scientific backing...

"In total, 227,548 (alcohol-intake, n=48,581; no-alcohol-intake, n=178,967) patients were included. After adjusting for age, time of injury, use of public ambulance, and season, multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that injuries were more likely to be severe in the alcohol-intake group than in the no-alcohol-intake group (odds ratio, 1.60; 95% confidence interval, 1.47–1.75)."

What does drunk people dying all the time have to do with it? And why include the word dumb?
When people drink the likelihood of them engaging in risky behavior without good cause increases drastically. On top of that their judgement and ability to execute tasks accurately is diminished. "Dumb" was a casual way to describe that. No disrespect intended.

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